Finding Content with Custom Runtime Settings


You want to find the content items with customized runtime settings.


Content with custom runtime settings includes content with RunAsCurrentUser enabled and content with a custom RunAs Linux user account.


Get a table of data for all content on the server, and transform it into a table with columns for content GUID, RunAs setting, title, owner username, and Dashboard URL. Filter it to include only content with custom RunAs settings.

from posit import connect
import polars as pl

client = connect.Client()

all_content = client.content.find()
content = (pl.DataFrame(all_content, infer_schema_length=None)
    # combine RunAsCurrentUser and RunAs into a single column
           .with_columns(pl.when(pl.col("run_as_current_user") == "true")
    # `owner` is a dict of attributes, let's pull out the owner's username
          .with_columns(pl.col("owner").map_elements(lambda x: x["username"], return_dtype=pl.String).alias("owner_username"))
    # filter and select relevant columns
          .select(["guid", "run_as", "title", "owner_username", "dashboard_url"]))

The resulting table contains a list of all content on the server with custom runtime settings.

>>> content
shape: (3, 5)
│ guid                            ┆ run_as           ┆ title                         ┆ owner_username ┆ dashboard_url    │
5258049f-fe5e-4d4e-9df1-e3e42c… ┆ RunAsCurrentUser ┆ Loan Risk Prediction Model    ┆ publisher1     ┆ https://connect… │
11471207-1059-413f-a13c-5a540f… ┆ sa-finance       ┆ Evaluation Analysis Dashboard ┆ publisher2     ┆ https://connect… │
│ deec1ee8-3f14-43f5-8351-d44422… ┆ sa-finance       ┆ Loan Risk API                 ┆ publisher3     ┆ https://connect… │

You can filter the table to see content for a single RunAs setting.

> CUSTOM_RUN_AS = "sa-finance"
> print(content.filter(pl.col("run_as") == CUSTOM_RUN_AS))
shape: (2, 5)
│ guid                            ┆ run_as     ┆ title                         ┆ owner_username ┆ dashboard_url    │
11471207-1059-413f-a13c-5a540f… ┆ sa-finance ┆ Evaluation Analysis Dashboard ┆ publisher2     ┆ https://connect… │
│ deec1ee8-3f14-43f5-8351-d44422… ┆ sa-finance ┆ Loan Risk API                 ┆ publisher3     ┆ https://connect… │

client <- connect()

content <- get_content(client) |>
  # combine RunAsCurrentUser and RunAs into a single column
  mutate(run_as = case_when(run_as_current_user == TRUE ~ "RunAsCurrentUser", .default = run_as)) |>
  # `owner` is a list of attributes, let's pull out the owner's username
  hoist(owner, owner_username = "username") |>
  drop_na(run_as) |>
  select(guid, run_as, title, owner_username, dashboard_url)

The resulting table contains a list of all content on the server with custom runtime settings.

> content
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  guid             run_as            title                          owner_username dashboard_url
  <chr>            <chr>             <chr>                          <chr>          <chr>
1 95fcb004-4fc7-…  RunAsCurrentUser  Loan Risk Prediction Model     publisher1     https://connect…
2 be1a08f1-b41a-…  sa-finance        Evaluation Analysis Dashboard  publisher3     https://connect…
3 75a340d8-1454-…  sa-finance        Loan Risk API                  publisher3     https://connect…

You can filter the table to see content for a single RunAs setting.

> CUSTOM_RUN_AS <- "sa-finance"
> filter(content, run_as == !!CUSTOM_RUN_AS)
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  guid             run_as      title                          owner_username dashboard_url
  <chr>            <chr>       <chr>                          <chr>          <chr>
2 be1a08f1-b41a-…  sa-finance  Evaluation Analysis Dashboard  publisher3     https://connect…
3 75a340d8-1454-…  sa-finance  Loan Risk API                  publisher3     https://connect…

See also