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The ports used by Posit, by default.

Depending on the application that you wish to install, Posit products use the following ports, by default.


Product Port Notes
Workbench 8787 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)
Workbench w/ Launcher 5559
Workbench w/ load balancing 22 Port 22 is exposed for SSH access.
Workbench w/ SSL 80 When Workbench is configured to use SSL, then all HTTP traffic to port 80
redirects to HTTPS on port 443.
Connect 3939 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)
Package Manager 4242 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)
Team - LDAP/AD 389
Team - LDAPS 636
HA Deployments using NFS 2049
HA Deployments using Postgres 5432

Outbound access


Posit uses wyDay’s LimeLM TurboActivate and TurboFloat for license management as an approved part of the Posit software delivery infrastructure. As such, for online license activation, you need to allow outbound access to wyday.com.

Adding the port number to a safe sites list by your networking team from where the activation key downloads from could be required:

Address | https://www.wyday.com
Port | 443

Package Manager

Package Manager periodically receives package updates from Posit’s online servers.

Installations need to be on servers with outbound access to:

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