============================================================================== Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.1.2, as well as the version history.

3.1.2 ========================================================================

Release 2025-02-26

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • ICU 74.2 (previously 71.1)
    • LibCurl 8.12.1 (previously 8.11.1)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.16 (previously 3.0.15)

Note: The upgrade to ICU from 71.1 to 74.2 may result in conversion errors on Posix systems with default locales. This is a bug fix from ICU which was picked up in the upgrade, and may be alleviated by updating the Posix system’s locale to a UTF-8 locale (e.g. en_US.UTF8).

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.1.2.

  • [GAUSS-1877] Resolved an issue where HTAPI did not fully support the date ranges outside the Gregorian calendar.

  • [GAUSS-1933] The PrimaryKeys output now starts the key sequence at 1, showing the correct order of columns.

  • [GAUSS-2020] When SQLColAttribute is called for the SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH descriptor, the connector now returns the octet length as a function of the string length and code units of the platform’s configured locale.

  • [GAUSS-2020] Updated the Application Row Descriptor (ARD) and Implementation Row Descriptor (IRD) to consistently consider length, precision, and interval precision as separate properties.

  • [GAUSS-2020] Resolved an issue where some VARCHAR-based data would have incorrect descriptor metadata

Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application.

  • The connector does not order the result sets for the following catalog functions: SQLColumns, SQLForeignKeys, SQLGetTypeInfo, SQLPrimaryKeys, SQLProcedureColumns, SQLProcedures, SQLTables

    This is a limitation in the ODBC driver discovered in July 2024.

  • The connector does not support parameterized types for Resultset and Parameter metadata.

    This is a limitation of the Google BigQuery server.

  • The connector does not support parameters in the exception block.

    This is a limitation of the Google BigQuery server discovered on Mar 2021.

  • On macOS or Linux platforms, when the connector converts SQL_DOUBLE data to SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_WCHAR, data which is small or large enough to require representation in scientific notation may prepend a 0 to the exponent.

    This is a limitation of Google BigQuery. For a list of BigQuery data types that the connector maps to the SQL_DOUBLE ODBC type, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • When casting data, you must specify the data type according to Google BigQuery standards.

    When casting data to a specific data type, you must use the corresponding data type name shown in the “Casting” section of the Query Reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/sql-reference/functions-and-operators#cas ting

    For example, to cast the “salary” column to the INTEGER type, you must specify INT64 instead of INTEGER:

    SELECT position, CAST(salary AS INT64) from Employee

  • When using the Standard SQL dialect, the connector’s ODBC escape functionality is subject to the following limitations:

    • Standard SQL does not support the seed in the RAND([seed]) scalar function. As a result, the connector maps RAND() and RAND(6) to RAND().

    • For the following scalar functions, BigQuery only returns values in UTC, but ODBC expects the values in local time:

      • CURDATE()
      • CURRENT_DATE()
      • CURTIME()
      • NOW()
    • Time precision values are not supported for the CURRENT_TIME[(TIME_PRECISION)] and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP[(TIME_PRECISION)] scalar functions.

    • TIME data types are not supported for the following scalar functions:

      • EXTRACT(interval FROM datetime)
      • TIMESTAMPADD(interval,integer_exp,timestamp_exp
      • TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval,timestamp_exp1,timestamp_exp2) For TIMESTAMPADD and TIMESTAMPDIFF, only the TIMESTAMP and DATE data types are supported.
    • When calling the TIMESTAMPADD() scalar function to work with DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR intervals, the connector escapes the function and calls DATE_ADD() instead. DATE_ADD() only supports DATE types, so time information is lost if the function is called on TIMESTAMP data.

    • When calling the TIMESTAMPDIFF() scalar function to work with DAY, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR intervals, the connector escapes the function and calls DATE_DIFF() instead. DATE_DIFF() only supports DATE types, so time information is lost if the function is called on TIMESTAMP data.

    • For the BIT_LENGTH scalar function, only the STRING and BYTES data types are supported. This behavior aligns with the SQL-92 specification, but not the ODBC specification.

  • When using the Legacy SQL dialect, the connector’s ODBC escape functionality is subject to the following limitations:

    • For the following scalar functions, BigQuery only returns values in UTC, but ODBC expects the values in local time:

      • CURDATE()
      • CURRENT_DATE()
      • CURTIME()
    • Time precision values are not supported for the CURRENT_TIME[(TIME_PRECISION)] and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP[(TIME_PRECISION)] scalar functions.

    • For the following scalar functions, TIME data types are not supported. Only the TIMESTAMP and DATE data types are supported.

      • TIMESTAMPADD(interval,integer_exp,timestamp_exp
      • TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval,timestamp_exp1,timestamp_exp2)

Workflow Changes =============================================================

The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.

3.0.6 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1907] Removed support for multiple operating systems

    Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following operating systems:

    • CentOS 7
    • Debian 10
    • RHEL 7

    For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.0.5 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1784] Removed DllA directories

    Beginning with this release, on Windows, the LibCurl64.DllA and LibCurl32.DllA directories for 64 bit and 32 bit packages have been removed.

3.0.4 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1767] Updated IgnoreTransactions property

    The documentation for IgnoreTransactions property has been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.0.3 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1338] Updated High-Throughput API section

    Your authentication requires the devstorage.read_only scope at minimum to use the High-Throughput API. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.0.2 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1685] Upgraded EnableSession property support

    When using transactions, the EnableSession property is now required.

  • [GAUSS-1706] Updated Installation and Configuration section for Windows

    The Installation and Configuration section has been updated to include crls.pki.goog as a required endpoint to be whitelisted in proxies. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.0.0 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1593] Removed support for multiple operating systems

    Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports the following operating systems:

    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • Windows 8.1

    For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1595] Updated HTAPI support

    The following changes have been made to the HTAPI feature:

    • The Minimum Table Size for HTAPI field (HTAPI_MinResultsSize property) has been removed.
    • The Ratio of Results to Rows Per Block field (HTAPI_MinActivationRatio property) has been renamed to Activation Threshold for High-Throughput API (HTAPI_ActivationThreshold). The HTAPI_MinActivationRatio property has been deprecated and is an alias.
    • The Enable HTAPI for Large Results Dataset field (EnableHTAPI property) has been renamed Allow High-Throughput API for Large Results queries (AllowHtapiForLargeResults). The EnableHTAPI property has been deprecated and is an alias.
    • In the features section, the High-Throughput API section has been updated with new information.
  • [GAUSS-1604] Removed support for macOS universal bitness

    Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports universal bitness for macOS. Support for macOS versions 10.14 (32-bit) and 10.15 (32-bit) has been removed. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1624] Updated Large Result Set support

    The following changes have been made to the Large Result Set feature:

    • In the Advanced options configuration, Temporary Table Expiration Time has been renamed to Default temp table expiration time (ms).
    • In the features section, the Large Result Set Support section has been updated with new information.
  • [GAUSS-1625] Updated ClientId and ClientSecret default values

    The connector now uses package-specific default values for the ClientId and ClientSecret properties. It is recommeneded to use your own Client ID and Client Secret. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1645] Removed support for P12 kefiles

    Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports P12 keyfiles. Users relying on service account will have to use JSON keyfiles instead. The P12CustomPwd property used for supporting the P12 keyfile has also been deprecated.

2.6.0 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1583] Updated ClientID and ClientSecret properties

    The connector now uses Simba client details as the default values for the ClientId and ClientSecret properties. The readers are recommended to use their own client ID and client secret. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1541] Upgraded Google user account authentication

    The dialog now automatically retrieves a refresh token without a manual copy-and-paste of the confirmation code. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1543] Upgraded HTAPI property

    The following changes have been applied to the Advanced options configuration:

    • The Enable HTAPI checkbox has been moved from the High Throughput API options section to the Large Results options section.
    • The connector now uses Enable HTAPI for large result dataset that exceed the activation ratio and minimum query results size for HTAPI. To do this, select the Enable High-Throughput API for Large Result Dataset checkbox (set the EnableHTAPI property to 1).
    • The Minimum Query Results Size for HTAPI and Ratio of Results to Rows Per Block properties are now editable at all times. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.5.2 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1626] Removed redundant connection properties

    Auth_Client_ID and Auth_Client_SECRET connection properties have been deprecated.

  • [GAUSS-1543] Upgraded HTAPI property

    The following changes have been applied to the Advanced options configuration:

    • The Enable HTAPI checkbox has been moved from the High Throughput API options section to the Large Results options section.
    • The connector now uses Enable HTAPI for large result dataset that exceed the activation ratio and minimum query results size for HTAPI. To do this, select the Enable High-Throughput API for Large Result Dataset checkbox (set the EnableHTAPI property to 1).
    • The Minimum Query Results Size for HTAPI and Ratio of Results to Rows Per Block properties are now editable at all times. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.5.0 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-1508] Updated authentication interface

    On Windows, the Connector DSN Setup dialog box has been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.4.5 ———————————————————————–

  • [GAUSS-1434] Updated MaxThreads property

    The default value of the MaxThreads property is now 8. Previously, the default value was 16. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.3.5 ———————————————————————–

  • [GAUSS-1246] Removed support for macOS earlier than 10.14

    Beginning with this release, the connector no longer supports macOS versions earlier than 10.14. For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.2.4 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-980] Removed support for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013

    Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports this version of the dependency, and requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 instead.

2.2.2 ————————————————————————

  • [GAUSS-875] New service endpoints

    The driver now uses a new set of service endpoints to connect to the Google BigQuery API. The previous service endpoints have been deprecated. For a list of the new endpoints, see the “Service Endpoints” section of the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-897] Precedence for default large result dataset

    If the Use Default _bqodbc_temp_tables Large Results Dataset check box is selected (the UseDefaultLargeResultsDataset property is set to 1) and a dataset is specified in the Dataset Name For Large Result Sets field (the LargeResultsDataSetID property), the driver now uses the default _bqodbc_temp_tables dataset. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.2.0 ————————————————————————

  • Linux support changes

    Beginning with this release, the Linux version of the driver now requires glibc 2.17 or later to be installed on the target machine.

    As a result, the driver no longer supports CentOS 6 or RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6. Only CentOS 7, RHEL 7, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 and 12 are supported.

2.1.22 ———————————————————————–

  • [GAUSS-653] Updated large result set behavior

    The driver’s behavior for handling large result sets with legacy SQL has been changed. When the driver sends a query, it checks whether the “Allow Large Results” option is enabled and if there is a dataset name specified. If the option is enabled, it requests a temporary large result set for your data. This data storage has cost implications for your Big Query account, consult the Big Query service documentation for details.

2.1.14 ———————————————————————–

  • Minimum TLS Version

    Beginning with this release, the driver requires a minimum version of TLS for encrypting the data store connection. By default, the driver requires TLS version 1.2. This requirement may cause existing DSNs and connection strings to stop working, if they are used to connect to data stores that use a TLS version earlier than 1.2.

    To resolve this, in your DSN or connection string, set the Minimum TLS option (the Min_TLS property) to the appropriate version of TLS for your server. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • Large result set handling

    If you have a default destination set for large datasets but have not enabled the Allow Large Result Sets option (the AllowLargeResults property) the driver reports an error.

    To resolve this, enable the Allow Large Result Sets option (the AllowLargeResults property).

Version History ==============================================================

3.1.1 ————————————————————————

Release 2025-01-23

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1934] Added New Connection Property: HTAPI_SessionRetryTimeout

    The driver now supports the HTAPI_SessionRetryTimeout property, enabling retries for HTAPI initialization after gRPC “UNAVAILABLE” errors. Retries continue until a read session is created or the specified timeout is reached.

  • [GAUSS-2005] libcURL and Expat Version Upgrade

    The connector has updated the following third-party libraries:

    • Expat 2.6.4 (previously 2.6.3)
    • libcURL 8.11.1 (previously 8.7.1)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.1.1.

  • [GAUSS-1935] The driver now retries failed attempts to read rows from gRPC when errors are indicated by the “UNAVAILABLE,” “INTERNAL,” or “UNKNOWN” error codes.

  • [GAUSS-1939] The driver now correctly cancels queries that have not yet received job IDs when a cancel signal is issued.

  • [GAUSS-1957] Resolved a bug that could cause transactions to crash when interacting with dataset locations.

  • [GAUSS-1966] Resolved a bug that would cause SQLTables to crash when an AggregationThresholdPolicy was not present in the tables.list or tables.get output.

  • [GAUSS-1980] SQLCancel now functions consistently during all executions, addressing previous issues where it did not work in certain environments.

3.0.8 ————————————————————————

Released 2023-10-04

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1902] gRPC Version and Linux Platform Upgrade

    The driver has been upgraded from gRPC 1.46.7 to 1.64.2. As part of this upgrade, the Linux platform has also been updated, and the driver now requires GCC 8.5 to function on Linux platforms.

  • [GAUSS-1958] OpenSSL and Expat Version Upgrade

    The connector has updated the following third-party libraries:

    • Expat 2.6.3 (previously 2.6.2)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.15 (previously 3.0.13)

3.0.6 ————————————————————————

Released 2024-08-15

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1736] Low Latency query support

    The connector can now execute a query without creating a job to improve the performance. To do this, set the JobCreationMode property to 2. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1775] SQLPrimaryKeys and SQLForeignKeys support

    The connector can now retrieve a table’s primary key and foreign key metadata.

  • [GAUSS-1778] Display of table constraints

    The connector can now retrieve the table constraints using a QueryExecutor.

  • [GAUSS-1799][GAUSS-1863] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • Expat 2.6.2 (previously 2.6.0)
    • libcURL 8.7.1 (previously 8.6.0)
  • [GAUSS-1876] ADC execution

    When the environment variable is not specified, the connector will now check the default file system location for the Google Application Default Credentials. For more information, see the ADC documentation on Google: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/ application-default-credentials.

  • [GAUSS-1883] Native Service Account Impersonation (SAI) Support

    When authenticating with an external account (workload and workforce federations), if a configuration file specifies a service_account_impersonation_url, the connector impersonates that service account. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1882] SAI support for user and service account authentication

    SAI now supports user account and service account authentication only when the OAuthMechanism value is 0 (service account) or 1 or 2 (user account). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1884] Private service connect support

    When the IAM key is provided in the PrivateServiceConnectUris key-value list, the value replaces the IAM service’s target host. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1885] Impersonated service account support

    The connector now supports impersonated_service_account keyfiles in the Application Default Credentials auth flow. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1905] Updated Ubuntu support

    The connector now supports Ubuntu 24.04 version. For a list of supported platform versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.6.

  • [GAUSS-1877] HTAPI does not completely handle date ranges that were not part of the Gregorian calendar. ——————————————————————-

Released 2024-05-31

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1900] Security updates

    The connector has been updated with security improvements.

3.0.5 ————————————————————————

Released 2024-03-22

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1636] Application Default Credentials support

    You can now authenticate your connection with application default credentials. To do this, select Application Default Credentials from the OAuth Mechanism drop-down list (set the OAuth Mechanism property to Application Default Credentials). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1758][GAUSS-1763][GAUSS-1764] Updated RANGE data type support

    The connector now supports RANGE data types for read operations. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide and Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types#range_type.

  • [GAUSS-1768] Project ID support

    The DefaultDataset connection property now supports single dataset name and multi-part names that include project IDs.

  • [GAUSS-1783] Request ID support

    The connector has improved retry logic by setting request id in jobs.query.

  • [GAUSS-1784] Updated DllA directories location

    The libcurl.dll, LibCurl32.DllA.manifest, and LibCurl64.DllA.manifest files are now located under the lib folder.

  • [GAUSS-1792] OS version support

    The connector now displays the OS version in the user agent string.

  • Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • Avro 1.11.3 (previously 1.11.1)
    • Expat 2.6.0 (previously 2.5.0)
    • libcURL 8.6.0 (previously 8.4.0)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.13 (previously 3.0.12)
    • Zlib 1.3.1 (previously 1.2.13)

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.5.

  • [GAUSS-1791] When retrieving data from DATETIME columns, the connector retains milliseconds from the previous row.

3.0.4 ————————————————————————

Released 2023-12-05

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1437] Collation support

    The connector now returns case insensitive string columns information in the resultset metadata. For more information about this feature, see: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/collation-concepts.

  • [GAUSS-1671] Updated documentation for PSC property

    The documentation for PSC property has been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.4.

  • [GAUSS-1725] When the KMS Key is not properly set for all the queries, the connector returns an error.

  • [GAUSS-1755] The connector does not retry for HTTP 502 BAD_GATEWAY errors.

  • [GAUSS-1760] When a transaction with a specified location initiates, the connector does not add the location in the request.

3.0.3 ————————————————————————

Released 2023-10-31

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1751][GAUSS-1752] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • LibCurl 8.4.0 (previously 8.1.2)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.11 (previously 3.0.9)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.3.

  • [GAUSS-1591] When releasing a descriptor handle, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • The connector computes the value returned for SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH from the IRD (and thus also SQLColAttribute) for character types by using the maximum size of a codepoint, instead of the size of a code unit. For both wide and non-wide types, the column size was previously used directly for non-wide types as the code unit size was assumed to be 1.

  • When inserting a maximum double-value in the number converter, the connector returns an error.

3.0.2 ————————————————————————

Released 2023-07-20

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1412] Updated macOS support

    On macOS, the connector is now a Universal driver that natively supports Apple Silicon. For security best practices, it is suggested to keep both the connector and OS updated.

  • [GAUSS-1676] Support for SessionLocation property

    The connector can now create a session with the first query in your desired location. To do this, select the Session Location field (set the SessionLocation property to the desired location). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1662] Upgraded Windows compiler

    The connector now uses Visual Studio 2022. Previously, the connector used Visual Studio 2015. For a list of supported Visual Studio versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1661][GAUSS-1663][GAUSS-1686][GAUSS-1695] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • Boost 1.82.0 (previously 1.66.0)
    • libcURL 8.1.2 (previously 7.88.1)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.9 (previously 3.0.8)
    • Grpc 1.46.7 (previously 1.37.1)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.2.

  • [GAUSS-1680] The connector ignores the HTAPI_ActivationThreshold property.

  • [GAUSS-1708] When LargeResultsDatasetId is not specified, the connector ignores the given CMEK key. For more information on KMSKeyName, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.0.0 ————————————————————————

Released 2023-04-14

This release contains workflow changes, support deprecations and removals, please review Workflow Changes section below.

Enhancements & New Features

  • [GAUSS-1641][GAUSS-1647] Updated Refresh Token field behavior

    In the DSN configuration dialog, the Refresh Token field is now hidden with bullets. To generate refresh tokens that you can copy or paste into connection strings, use the get_refresh_token.py script located under the Tools directory. The DSN configuration dialog still generates a valid DSN in the Windows registry. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1593] Support for multiple operating systems

    The connector now supports the following operating systems:

    • RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9
    • Ubuntu 22.04

    For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [GAUSS-1654][GAUSS-1588] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector now uses the following third-party libraries:

    • Expat 2.5.0 (previously 2.4.6)
    • ICU 71.1(previously 58.3)
    • LibCurl 7.88.1 (previously 7.84.0)
    • OpenSSL 3.0.8 (previously 1.1.1s)
    • Zlib 1.2.13 (previously 1.2.11)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Connector 3.0.0.

  • [GAUSS-1609] The connector displays an incorrect error message for decryption.

  • [GAUSS-1644] For catalog functions other than SQLStatistics, the connector incorrectly uses SEQ_IN_INDEX for the ordinal position column.


Installation and Configuration Guide