============================================================================== Simba Snowflake ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================
The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.2.2 as well as the version history.
Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.3.3 is based on Snowflake ODBC Driver 3.2.2. For information about additional changes, see the Snowflake ODBC Driver release notes: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/release-notes/clients-drivers/odbc.
3.3.3 ========================================================================
Released 2024-11-08
Enhancements & New Features
[SNOW-2041] Log setting support
The connector now supports log settings in a logging configuration file.
[SNOW-2325][SNOW-2327][SNOW-2490] Updated third-party libraries
The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:
- AWS SDK 1.11.283 (previously 1.3.50)
- Arrow 15.0.0 (previously 0.17.1)
- libcurl 8.7.1 (previously 8.6.0)
- Expat 2.6.3 (previously 2.6.2)
- Openssl 3.0.15 (previously 3.0.13)
[SNOW-2515] disableSamlUrlCheck support
The connector can now disable the verification for SAML URLs. To do this, set the disableSamlURLCheck property to true. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.3.3.
[SNOW-2474] SQLProcedures() does not list stored procedures that return a table without a column definition.
[SNOW-2536] The connector displays incorrect information in the log file.
[SNOW-2553] In some cases of scripting, the connector does not return accurate query results.
[SNOW-2554] When dealing with boolean types, the connector does not handle conversion information from SQLGetInfo() leading to errors in the PowerBI slicer.
[SNOW-2559] In some cases, when a script contains several USE statements, the connector fails to return query results correctly.
[SNOW-2564] When connector connects to server using Entra, the environment variables for proxy settings are not recognized.
[SNOW-2570] When selecting the S3 regional URL domain with the region name, the connector returns an error.
[SNOW-2581] For custom SQL data types, SQLColAttribute(SQL_DESC_TYPE_NAME) does not return type names.
[SNOW-2641] In PowerBI, the connector’s incorrect return of conversion information from SQLGetInfo() leads to a timestamp-related issue.
Workflow Changes =============================================================
The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.
3.3.3 ————————————————————————
Removed support for earlier versions of platform
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following versions of platform:
- CentOS 7
- Debian 10
- Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 7
For a list of supported platform versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
3.2.2 ————————————————————————
[SNOW-2328] Removed support for CRT functions
Beginning with this release, the banned CRT functions have been removed for security reasons.
[SNOW-2103] Updated LOGIN_TIMEOUT property
The default value of the LOGIN_TIMEOUT property is now 300. Previously, the default value was 60. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
3.0.0 ————————————————————————
Removed support for macOS universal bitness
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports universal bitness for macOS. Support for macOS versions 10.14 and 10.15 has been removed. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
2.25.8 ———————————————————————–
Removed support for earlier versions of Windows
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following versions of Windows:
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 7 SP1
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
For a list of supported Windows versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Removed support for earlier versions of Linux distributions
Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following versions of Linux distributions:
- Debian 8 and 9
- Ubuntu 16.04
For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
2.23.2 ———————————————————————–
Removed support for macOS 10.13
Beginning with this release, support for macOS 10.13 has been removed. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
1.4.0 ————————————————————————
Removed support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6
Beginning with this release, support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 have been removed. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Version History ============================================================== ——————————————————————-
Released 2024-03-26
Enhancements & New Features
[SNOW-2480] Security enhancement
Several security improvements have been added.
3.2.2 ————————————————————————
Released 2024-02-29
Enhancements & New Features
[SNOW-2103] Connection re-attempt support
The connector can now manage the frequency of retries for unsuccessful connection requests.
[SNOW-2105] Multiple SAML Integrations Support
The connector now supports multiple SAML integrations.
[SNOW-2239] Performance improvement
The SQLGetData() function has been enhanced for results retrieval.
[SNOW-2329] Security enhancement
On Windows, the security has been enhanced by adding compile flags.
[SNOW-2348][SNOW-2402][SNOW-2433] Updated third-party libraries
The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:
- libcurl 8.6.0 (previously 8.4.0)
- OpenSSL 3.0.13 (previously 3.0.11)
- zlib 1.3.1 (previously 1.2.13)
In an external browser, you can now specify the waiting time for an authentication to respond. To do this, set the time for BROWSER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT in seconds. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
[SNOW-2267] allowEmptyProxy support
The connector can now allow ignore empty values for the proxy and non-proxy connection parameters. To do this, set the allowEmptyProxy property to true. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.2.2.
[SNOW-1942] When creating a DSN with special characters, the connector returns an incorrect error message.
[SNOW-1989] When sending telemetry data, the connector fails.
[SNOW-2189] When the connector receives a HTTP 429 error, the Okta authentication fails.
[SNOW-2234] When OSCP validation is delayed while retrieving query results, the connector fails.
[SNOW-2237] When a file path contains non-ASCII characters, the PUT and GET commands fail.
[SNOW-2253] When overwrite is not set to true, the PUT command on GCP overwrites existing files.
[SNOW-2255] When the keyfile path contains non-latin characters, the key air authentication fails.
[SNOW-2330][SNOW-2331] When error handling, few system resources (usually memory) is lost or wasted needlessly.
3.1.2 ————————————————————————
Released 2023-10-16
Enhancements & New Features
[SNOW-2223] Updated third-party libraries
The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:
- libcurl 8.4.0 (previously 7.88.1)
- OpenSSL 3.0.11 (previously 3.0.8)
[SNOW-1610] Performance improvement
To enhance performance, the SQLExecDirect() function validates only the necessary parameter bindings before executing the query.
[SNOW-1866] Updated util-linux support
The connector now supports util-linux version 2.39.0. Previously, the connector supported version 2.36.1.
[SNOW-1668][SNOW-1793][SNOW-2161] Enhanced HTAP optimization
The connector enhances HTAP optimization by removing session parameters and metadata from the query result and on adding retry reason in the retry request and query context caching.
[SNOW-2173] Updated cacert
The connector has been updated with the cacert bundle used for SSL connections.
[SNOW-2134] maxHttpRetries support
You can now set the maximum number of HTTP retries for queries with failed HTTP requests. To do this, set the maxHttpRetries property to the number of retries. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.1.2.
[SNOW-1856] When large requests with huge amount of parameter bindings exceed the logging size, the connector terminates.
[SNOW-1880] When using SQLColAttribute() function, the connector returns an incorrect value of SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH on VARCHAR columns.
[SNOW-1887] On Windows, in some cases, when the CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE is set to true, the connector terminates unexpectedly.
[SNOW-1890] When OCSP validation fails to get OCSP response from the cache server, the connector fails.
[SNOW-1921] The connector displays proxy password in the log file.
[SNOW-1989] In some cases, when sending telemetry, the connector terminates unexpectedly.
[SNOW-2048] When getting a query result for multi-statement queries with new statement types, the connector fails.
[SNOW-2085] When performing OCSP validation without using the entire OCSP URL in the certificate, the connection fails.
[SNOW-2112] In privatelink environment, the connector fails to download the query results due to out of band telemetry sending timeout.
[SNOW-2125] When executing file transfer PUT or GET command, the connector returns an “unknown exception” error.
[SNOW-2144] In privatelinks, when using external browser authentication on OCSP validation , the connection fails.
[SNOW-2197] When a query is cancelled by the application, the connector continues to retry to download the result.
[SNOW-2200] The connector leaks the credentials in the error messages.
[SNOW-2194] Using SQLGetData() function to retrieve query result with Arrow result format decreases performance.
3.0.0 ————————————————————————
Released 2023-04-30
Enhancements & New Features
Updated macOS support
On macOS, the connector is now a Universal driver that natively supports Apple Silicon. For security best practices, it is suggested to keep both the connector and OS updated.
[SNOW-1802][SNOW-1820] Updated third-party libraries
The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:
- Expat 2.50 (previously 2.4.6)
- ICU 71.1.0 (previously 58.3.0)
- libcurl 7.88.1 (previously 7.84.0)
- OpenSSL 3.0.8 (previously 1.1.1q)
- zlib 1.2.13 (previously 1.2.11)
For OpenSSL, the existing private key file used for key pair authenication might need to be regenerated since some encryption algorithm are depreacted in OpenSSL 3.
[SNOW-1787] GEOMETRY data type support
The connector now supports the GEOMETRY data type.
[SNOW-1859] Updated security support
The connector has been updated with enhanced security.
Updated platform support for Ubuntu
The connector now supports Ubuntu 22.04. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Snowflake ODBC Connector 3.0.0.
[SNOW-1637] When querying SQLGetInfo, the connector returns incorrect conversion information.
[SNOW-1718] When executing a parameterized query, parameter bindings with SQL_DOUBLE data type lose precision.
[SNOW-1784] In some cases, timestamp data is incorrectly returned as NULL.
[SNOW-1794] When using the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a file DSN, the connector returns an empty file.
[SNOW-1821] When OCSP validation requests include URL reserved characters, the connection fails.
[SNOW-1822] When using a proxy that does not have username and password specified, the connection fails.