Create a manifest.json file for Connect Cloud

A dependency file is required to let Connect Cloud know which R libraries to include in a given deployment. Any content that has R code needs a manifest.json file included in the GitHub repository.


What about renv?

Connect Cloud does not currently support renv to setup the R environment. It captures everything it needs from manifest.json, including the packages and R version.

However, please note that you may see reference to renv in the logs as Connect Cloud processes your manifest file during deployment.

General Deployments

Generate a manifest.json file with the rsconnect library.


Websites and Bookdown

If you are deploying Quarto websites, R Markdown websites, or Bookdown documents, please set the contentCategory argument to site.

rsconnect::writeManifest(contentCategory = "site")

File Location

The manifest.json file can either be in the root directory of the repository or in the subdirectory with the primary application file.