Viewing Tag Information


You want to find information on a tag for use in a tag-related workflow.


Tagging workflows in the Python SDK generally use the tag ID.

from posit import connect
client = connect.Client()

res = client.get("/v1/tags")

The API results can be transformed into a DataFrame for easy viewing and filtering.

>>> import polars as pl
>>> pl.DataFrame(res.json())
shape: (309, 5)
id  ┆ name                            ┆ parent_id ┆ created_time         ┆ updated_time         │
1   ┆ Technology                      ┆ null      ┆ 2017-04-18T19:53:45Z2017-05-01T11:29:36Z
2   ┆ Health                          ┆ null      ┆ 2017-04-18T19:54:05Z2017-05-02T13:57:31Z
4   ┆ Software                        ┆ 12017-04-18T19:54:24Z2017-05-19T18:15:39Z
5   ┆ Mobile Apps                     ┆ 42017-04-18T19:54:32Z2017-05-03T20:15:27Z
6   ┆ Version 1.6.02072017-05-18T04:53:31Z2017-05-18T05:00:20Z
│ …   ┆ …                               ┆ …         ┆ …                    ┆ …                    │
751 ┆ Artificial Intelligence         ┆ 7362024-06-03T03:26:58Z2024-06-03T04:03:24Z
752 ┆ Machine Learning                ┆ 7362024-06-03T03:27:43Z2024-06-03T04:04:04Z
753 ┆ Deep Learning                   ┆ 7362024-06-03T03:28:12Z2024-06-03T04:04:16Z

Tagging workflows in R generally use the Tag objects, which are obtained using the get_tags() function.

Use the get_tags() function to get a tree of all tags on Connect. You can browse the hierarchy using R’s $ operator. Alternately, use the get_tag_data() function to get a data frame of tag data.

client <- connect()

tag_tree <- get_tags(client)
tag <- tag_tree$Departments$Administrative
tag_data <- get_tag_data(client)

The tag tree and individual tags returned by get_tags() print a tree-based view. Meanwhile, get_tag_data() returns a data frame.

> tag_tree
Posit Connect Tag Tree (target_content)
└── Departments
   └── Administrative
> tag
Posit Connect Tag Tree (filtered)
└── Administrative
> tag_data
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  id    name           created_time         updated_time         parent_id
  <chr> <chr>          <chr>                <chr>                <chr>    
1 757   Departments    2024-06-20T14:25:20Z 2024-06-20T14:25:20Z NA       
2 758   Administrative 2024-06-20T14:27:22Z 2024-06-20T14:27:22Z 757