Files & Directories
Program Files
The Posit Connect installers place all program files into the /opt/rstudio-connect
You should not need to change any files in the /opt/rstudio-connect
hierarchy. Any alterations will be overwritten by subsequent reinstalls or upgrades of Posit Connect.
When using the Helm chart, do not set these configurations in the main rstudio-connect.gcfg
. Instead, modify the values.yaml
configuration file that is used to invoke the helm
command. Helm then generates the rstudio-connect.gcfg
configuration for Posit Connect. For a detailed overview of this feature, see the Getting Started documentation.
The main Posit Connect configuration file is /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
. This file is initially owned by root
with permissions 0600
. You will edit this file to properly configure Posit Connect for your organization.
Restart Posit Connect after altering the rstudio-connect.gcfg
configuration file using the instructions in the Stopping and Starting section.
Configuration settings marked as “reloadable” do not require a full restart. See the Configuration appendix to learn which properties are reloadable. You can find a “reload” command for your operating system in the Stopping and Starting section.
A configuration management tool like Puppet or Chef can be used to maintain the rstudio-connect.gcfg
file. We recommend that it remain owned by root
and have permissions 0600
, as your configuration may need to contain passwords and other sensitive information.
Posit Connect upgrades will not overwrite customizations to the rstudio-connect.gcfg
file. Similarly, the initial installation of Posit Connect will not overwrite the rstudio-connect.gcfg
file if it already exists.
See the Configuration appendix for details about the configuration files, their syntax, the available settings, and more.
Server Log
If you are using the official Posit Connect container image, the server logs are written to stdout
by default and are not available at the default log path /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.log
. If you prefer to log to a file, you will need to modify the value of the Logging.ServiceLog
The Posit Connect server log is located at /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.log
. This file is owned by root
with permissions 0600
If logrotate
is available when Posit Connect is installed, a logrotate
configuration will be installed. The default configuration is to rotate the log file daily. The old log file will be stored alongside the original with a numeric extension, .1
, .2
, etc. The rotated log files are compressed after one day. The .1
log file is retained uncompressed, but older logs are compressed. Most systems use gzip
for compression, giving log files with extensions like .2.gz
, .3.gz
. Logs will be maintained for 30 days.
The manual for logrotate
has more information.
Access Logs
The Posit Connect HTTP access logs are located at /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.access.log
. This file is owned by root
with permissions 0600
. Log files are stored in Apache Combined Log Format. See for a description of this format.
If logrotate
is available when Posit Connect is installed, a logrotate
configuration will be installed. The default configuration is to rotate the logfile daily. The old logfile will be compressed and stored alongside the original log file with a .1.gz
extension (then .2.gz
, etc.). Logs will maintained for 30 days.
If you configure Posit Connect to write to a different file, you will need to update the logrotate
configuration accordingly.
Audit Log
The Posit Connect audit log file is optional and, if configured, is located at /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.audit.log
. This file is owned by root
with permissions 0600
. Audit log files are stored in either CSV or JSON format.
If logrotate
is available when Posit Connect is installed, a logrotate
configuration will be installed. The default configuration is to rotate the audit log file monthly. The old logfile will be compressed and stored alongside the original log file with a .1.gz
extension (then .2.gz
, etc.). Logs will maintained for the past 12 months.
If you configure Posit Connect to write to a different file, you will need to update the logrotate
configuration accordingly.
Application Logs
Each process launched by Posit Connect produces output that is retained within the jobs
subdirectory of the Posit Connect data directory (see the Variable Data section for details). These directories and files are managed by the server. They are retained for 30 days and subsequently removed from the system.
Application logs are available in the Posit Connect dashboard. The dashboard settings page for deployed content contains a Logs section containing execution details for each launched process. Standard output and standard error are captured and available.
Variable Data
Posit Connect manages uploaded applications, APIs, documents, and plots. All of the variable data associated with this content is stored within the server’s data directory. This includes:
- Deployment bundles as uploaded by the user.
- Directories containing unpacked bundles, including source code.
- R and Python packages, as demanded by the deployed code.
- Rendered documents.
- Application images as uploaded by the user.
- Git repository clones associated with applications.
The Posit Connect data directory also contains information used by the server in managing your deployed content. This includes:
- The Posit Connect encryption key.
- SQLite database files.
- Process execution information including logged output.
- Parameter overrides for R Markdown documents.
The default location for the Posit Connect data directory is /var/lib/rstudio-connect
. This can be customized by specifying an alternate Server.DataDir
in your configuration file.
; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
DataDir = /mnt/posit-connect
The Posit Connect SQLite database files must be on a local file system; they cannot reside on a networked file system. If the location for Server.DataDir
is a networked file system, perhaps over NFS, configure SQLite.Dir
to keep the SQLite data files on local storage.
; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
DataDir = /mnt/nfs/posit-connect
Dir = /var/lib/rstudio-connect/db
If you would like to store the encryption key separate from the other variable data, customize Database.Dir
. You should also configure SQLite.Dir
to indicate where the SQLite data files are stored.
; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
DataDir = /mnt/nfs/posit-connect
Dir = /mnt/secrets/posit-connect
Dir = /var/lib/rstudio-connect/db
Posit Connect will not start if the following user-configurable directories are located under Posit Connect’s installation directory (typically /opt/rstudio-connect
): Server.DataDir
, SQLite.Dir
, Server.TempDir
, Database.Dir
, Server.LandingDir
. See below for help safely relocating variable data.
Relocating Variable Data
Any time you change the settings Server.DataDir
, Database.Dir
or SQLite.Dir
, you MUST manually move files in those directories from the old location to the new location. Failure to do so may lead to data loss or other errors. Read on for specific directions.
Here are a few scenarios:
is being customized, all files which the names have a prefix ofconnect
should be moved to the new location. All other files, including the encryption.key
file should not be moved.If
is being customized, all files that were previously stored in{Server.DataDir}/db
should be moved to the new location.If
is being customized, all files under the configured directory should be moved.
The encryption key is specially sensitive to changes to these settings and can prevent Posit Connect from starting up if not moved correctly. If the encryption key is lost a new one will be created automatically but all encrypted data will be unrecoverable. See the Connect Administrative Tool appendix for more information on how to allow Connect to run again in this situation using the command rscadmin reset-secret-key
Posit Connect assigns ownership and permissions to files beneath the data directory as they are created. This section documents the general ownership patterns you will find under the Posit Connect data directory.
File ownership and permissions within the data directory are adjusted automatically by Posit Connect. You should not need to adjust the ownership or permissions for any files within the Posit Connect data directory.
Directories directly accessed from R and Python will usually be owned by the Applications.RunAs
user and the Applications.SharedRunAsUnixGroup
The Applications.RunAs
setting defaults to use an rstudio-connect
account. The Applications.SharedRunAsUnixGroup
setting defaults to use an rstudio-connect
group. Both the rstudio-connect
Unix user and group are created during Posit Connect installation.
Both Applications.RunAs
and Applications.SharedRunAsUnixGroup
can be customized. See the process management section for additional details and examples.
We use the Unix account and group name rstudio-connect
throughout this section instead of referencing these property names.
Directories used during metrics collection are owned by the rstudio-connect
user (customizable via the Metrics.User
setting). Group ownership for these directories will be the primary Unix group of the Unix user defined by Metrics.User
The Operational Metrics page describes how to configure metrics collection.
The /var/lib/rstudio-connect
directory is owned by root
with permissions 0701
Data directories beneath /var/lib/rstudio-connect
not accessed by applications or by the monitoring system are owned by root
with 0700
The metrics
directory contains data recorded by the Connect metrics system.
Path Owner Permission
/var/lib/rstudio-connect/ root 0701 \- metrics/ rstudio-connect 0700
All files and directories beneath the metrics
hierarchy must be owned by the rstudio-connect
user (configured by the Metrics.User
The R
directory contains R packages used by Connect to assist when content is deployed. It is a private R library that is not available to content when it runs.
Path Owner Permission
/var/lib/rstudio-connect/ root 0701
\- R/ rstudio-connect 0700 \- 4.3.0/ rstudio-connect 0700
All files and directories beneath the R
hierarchy must be owned by rstudio-connect
. Files are given 0600
permissions and directories have 0700
The packrat
subdirectory contains R packages installed on behalf of deployed content. These packages are installed when content is deployed and used each time the content runs.
Path Owner Permission
/var/lib/rstudio-connect/ root 0701
\- packrat/ rstudio-connect 0700 \- 4.3.0/ rstudio-connect 0700
All files and directories beneath the packrat
hierarchy must be owned by the rstudio-connect
user and the rstudio-connect
group. Files must have 0640
permissions while directories need 0750
The python-environments
directories contains downloaded Python packages and virtual environments built on behalf of deployed content. Python environments may be shared by multiple content items if the dependencies match.
Path Owner Permission
/var/lib/rstudio-connect/ root 0701
\- python-environments/ rstudio-connect 0700
\- _packages_cache rstudio-connect 0750
\- pip/ rstudio-connect 0750
\- 3.11.3/ rstudio-connect 0750
\- pip/ rstudio-connect 0750 \- 3.11.3/ rstudio-connect 0750
All files and directories beneath the python-environments
path must be owned by the rstudio-connect
user and the rstudio-connect
group. Files must have 0640
permissions while directories need 0750
The reports
directory contains the generated output produced by rendering content deployed with source.
Path Owner Permission
reports/ root 0711
\- v2/ root 0711
\- APP_ID/ root 0711
\- VARIANT_ID/ root 0711
\- RENDERING_ID/ rstudio-connect 0700 document.html rstudio-connect 0600
Within this structure, the APP_ID
directory corresponds to a content item (for example, an R Markdown document, Jupyter Notebook, or Quarto project). The VARIANT_ID
directory represents a configuration of that document, such as a set of parameter values. Most documents have only a single variant. The RENDERING_ID
contains a single rendering of the content using the designated configuration.
When the content has been assigned a RunAs
user, the rendering files are owned by that user rather than rstudio-connect
The bookmarks
directory contains a bookmarking state subdirectory for each Shiny application.
Learn more about server-stored Shiny bookmarking state in this article.
Path Owner Permission
bookmarks/ root 0711 \- APP_ID/ rstudio-connect 0770
Within this structure, the APP_ID
directory corresponds to a single Shiny application.
The apps
directory contains directories for each deployment, organized by bundle.
Path Owner Permission
apps/ root 0711
\- APP_ID/ root 0700
\- BUNDLE_ID/ rstudio-connect 0750
\- packrat/ rstudio-connect 0750 \- app.R rstudio-connect 0640
Within this structure, the APP_ID
corresponds to a single content item (for example, a Shiny application, R Markdown document, or Jupyter Notebook). The BUNDLE_ID
contains the files associated with a single bundle uploaded for that content.
The ownership and permissions for the BUNDLE_ID
directory depend on whether or not the content is configured with a custom RunAs
setting. Posit Connect adjusts ownership and permissions whenever the target RunAs
user changes.
Without a custom RunAs
setting, the BUNDLE_ID
directory owned by rstudio-connect
with directories having 0750
and files having 0640
Learn more about using a custom RunAs
user in the User Account for Processes section.
Posit Connect needs more complicated permissions when content uses a custom RunAs
setting. The rstudio-connect
user (Applications.RunAs
) is used to install packages required by the content. The content-specific custom RunAs
user is used when running the deployed code.
Path Owner Permission
apps/ root 0711
\- APP_ID/ root 0700
\- BUNDLE_ID/ RunAs 0750
\- packrat/ rstudio-connect 0750 \- app.R RunAs 0640
directory is given 0750
permissions and is owned by the custom RunAs
user and the rstudio-connect
group. The BUNDLE_ID/packrat
and BUNDLE_ID/python
directories are owned by rstudio-connect
with group ownership of rstudio-connect