============================================================================== Simba Teradata ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================
The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector, as well as the version history. =================================================================
Released 2024-11-05
Resolved Issues
The following issue has been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
When converting time, the connector converts the hour, minute, and second, but not the fractions of a second.
Authentication window does not close automatically after logging on with Ping SSO.
When converting time that is stored as a float in the database, the driver converts hour, minute, second, but not fractional seconds.
When retrieving BIG5 characters (two bytes each) from a character set LATIN table’s VARCHAR column that has odd number of bytes (e.g. VARCHAR(25)), the first character of the next row is corrupted.
Known Issues
The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application.
[SENTDO-73] Statement info parcel returns errors for TIME parameters.
When using statement info parcel and stored procedures with a TIME parameter are called, the connector returns an error.
Some custom fields are not supported for SQLGetDescField.
When calling SQLGetDescField, the connector does not support the SQL_DESC_TD_ACTIVITY_TYPE and SQL_DESC_TD_COST_ESTIMATE custom header description fields.
Catalog functions always return ODBC 3.x column names.
For catalog functions, the connector returns the ODBC 3.x column names rather than ODBC 2.x column names, even in an ODBC 2.x environment.
The setting for the SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR statement attribute does not persist.
You can set a value by calling SQLSetStmtAttr(SQL_ATTR_ROWS_FETCHED_PTR), but the value is reset after you close the cursor.
In specific cases, during INSERT operations that require the data to be truncated, there is no message indicating that truncation has occurred.
This behavior occurs when both of the following conditions are met:
- The Session Mode option (the SessionMode property) is set to Teradata.
- The connector inserts data that is too large for the target column.
The database truncates the data to fit, but the message indicating that truncation has occurred is not returned. The connector expects the database to report the truncation. However, when Session Mode is set to Teradata, the database does not return the truncation message.
Workflow Changes =============================================================
The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector. —————————————————————–
[SENTDO-2717] Updated default login timeout
The new default login timeout is 60 seconds. Previously, it was 20 seconds. —————————————————————–
[SENTDO-2610] Updated Teradata Database support
Beginning with this release, the connector will no longer support Teradata Database versions earlier than 16.10. For a list of supported Teradata Database versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. —————————————————————–
[SENTDO-2352] Updated MaxRespSize property
The default value for the MaxRespSize property is now 524,288 (512K). Previously, it was 65,536 (64K). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Version History ============================================================== —————————————————————–
Released 2024-07-25
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2870] When using SQLDriverConnect(), the connector does not update the new password in OutConnectionString, resulting in a login error.
[SENTDO-2876] When executing SQLCancel, the connector does not immediately abort the query. —————————————————————–
Released 2024-05-24
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2813] When the client ID or scope value contains a space and it is not URL encoded, the connector truncates the value.
[SENTDO-2814] In some cases, when connecting to the Teradata database using SSLMode Prefer or Allow, the connector connects to an incorrect port. —————————————————————–
Released 2024-02-23
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2755] Updated web-based help support
On Windows and macOS, the connector now uses the following Teradata web-based help system to display help requested from Windows ODBC Administrator: docs.teradata.com. —————————————————————–
Released 2024-01-25
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2583] Updated TeraSSO and TeraGSS support
The connector now prints the TeraSSO and TeraGSS version information in the driver trace log.
Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
- [SENTDO-2751] When a table contains a CLOB column size greater than 2,097,088,000 bytes, .NET System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetSchemaTable() returns arithmetic overflow exception. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-11-27
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2733] Updated proxy server Windows support
On Windows, the UI has been updated with support for the Proxy Server feature. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2724] When a table is created with multiple primary index columns, SQLSpecialColumns() returns only one instead of all primary indexed columns.
[SENTDO-2728] In some cases, the connector attempts to conduct TLS handshake while connected to TDMST (Legacy) port.
[SENTDO-2735] On macOS 10.14 and 10.15, the connector does not load.
[SENTDO-2739] The connector does not log the macOS ARM architecture correctly in the connector log. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-10-25
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2713] Updated HTTP proxy server support
You can now connect to a database through the HTTP proxy server. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
- [SENTDO-2700] In some cases, on slow network environments, the connector does not establish an SSL connection. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-09-25
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2703] On macOS, the advanced options was hidden incorrectly.
[SENTDO-2636] In some cases, when connecting to the Teradata database using Federate authentication, the connector gets stuck. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-08-25
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2653] When using Federate authentication, the connector reads the custom scope parameter from the GTW parcel but only parses out the first entry in that parameter.
[SENTDO-2681] When inserting a parameterized array of DATE type and the first record is null, the database returns the following error message: “[Simba][ODBC Teradata Driver]Teradata DatabaseThe source parcel length does not match data that was defined.”.
[SENTDO-2683] In some cases, after a transaction finishes, the connector returns a “Response limit exceeded” error message.
[SENTDO-2683] The connector cannot locate the appropriate error message file and generates an incorrect error message. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-05-25
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2571] Updated Federated authentication support
When using Federated authentication, you can now configure the scope value in the tdgssconfiguration.xml file in gateway. The connector no longer hard codes scope to openid. The connector uses the scope value from the gatewayconfiguration.xml file. If the scope value from gateway is empty, the connector uses the default value, scope=openid.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2632] When inserting several rows of timestamp values using a parameterized query with a mix of zero and non-zero fractional seconds, the database generates an “Invalid data length for VarChar, VarByte, VARGRAPHIC or NUMBER.” error message.
[SENTDO-2644] When the TDWallet string is saved in the DSN and the password is used in the test app, m_driverSettings.m_authenticationString retrieves the correct password value, but the wallet string overwrites the password value with the saved DSN wallet string value.
This issue has been resolved. The connection string now overwrites the DSN value.
[SENTDO-2571] In some cases, when connecting with Federated authentication, the connector becomes unresponsive due to parcel length issues. —————————————————————–
Released 2023-04-25
Enhancements & New Features
[SENTDO-2609] Updated macOS support
On macOS, the connector is now a Universal driver that natively supports Apple Silicon and is compatible with macOS versions 10.14 and later. macOS versions earlier than 10.14 are not supported by the connector due to library incompatibilities and Apple’s deprecated support for older macOS versions. For security best practices, it is suggested to keep both the connector and OS updated.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Teradata ODBC Connector
[SENTDO-2589] When retrieving multiple SLOB columns with redrive turned on, the connector returns an error.
[SENTDO-2602] When inserting a parameterized array of DECIMAL type containing null values, the database returns a “Invalid data length for VarChar, VarByte, VARGRAPHIC or NUMBER” error message.
[SENTDO-2588] In some cases, the connector fails to connect to the server.
This issue has been resolved. The connector now attempts to connect multiple times until a successful connection is found or login timeout is reached.
[SENTDO-2570] When the Teradata Gateway TLS setting is set to enable and PCLGTWCONFIGPORTS returns 1 for both TLS and Legacy ports, the connector connects to the fallback port.
This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns an error message indicating that the preferred port is enabled, but the connector fails to connect to it.