This site is archived

Posit Connect support for off-host content execution has entered General Availability (GA).
Documentation about off-host execution is now included in the Connect Admin Guide.
The instructions presented here were associated with the off-host execution beta and are now obsolete.

Appendix: Config file conversion

Converting rstudio-connect.gcfg to a Helm Chart values.yaml file

Deployment of the Posit Connect Helm chart will use your values.yaml file to dynamically generate the rstudio-connect.gcfg configuration file for your server.

In order for migrations to maintain much of their previous behavior and configuration, it is necessary to add all missing settings from the rstudio-connect.gcfg configuration file into the values.yaml file.

Unfortunately, the two files (rstudio-connect.gcfg and values.yaml) have unique syntax for specifying the configuration. These links below will assist you with the syntax conversion as well as provide a few examples to help.