============================================================================= Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver Release Notes =============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, and known issues in Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 1.3.7, as well as the version history.

1.3.7 =======================================================================

Released 2017-09-27

Enhancements & New Features

  • Improved SSL certificate validation handling

    A number of improvements have been made in how the driver handles SSL, such as falling back to checking the system trust store if a specified SSL certificate is not available.

  • Redesigned DSN dialog box on Windows platforms

    The DSN configuration dialog box has been refreshed on Windows to provide a better user experience.

  • Option to disable concurrent ODBC statements

    The driver provides the Enforce Single Statement Mode option (the EnforceSingleStatement property) for disabling the creation of multiple concurrent ODBC statements. This feature is deactivated by default.

  • Table type support

    You can now configure the driver to recognize the TABLE, VIEW, SYSTEM TABLE, and LOCAL TEMPORARY table types instead of just one generic table type. To do this, enable the new Enable Table Types option (the EnableTableTypes property).

  • Prefixes for log file names

    You can now configure the driver to add a prefix to log file names. The prefix includes the user name associated with the connection and the process ID of the application through which the connection is made. To enable this feature, set the UseLogPrefix connection property to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 1.3.7.

  • Error when attempting to save DSN from an account without administrative privileges.

Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the driver, or an application.

  • Timestamps do not accept negative values.

    The driver does not support the use of negative values in timestamps.

Version History ==============================================================

1.3.4 ————————————————————————

Released 2017-03-31

Enhancements & New Features

  • Windows Trust Store supported

    The driver can be configured to authenticate using SSL certificates stored in the Windows Trust Store.


    The driver now supports this API call that checks to see if there is still an active connection to the data source.

Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 1.3.4.

  • Driver has issues with some negative Money data type values.

  • Cannot update timestamp columns.

  • Access violation issue when running multiple concurrent statements under the same connection.

1.3.1 ————————————————————————

Released 2016-10-31

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated error codes

    Previously, when reporting errors, the driver used error codes and messages that were native to Simba software. The driver now returns the corresponding SQL State error codes for errors, simplifying the process of identifying and resolving errors.

  • Custom SSL certificate name and path

    You can now specify a custom SSL certificate name and location.

  • Enhanced driver security

    A new security model has been implemented to further improve the driver’s industry-standard security protocol.

  • SQLNativeSql function now supported

    You can now use the SQLNativeSql function to translate a query from standard SQL to native SQL.

  • Column names now based on detected ODBC API version

    The driver now automatically detects the ODBC API version that is being used in the application, and returns correct column names for ODBC catalog functions based on the ODBC API version.

  • Updated encryption options for user credentials

    The Windows driver now supports encryption methods that are specific to User DSNs and System DSNs. You can configure the Encrypt Password option so that credentials can only be used by the current Windows user (recommended for User DSNs) or used by all users on the same machine (recommended for System DSNs).

  • CONVERT function now supported

    You can now use the ODBC CONVERT scalar function to convert data to a specific data type.

  • New location for SSL certificates

    During SSL verification, the driver now reads certificates from the lib subfolder in the driver installation directory. Previously, the driver read certificates from the %APPDATA% directory on Windows machines and the ~/.postgresql/ directory on non-Windows machines.

  • New default installation directory for Mac OS X

    The Mac OS X driver now installs to the /Library/simba/postgresodbc directory by default. Previously, the driver installed to the /opt/simba/postgresodbc directory.

  • TIMESTAMPADD function now supported

    You can now use the TIMESTAMPADD datetime scalar function.

Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver 1.3.1.

  • Binary parameters don’t work in PostgreSQL.

  • After setting the SIMBAPOSTGRESODBCINI environment variable, the driver does not use the specified simba.postgresodbc.ini configuration file.

  • Postgres ODBC returns HY000 for all errors.

  • When using parameterized queries in Declare-Fetch mode, the driver does not sanitize inputs.

  • Queries with columns that reference only parameters produce assertion failures.

  • Incomplete parameter SqlTypeMetadata handling under Declare-Fetch mode.

  • Potential instability when handling invalid network inputs.

  • Null terminated string parameter is not bound correctly.

  • Escape Interval not handled correctly.

  • When executing a query that contains bound parameters, the driver returns incorrect column type information.

  • When calling SQLGetTypeInfo, the driver erroneously returns TIME as a supported data type.

  • In some cases, when calling ODBC escape functions that do not contain parentheses (for example, {fn CURRENT_TIME}) or are formatted incorrectly, an access violation occurs.

  • In some cases, after executing a query directly and retrieving all the data, the driver returns incorrect results for the next query that is executed.

  • When using the Linux driver to execute a type conversion that causes the data to be truncated, the driver returns SQL_SUCCESS instead of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO and warning state 01S07.

  • In some cases, the SingleRowMode and TCP keepalives settings do not work when they are set in the odbc.ini file.

  • Driver returns incorrect data types when SQLGetTypeInfo is called.

  • When parameters are used as arguments to certan scalar functions, an error occurs.

  • In some cases, the name of the INI file for driver-wide configuration settings ([vendor].postgresodbc.ini) does not contain the correct vendor name.

  • Data that is converted to timestamps with milliseconds may scale incorrectly.

  • Conversion from valid non-number types to Decimal type is not supported.

  • Conversion from Numeric type to Decimal type is not supported.

  • Conversion from Hexadecimal type is not supported.

1.2.0 ————————————————————————

Released 2016-07-19

  • Version 1.2.0 was the initial release of the Simba PostgreSQL ODBC Driver.
