============================================================================== Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================
The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.5.14, as well as the version history.
1.5.14 =======================================================================
Released 2024-07-05
Enhancements & New Features
[PGODBC-1710] Updated Ubuntu version support
The connector now supports Ubuntu 24.04. For supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
[PGODBC-1708] Updated third-party libraries
The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:
- Expat 2.6.2 (previously 2.6.0)
- LibCurl 8.7.1 (previously 8.6.0)
Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application.
Limited support for stored procedures.
The connector does not support parameterized procedure call queries if there is more than one procedures of different argument types that share the same name in the server.
Timestamps do not accept negative values.
The connector does not support the use of negative values in timestamps.
Workflow Changes =============================================================
The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.
1.5.15 ———————————————————————–
[PGODBC-1713] Removed support for earlier versions of operating systems
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following operating systems:
- CentOS 7
- Debian 8, 9, and 10
- RHEL 7
- Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
1.5.13 ———————————————————————–
[PGODBC-1660] Removed support for Visual Studio 2015
Beginning with this release, support for Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 has been removed. For supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
1.5.9 ————————————————————————
[PGODBC-1649] Removed support for external credentials services
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports external credentials services.
1.5.1 ————————————————————————
[PGODBC-1595] Removed support for Windows 8.1
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports Windows 8.1. For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Version History ==============================================================
1.5.13 ———————————————————————–
Released 2024-03-22
Enhancements & New Features
[PGODBC-1658][PGODBC-1659] Updated third-party libraries
The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:
- Expat 2.6.0 (previously 2.5.0)
- LibCurl 8.6.0 (previously 8.4.0)
- OpenSSL 3.0.13 (previously 3.0.12)
- Zlib 1.3.1 (previously 1.2.11)
[PGODBC-1660] Updated Visual Studio support
The connector now uses Windows Visual Studio 2022. For supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.5.13.
- [PGODBC-1652] In ODBC 2.0, when SQLProcedureColumns is called, the SEQ_IN_INDEX column is incorrectly named.
1.5.10 ———————————————————————–
Released 2023-11-27
Enhancements & New Features
[PGODBC-1648][PGODBC-1650] Updated third-party libraries
The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:
- AWS SDK 1.11.6 (previously 1.9.362)
- LibCurl 8.4.0 (previously 8.1.2)
- OpenSSL 3.0.12 (previously 3.0.9)
[PGODBC-1639] JWT IAM Auth authentication support
You can now authenticate your connection with a JSON Web Token IAM authentication (JWT IAM Auth). To do this, select JWT IAM Auth Plugin authentication from the Auth Type drop-down list (set the Auth Type property to JWT IAM Auth Authentication). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
[PGODBC-1643] First Adapter support
When using PingFederate authentication, the connector now supports First Adapter Identifier.
[PGODBC-1649] Internal security related improvements
The connector has been updated with the security related improvements.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.5.10.
[PGODBC-1633] When calling the SQLColumns() function for datasharing external tables, the connector returns incorrect values for the NULLABLE and IS_NULLABLE columns.
[PGODBC-1640] When SQLColumns() function is called, the connector returns different metadata for local and external tables.
[PGODBC-1642] In some cases, custom SQLState overriddes to SQLState S1000 for errors and 01000 for warnings.
The connector computes the value returned for SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH from the IRD (and thus also SQLColAttribute) for character types by using the maximum size of a codepoint, instead of the size of a code unit. For both wide and non-wide types, the column size was previously used directly for non-wide types as the code unit size was assumed to be 1.
1.5.2 ————————————————————————
Released 2023-06-30
Enhancements & New Features
[PGODBC-1617] Updated endpoint support
You can now override the Amazon Redshift endpoint when using IAM authentication. To do this, in the VPC Endpoint URL field specify the endpoint URL (set the VpcEndpointUrl property). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
[PGODBC-1584][PGODBC-1616] Updated third-party libraries
The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:
- AWS SDK 1.9.362 (previously 1.9.136)
- ICU 71.1.x (previously 58.3.x)
- Expat 2.5.0 (previously 2.4.6)
- libcurl 8.1.2 (previously 7.78.0)
- OpenSSL 3.0.9 (previously 1.1.1q)
- Zlib 1.2.13 (previously 1.2.11)
For OpenSSL, the certificates used for identity providers might need to be regenerated since some encryption algorithms have been deprecated in OpenSSL 3.
[PGODBC-1602][PGODBC-1595] Updated platform support
The connector now supports the following versions:
- Debian 10 and 11
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Windows 11
- Windows Server 2022
For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.5.2.
[PGODBC-1613] In some cases, when calling SQLColumns, the connector returns a ” invalid input syntax for integer: “” ” error message.
[PGODBC-1589] When using PingFederate authentication on PingFederate versions 11.1 and later, the connector does not support SimultaneousAuthnRequestCheckingFilter.
[PGODBC-1599] Calling the SQLDriverConnect() function causes a memory leak in the connector.