Upgrade Posit Connect
This page only covers upgrading Posit Connect on the same server and between supported versions. If you are planning on changing servers or you are upgrading from an older unsupported version, please see the How to Upgrade and/or Migrate Posit Team guide.
This section describes how to upgrade Posit Connect. Upgrading Connect requires limited downtime (typically less than 10 minutes). See Install Posit Professional Products for alternative upgrade instructions (e.g., cloud marketplaces, or using Helm charts with Kubernetes).
This page includes instructions for downloading Posit professional products. Download and/or use of these products is governed under the terms of the Posit End User License Agreement. By downloading, you agree to the terms posted there.
Upgrade planning
We recommend creating a backup of the Posit Connect database and data directory before upgrading. If you need to roll back to a prior version, you will need these backups. See the Downgrading section for more details.
Upgrading Posit Connect requires limited downtime. Scheduled document renders are interrupted, and connections to running applications and APIs are closed. We recommend upgrading during a period of low usage. Users can be warned ahead of an upgrade with system messages.
The Posit Connect version number is visible on the left-hand navigation pane of the Posit Connect dashboard.
New features, bug fixes, breaking changes, and deprecated features are announced by the Release Notes and the Product Information email subscription list.
When performing an upgrade from a much older version of Connect, reviewing the detailed Release Notes is strongly recommended.
The new version of Posit Connect installs on top of an earlier installation. Existing configuration settings are respected. The Connect service is restarted during installation. Total downtime is less than 10 minutes.
When upgrading a multi-node environment, stop Connect on each node before upgrading. You must upgrade all nodes; do not run different versions of Connect in one environment.
If you need to upgrade your version of Connect in an offline environment, download the appropriate .rpm
or .deb
using the commands given below, copy it to your offline server, and run the installation command.
Download links and installation commands for the latest version of Connect are available from the public documentation site.
The instructions below correspond to the Connect version associated with this documentation and may not reference the latest version.
Run the following to download and install Connect:
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-$(arch)-rpms
sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.el9.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.el9.x86_64.rpm
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.el8.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.el8.x86_64.rpm
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu24_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu24_amd64.deb
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu22_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu22_amd64.deb
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu20_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./rstudio-connect_2025.03.0~ubuntu20_amd64.deb
curl -O https://cdn.posit.co/connect/2025.03/rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.sles15.x86_64.rpm
sudo zypper install rstudio-connect-2025.03.0.sles15.x86_64.rpm
Please see the Server Installation steps for additional information.