Finding Sessions


You want to find all sessions associated with your user.


Use the client.oauth.sessions.find() method to find all sessions owned by the current user.

from posit import connect

client = connect.Client()
sessions = client.oauth.sessions.find()

The results can be transformed into a DataFrame for easy viewing and filtering:

>>> import polars as pl
>>> pl.DataFrame(sessions)
shape: (5, 7)
id  ┆ guid                            ┆ user_guid                       ┆ oauth_integration_guid          ┆ has_refresh_token ┆ created_time         ┆ updated_time         │
846ec17261-1fff-4155-ac44-75a9e0… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 9304b050-ac0b-4b3f-b115-f0e8d8… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-08-05T21:13:19Z2024-08-05T21:13:23Z
8663d20b87-92cc-44d1-8144-b52a91… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 4b94d280-c9d2-4b09-8b14-0833fe… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-08-05T21:24:05Z2024-08-05T21:24:05Z
89  ┆ fe10c16f-3d4b-4be0-b371-f2fb9e… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ f5315588-1155-4b32-872e-e9b7a9… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-08-05T21:31:44Z2024-08-05T21:32:26Z
902e4edbe7-117b-417f-b915-1d3851… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 5b3c3c91-6c77-4403-9852-3dd3ba… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-08-05T21:41:25Z2024-08-05T21:41:31Z
91547cab34-bee6-43b6-9684-a08f04… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ ccfe80c0-3036-4b26-8e75-485a96… ┆ false             ┆ 2024-09-11T19:47:26Z2024-09-11T19:47:26Z

Use the connectapi client to make a direct call to the sessions endpoint.


client <- connect()
sessions <- client$GET("v1/oauth/sessions/")

The results can be transformed into a DataFrame for easy viewing and filtering:

> library(purrr)
> sessions_df <- map_dfr(sessions, ~.x)
> sessions_df
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  id    guid                                 user_guid                            oauth_integration_guid               has_refresh_token created_time         updated_time        
  <chr> <chr>                                <chr>                                <chr>                                <lgl>             <chr>                <chr>               
1 84    6ec17261-1fff-4155-ac44-75a9e063fd7d 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 9304b050-ac0b-4b3f-b115-f0e8d8023f3f TRUE              2024-08-05T21:13:19Z 2024-08-05T21:13:23Z
2 86    63d20b87-92cc-44d1-8144-b52a91177ac8 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 4b94d280-c9d2-4b09-8b14-0833fe1e02c5 TRUE              2024-08-05T21:24:05Z 2024-08-05T21:24:05Z
3 89    fe10c16f-3d4b-4be0-b371-f2fb9e728dd9 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 f5315588-1155-4b32-872e-e9b7a979a627 TRUE              2024-08-05T21:31:44Z 2024-08-05T21:32:26Z
4 90    2e4edbe7-117b-417f-b915-1d3851cf1268 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 5b3c3c91-6c77-4403-9852-3dd3ba33807d TRUE              2024-08-05T21:41:25Z 2024-08-05T21:41:31Z
5 91    547cab34-bee6-43b6-9684-a08f04d23fb6 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 ccfe80c0-3036-4b26-8e75-485a9605f252 FALSE             2024-09-11T19:47:26Z 2024-09-11T19:47:26Z


These methods provide an effective way to search for sessions when you do not know the session unique identifier (GUID).

Several recipes require a single session or unique identifier.

Below is an example of how to extract the first session from the results that matches a given oauth_integration_guid and user_guid. The snippet returns None if there are no matches or the list is empty.

>>> next((s for s in sessions if s.oauth_integration_guid == "153a3d3f-e436-4502-8a5f-01fbb5def977" and s.user_guid == "2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7"), None)
{'id': '13', 'guid': '8f7b293d-2078-439a-bb0e-469e13d4d38d', 'user_guid': '2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7', 'oauth_integration_guid': '153a3d3f-e436-4502-8a5f-01fbb5def977', 'has_refresh_token': True, 'created_time': '2024-07-14T21:50:46Z', 'updated_time': '2024-07-14T21:53:39Z'}

Below is an example of how to extract the first GUID that matches a given oauth_integration_guid and user_guid.

> library(dplyr)
> sessions_df |>
  filter(oauth_integration_guid == "153a3d3f-e436-4502-8a5f-01fbb5def977", user_guid == "2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7") |>
  slice(1) |>
[1] "8f7b293d-2078-439a-bb0e-469e13d4d38d"

Administrators can use the all parameter to find sessions for all users.

sessions = client.oauth.sessions.find(all=True)
>>> pl.DataFrame(sessions)
shape: (24, 7)
id  ┆ guid                            ┆ user_guid                       ┆ oauth_integration_guid          ┆ has_refresh_token ┆ created_time         ┆ updated_time         │
61e95da26-4018-4b76-adf9-34baaf… ┆ d9dab9af-24da-4fee-8b24-b85e68… ┆ d24b4651-29a5-4555-b0f3-b5989b… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-07-11T19:48:58Z2024-07-12T14:28:59Z
8   ┆ fb38db71-bef1-4f99-a9f7-63d0b8… ┆ cd63801b-cd57-4432-9745-46c471… ┆ d24b4651-29a5-4555-b0f3-b5989b… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-07-11T19:55:55Z2024-07-11T19:55:56Z
138f7b293d-2078-439a-bb0e-469e13… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 153a3d3f-e436-4502-8a5f-01fbb5… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-07-14T21:50:46Z2024-07-14T21:53:39Z
1668cfa104-f723-413f-8917-773be1… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 1331c0dc-fc97-464e-a97a-862a85… ┆ false             ┆ 2024-07-16T20:52:20Z2024-07-16T20:52:20Z
│ …   ┆ …                               ┆ …                               ┆ …                               ┆ …                 ┆ …                    ┆ …                    │
902e4edbe7-117b-417f-b915-1d3851… ┆ 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a1… ┆ 5b3c3c91-6c77-4403-9852-3dd3ba… ┆ true              ┆ 2024-08-05T21:41:25Z2024-08-05T21:41:31Z
sessions <- client$GET("v1/oauth/sessions?all=true")
> map_dfr(sessions, ~.x)
# A tibble: 24 × 7
   id    guid                                 user_guid                            oauth_integration_guid               has_refresh_token created_time         updated_time        
   <chr> <chr>                                <chr>                                <chr>                                <lgl>             <chr>                <chr>               
 1 6     1e95da26-4018-4b76-adf9-34baafc23504 d9dab9af-24da-4fee-8b24-b85e68955af7 d24b4651-29a5-4555-b0f3-b5989bfe40fe TRUE              2024-07-11T19:48:58Z 2024-07-12T14:28:59Z
 2 8     fb38db71-bef1-4f99-a9f7-63d0b80f21f2 cd63801b-cd57-4432-9745-46c471df803d d24b4651-29a5-4555-b0f3-b5989bfe40fe TRUE              2024-07-11T19:55:55Z 2024-07-11T19:55:56Z
 3 13    8f7b293d-2078-439a-bb0e-469e13d4d38d 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 153a3d3f-e436-4502-8a5f-01fbb5def977 TRUE              2024-07-14T21:50:46Z 2024-07-14T21:53:39Z
 4 16    68cfa104-f723-413f-8917-773be1bcbaca 2aa02212-e7ee-4689-966f-0bd8a195cfc7 1331c0dc-fc97-464e-a97a-862a85452490 FALSE             2024-07-16T20:52:20Z 2024-07-16T20:52:20Z

See also

  • For more details about the data returned in this recipe, Get OAuth session details in the API Reference.
  • See OAuth Integrations in the User Guide to learn more about how publishers and viewers interact with OAuth integrations.
  • See OAuth Integrations in the Admin Guide to for more detailed information on how to configure OAuth integrations.