Configuration of Posit Professional Products

The table represents the most common installation configurations and integration steps that are used in practice for each product.

Posit professional products are highly configurable. The table below represents the most common installation, configurations, and integration steps used in practice for each product.

For more information on the different supported architectures that are possible, refer to these Implement the Right Architecture guides written by the Solutions team.

Many of the configuration and integration steps are optional, depending on your needs. It’s likely that your unique environment could require additional tuning.

Install and configuration checklist

Package Manager Connect Workbench
Pre-install Requirements Requirements Requirements
Network Ports Network Ports Network Ports
Install Install R
Install Python
Install R
Install Python
Install Quarto
Install R
Install Python
Install Package Manager Install Connect Install Workbench
Activate License Activate License Activate License
Authentication Authentication, Provision Users
Cross-product Configuration Cross-product Configuration Cross-product Configuration
Sync Package Repositories Jupyter
Configure (Optional) High Availability High Availability High Availability
Kubernetes Kubernetes, Slurm
Security, Vulnerability, Package Blocking Security Security
Curated Repositories & the Admin CLI
Additional Monitoring Additional Monitoring Additional Monitoring
Integrate Data Sources Data Sources
Workbench managed credentials with AWS, Azure
Version Control Version Control Version Control
Verify Verify Installation Verify Installation Verify Installation
Maintenance Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade
Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes
Support ticket Support ticket Support ticket

Next steps

Network ports

Posit recommends reviewing the consolidated list of ports used by the professional products available on the Networking page.


After verifying the software, it’s important to do functional testing to guarantee that the installation meets the needs of the users. Tailor the functional testing steps to your use case, but could include at a minimum the following:

  • Open and publish content that reflects your organization’s workflows:
    • Examples of default content types:
  • Things to watch out for:
    • Certificate verification failure.
    • Systems are using binaries from the correct package source, e.g., Package Manager.
    • That the content displays correctly, this checks websocket connectivity.

Maintenance and upgrades

Each Software Edition is eligible for Support Services for 18 months following release. However, Posit recommends upgrading to the latest version more often to take advantage of new features and improvements.

  • Please review the Support agreement:
  • Subscribe for notifications of new releases:
  • If you need additional support:
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