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Offline Downloader#


Posit Package Manager


Posit Package Manager offline downloader.

rspm-offline-downloader [flags]


  -h, --help      help for rspm-offline-downloader
  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader get#

Commands to download files required to run Posit Package Manager in an air-gapped environment


      --cache   Enables caching between subsequent calls to the offline downloader (default true)
  -h, --help    help for get

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader get bioconductor#

Download files required to run Posit Package Manager in an air-gapped environment

rspm-offline-downloader get bioconductor [flags]


  rspm-offline-downloader get bioconductor --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination]
  rspm-offline-downloader get bioconductor --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination] --versions=release,devel
  rspm-offline-downloader get bioconductor --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination] --versions=3.11,3.10,3.9


      --base-url string            Optional. The base URL to locate files. (default "")
      --cache-dir string           Optional. Specify a custom cache directory to speed up subsequent command runs - this directory will not be cleaned up by this command.
      --concurrency int            Optional. The number of concurrent downloads. Must be 1-10 (default 1)
      --destination string         The destination to download files.
      --dryrun                     Describe the downloads without saving any files.
  -h, --help                       help for bioconductor
      --outbound-proxy string      Optional. URL to use for outbound HTTP(s) requests. Values may be either a complete URL or a host[:port], in which case the http scheme is assumed.
  -q, --quiet                      Optional. Run this command with minimal output.
      --retries int                Optional. Max number of times the offline downloader will attempt to download a package. Must be 1-15. (default 10)
      --rspm-version string        Your version of Posit Package Manager, e.g., 2021.09.0
      --starting-snapshot string   The starting snapshot date for the downloads. Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      --versions strings           The Bioconductor versions for which to download files. Use the aliases 'devel' and 'release' to download the current devel and release versions. If this flag is not included, all supported versions will be downloaded. (default [all])

Options inherited from parent commands#

      --cache     Enables caching between subsequent calls to the offline downloader (default true)
  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader get cran#

Download files required to run Posit Package Manager in an air-gapped environment

rspm-offline-downloader get cran [flags]


  rspm-offline-downloader get cran --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination]


      --base-url string            Optional. The base URL to locate files. (default "")
      --concurrency int            Optional. The number of concurrent downloads. Must be greater than 0. (default 10)
      --destination string         The destination to download files.
      --dryrun                     Describe the downloads without saving any files.
  -h, --help                       help for cran
      --include-binaries           Optional. Run this command to download R binaries for faster installs. Requires --r-versions and either --linux-distros or --windows.
      --linux-distros strings      Required when using --include-binaries unless --windows is included. The comma-separated list of Linux distributions to download binaries for. Valid distributions include: [centos7 centos8 rhel9 opensuse15 opensuse152 opensuse153 opensuse154 opensuse42 xenial bionic focal jammy]
      --outbound-proxy string      Optional. URL to use for outbound HTTP(s) requests. Values may be either a complete URL or a host[:port], in which case the http scheme is assumed.
  -q, --quiet                      Optional. Run this command with minimal output.
      --r-versions strings         Required when using --include-binaries. The comma-separated list of R versions to download binaries for. Valid R versions include: [3.4 3.5 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.2]
      --retries int                Optional. Max number of times the offline downloader will attempt to download a package. Must be 1-15. (default 10)
      --rspm-version string        Your version of Posit Package Manager, e.g., 2021.09.0
      --skip-source                Optional when --include-binaries is included. Skips download package sources and only retrieves binaries.
      --starting-snapshot string   The starting snapshot date for the downloads. Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      --timeout int                Download timeout in minutes, increase this value for slow internet connections. (default 15)
      --windows                    Required when using --included-binaries unless --linux-distros is included. Use this flag to specify that Windows binaries should be downloaded.

Options inherited from parent commands#

      --cache     Enables caching between subsequent calls to the offline downloader (default true)
  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader validate#

Validates that all snapshots and directories required to run Posit Package Manager in an air-gapped environment are present


  -h, --help   help for validate

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader validate bioconductor#

Validates that all snapshots and directories required to run Posit Package manager in an air-gapped environment are present

rspm-offline-downloader validate bioconductor [flags]


  rspm-offline-downloader validate bioconductor --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination]
  rspm-offline-downloader validate bioconductor --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination] --packages


      --destination string    The destination to download files.
  -h, --help                  help for bioconductor
      --packages              Optionally validate that all packages are present
      --rspm-version string   Your version of Posit Package Manager, e.g., 2021.09.0

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output

rspm-offline-downloader validate cran#

Validates that all snapshots and directories required to run Posit Package manager in an air-gapped environment are present

rspm-offline-downloader validate cran [flags]


  rspm-offline-downloader validate cran --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination]
  rspm-offline-downloader validate cran --rspm-version=[Posit Package Manager version] --destination=[/path/to/destination] --packages


      --destination string    The destination to download files.
  -h, --help                  help for cran
      --packages              Optionally validate that all packages are present
      --rspm-version string   Your version of Posit Package Manager, e.g., 2021.09.0

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -v, --verbose   Provide additional output