This site is archived

Posit Connect support for off-host content execution has entered General Availability (GA).
Documentation about off-host execution is now included in the Connect Admin Guide.
The instructions presented here were associated with the off-host execution beta and are now obsolete.

Appendix: Content Optimization

Optimizing First-Access to Important Content

Initially after migrating to the Remote Execution configuration, content caches will need to be rebuilt (as they do not transfer over with the migration from a Local Execution environment). This rebuild automatically occurs when a Posit Connect user visits the content.

You may wish to rebuild some content before it is visited because it is high priority or is not visited frequently (API content, emailed reports). In these cases, it is possible to preemptively build specific content items using the rsconnect-python tool. This way the user does not have to pay the build cost when the content is accessed next.

  • For instructions on how to proceed, refer to Content Search and Building Content in the rsconnect-python repo.
  • The time required for this will depend on how much content you will be building preemptively. This is best done while your system is still isolated from other users but this timing is not required.
  • You may also choose to perform this optimization in multiple steps (i.e. build only the most important production apps first and then on a second pass, build others).
  • Once the content has been successfully built, be sure to validate access to the content before moving on.