RStudio Launcher Plugin SDK  1.1.3
A software development kit for creating plugins that work the the RStudio Launcher.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AbstractOutputStreamStreams job output data to the launcher
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::FileOutputStreamStreams job output data from a file
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::AsioStreamClass which allows reading from or writing to streams asynchronously
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::AsyncDeadlineEventClass which may be used to post async work to be performed at a later time
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::AsyncProcessCallbacksCallbacks that will be invoked when certain events happen in the asynchronous child process
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::AsyncTimedEventClass which performs an action asynchronously every specified number of seconds
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ContainerStruct which represents the container to use when launching a containerized job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ContainerConfigurationDescribes the container configuration of the Job Source
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::DateTimeClass which represents a date and time in UTC
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AbstractPluginApiBase class for the Launcher Plugin API
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::FileOutputStreamStreams job output data from a file
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::comms::AbstractLauncherCommunicatorBase class responsible for communicating the the launcher. The type of communication is implementation dependent
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::AbstractJobRepositoryStores any jobs currently in the job scheduling system
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::AbstractTimedJobStatusWatcherResponsible for polling job statuses on a timer
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::JobStatusNotifierClass which notifies subscribers when a job updates
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::local::LocalJobRunnerRuns jobs on the local machine
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::ErrorLocationClass which represents the location of an error
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::ErrorLockA class which can be derived from in order to prevent child classes from being derived from further
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::ErrorClass which represents an error
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ExposedPortStruct which represents an exposed port on a containerized job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::logging::FileLogOptionsClass which represents the options for a file logger
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::FilePathClass which represents a path on the system. May be any type of file (e.g. directory, symlink, regular file, etc.)
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::IJobSourceGeneric interface for communicating with a Job Source. Implementation is plugin specific
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::local::LocalJobSourceClass which is responsible for running and retrieving information about jobs on the Local system
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::quickstart::QuickStartJobSourceClass which is responsible for running and retrieving information about jobs in the job scheduling system
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::options::Options::InitClass for initializing Options
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::posix::IpAddressRepresents an IP address
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::detail::is_json_type< T >Struct which is either a child class of std::true_type or std::false_type depending on whether T is a JSON type (e.g. Value, Object, Array) or not (e.g. int, bool, string, float, etc.)
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::Array::IteratorClass which allows iterating over the elements of a JSON array
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::Object::IteratorClass which allows iterating over the members of a JSON object
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::JobStructure which represents a job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::JobConfigStruct which represents a custom configuration setting for jobs launched with a given Plugin
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::JobSourceConfigurationDescribes the capabilities and configuration of this Job Source
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::local::LocalSecureCookieReads and makes available the secure-cookie-key-file specified in the launcher.local.conf file
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::Object::MemberClass which represents a single member of a JSON object
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::MountStruct which represents an file system mount available to a job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::MountSourceStruct which represents the source path of an NFS Mount
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AzureFileMountSourceRepresents an Azure File Mount Source
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::CephFsMountSourceRepresents a Ceph File System Mount Source
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::HostMountSourceRepresents a path to mount on the same host as the Job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::NfsMountSourceRepresents an NFS Mount Source
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::NetworkInfoRepresents the network information for a job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::NoncopyableClass which can be inherited from to disallow copying of its child classes
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AbstractMultiStream< ResourceUtilStreamResponse, ResourceUtilData, bool >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::AbstractMainBase class for the PluginMain class, which runs the plugin
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AbstractMultiStream< R, Args >Manages the sending of streamed responses
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::AbstractPluginApiBase class for the Launcher Plugin API
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::JobLockRAII class for locking access to a Job object. Should be used every time a Job is modified
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::RequestBase class for all requests which may be received from the Launcher
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ResponseRepresents the common components of all responses which can be sent the RStudio Launcher
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::comms::AbstractLauncherCommunicatorBase class responsible for communicating the the launcher. The type of communication is implementation dependent
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::AbstractJobRepositoryStores any jobs currently in the job scheduling system
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::AbstractJobStatusWatcherManages posting job status updates to the notifier
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::jobs::JobStatusNotifierClass which notifies subscribers when a job updates
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::local::LocalOptionsClass which stores options specific to the Local Container system
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::logging::ILogDestinationInterface which allows a logger to write a log message to a destination
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::options::AbstractUserProfilesBase class which reads an ini-based user profiles file
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::quickstart::QuickStartOptionsClass which defines options for the QuickStart Launcher Plugin
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::AsioServiceAsync input/output class which may be used to manage ASIO operations
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::AbstractChildProcessBase class for a child process, which will be launched via rsandbox
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::ProcessSupervisorCreates and manages non-blocking child processes
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::RemoveOnExitScopeRAII class for restoring the current working directory
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::RestoreCurrentPathScopeRAII class for restoring the current working directory
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::options::OptionsOptions for the plugin
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< T >Container class which represents a value that may or may not be set
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< double >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< int >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< pid_t >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< rstudio::launcher_plugins::api::Container >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< rstudio::launcher_plugins::system::DateTime >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< rstudio::launcher_plugins::system::User >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::Optional< Type >
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::PathScopeImplDeleterStruct which implements the deleter for PathScopeImpl
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::PlacementConstraintStruct which represents a custom placement constraint for the job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::ProcessInfoRepresents the details of a process that is running on this machine
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::ProcessOptionsDefines a process that can be run
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::process::ProcessResultRepresents the result of a synchronous child process
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::logging::RefreshParamsA struct encapsulating various params to pass when refreshing log destinations. This carries data that some loggers may be interested in consuming to determine how the refresh should be carried out. See the FileLogDestination for a concrete example of this
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ResourceLimitStruct which represents a resource limit for a job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::ResourceUtilDataRepresents the current resource utilization of a job
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::api::StreamSequenceIdAn identifier for a MultiStreamResponse
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::TimeDurationRepresents an duration of time (e.g. 5 hours, 43 minutes, and 21 seconds) as opposed to a point in time
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::system::UserClass which represents a system user
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::options::Value< T >Concrete class which represents an option Value
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::ValueClass which represents a json value
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::ArrayClass which represents a JSON array
 Crstudio::launcher_plugins::json::ObjectClass which represents a specific type of JSON Value: a JSON object