Viewing Integration Information
You want to view information about an integration.
You must have administrator or publisher privileges to find an integration.
Use the client.oauth.integrations.get()
method to retrieve an integration by their unique identifier (GUID).
from posit import connect
= "84f0f0ae-e328-44b0-98ba-aee6e775b5f0"
= connect.Client()
client = client.oauth.integrations.get(GUID) integration
>>> import json
>>> print(json.dumps(integration, indent=4))
{"id": "36",
"guid": "84f0f0ae-e328-44b0-98ba-aee6e775b5f0",
"created_time": "2024-07-17T21:09:36Z",
"updated_time": "2024-07-18T13:26:03Z",
"name": "Azure",
"description": "Azure (staging)",
"template": "azure",
"config": {
"auth_mode": "Confidential",
"client_id": "23a0078b-cd0d-489f-8e00-e5116c71db9b",
"scopes": "2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d/.default offline_access",
"tenant_id": "a0b52758-d0b5-4b27-a6c0-13ca07eabdd7"
} }
Follow the Finding Integrations recipe to get the integration’s GUID, then use the connectapi
client to make a direct call to the integrations endpoint.
<- "84f0f0ae-e328-44b0-98ba-aee6e775b5f0"
<- connect()
client $GET(paste0("v1/oauth/integrations/", GUID)) client
> library(jsonlite)
> toJSON(integration, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
{"id": "36",
"guid": "84f0f0ae-e328-44b0-98ba-aee6e775b5f0",
"created_time": "2024-07-17T21:09:36Z",
"updated_time": "2024-07-18T13:26:03Z",
"name": "Azure",
"description": "Azure (staging)",
"template": "azure",
"config": {
"auth_mode": "Confidential",
"client_id": "23a0078b-cd0d-489f-8e00-e5116c71db9b",
"scopes": "2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d/.default offline_access",
"tenant_id": "a0b52758-d0b5-4b27-a6c0-13ca07eabdd7"
} }
See also
- For more details about the data returned in this recipe, see Get OAuth integration details and Get OAuth template details in the API Reference.
- See OAuth Integrations in the User Guide to learn more about how publishers and viewers interact with OAuth integrations.
- See OAuth Integrations in the Admin Guide to for more detailed information on how to configure OAuth integrations.