This site is archived

Posit Connect support for off-host content execution has entered General Availability (GA).
Documentation about off-host execution is now included in the Connect Admin Guide.
The instructions presented here were associated with the off-host execution beta and are now obsolete.



The following appendices are available for further information.

Architecture Overview

Describes Local and Remote execution as well as the typical topologies / architecture that are used to implement these features.

Config file conversion

Use this appendix to understand how to convert from an existing rstudio-connect.gcfg file to a Helm Chart values.yaml file.

Content Optimization

Use this appendix to optimize first access of your important content.

Helm Chart Reference

A reference guide to the Posit Connect Helm Chart.

Custom Content Images

A guide to building a custom content image to be used by Posit Connect’s remote execution.

Temporary DNS Records

If your installation is stalled waiting for public DNS records to be updated, this appendix provides a temporary work-around for the routing, which will allow you to continue forward in your installation.

Config file reference

Helpful for those implementing Posit Connect server outside of Kubernetes

Notes and Known Issues

A collection of helpful information.