Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is everything I deploy public?

Yes, if you are on a Free or Basic plan. Each piece of content with Public visibility has a unique public URL that anyone with the link can access. The Enhanced plan offers users the ability to share content privately via private link sharing.

Everyone’s Portfolio page is also publicly accessible and includes all published content with public visibility.

Can I publish from a subdirectory within my repo?

Yes. Simply indicate the directory path when specifying the primary file. For example, analysis/ The corresponding requirements.txt file can be in either that subdirectory or in a parent directory.

What are you granting GitHub permission to share?

We only collect limited information when you create a Connect Cloud account through GitHub authentication. This includes your username, primary email address, profile information, and organization names.

When you install our GitHub App, you have fine grained control over which private repositories are shared with Connect Cloud.

How do I create the requirements.txt dependency file needed for Python deployments?

See the how-to guide.

How do I create the manifest.json dependency file needed for R deployments?

See the how-to-guide.