Install GitHub App

Install GitHub App

Before publishing for the first time, you will be asked to install our GitHub App.

  1. Click Install. This will redirect you to GitHub.
  2. Select where you want to install the Posit Connect Cloud GitHub App.
  3. Select All repositories to grant Connect Cloud access to all of your code or Only select repositories to select specific repositories.
  4. Click Install and confirm access.

This redirects you back to Connect Cloud with the ability to deploy content from your authorized GitHub repositories.

Manage GitHub App

Update Repository Access

  1. Visit
  2. Click Configure for the Posit Connect Cloud installed app
  3. Scroll down to Repository access
  4. Make desired changes
  5. Click Save

Revoke Access

  1. Visit
  2. Click Configure for the Posit Connect Cloud installed app
  3. Scroll down to Danger zone
  4. Click Suspend or Uninstall
  5. Confirm the change

Please note that if you revoke access to Connect Cloud you will not be able to deploy any new content until you install the GitHub App again.