Work with Data

You have two options for working with data on Posit Cloud. You can either upload data files into your project - or you can access data in external databases via Data Connections.

Data Files

If your data is in files (e.g. .csv files), you can upload the files directly into your project.

To upload data files, press the Upload button in the files area of your RStudio Project

or in your Jupyter project Beta Feature

On disk, each project is allocated up to 20GB for its files, data, and packages.

The maximum size of an individual file that can be uploaded to a project is 500MB.

External Databases

If your data resides in an external database, you can work with the data there via a Data Connection.

Data Connections rely on database drivers, and Posit Cloud includes the complete set of Posit Professional Drivers. Visit to learn more about these drivers.

Data Connections can be created in shared spaces or in individual projects.

Shared Data Connections

Admins and moderators of a shared space can create connections that can be used by any member, and in any project, in the space.

Create a Shared Data Connection

How To

  1. Go the Data area of the space.
  2. Choose the Add Connection action to bring up the New Connection dialog.
  3. Name your connection - the name must be unique in the current space.
  4. Select the appropriate driver to access your database.
  5. Fill in and submit the information required to access the database - any sensitive information is encrypted prior to transit and storage.

Once a Data Connection has been created in a space, it can be used by any member in any project in the space.

Use a Shared Data Connection

To use a shared Data Connection in an RStudio Project, do the following:

How To

  1. Open or create a project and go to the Connections pane in the RStudio IDE.
  2. Choose the New Connection action to bring up the New Connection dialog.
  3. The space’s shared Data Connections will appear at the top of the list of connections - choose one.

  1. In the panel that appears, you will see the code snippet representing the connection.
  2. Choose any of the available options to establish the connection - see Using RStudio Connections in the RStudio IDE for more details.

If a project gets moved to another space, it can no longer access the connection from the original space - but if the destination space has a connection of the same name, that connection will be used.

Individual Data Connections

See Using RStudio Connections in the RStudio IDE for details on how to create and use connections within an individual RStudio project.

Access Data Behind a Firewall

If you want to access external data sources that are behind a firewall, you will need to allow access from the following Posit Cloud IP addresses:
