D RStudio Server Configuration

The following sections detail user-configurable options for RStudio Server.

D.1 rserver.conf

The following is a list of available options that can be specified in the rserver.conf configuration file, which controls behavior of the rserver process, allowing you to tune HTTP, authorization options, and other settings that broadly affect RStudio Server.

D.1.1 verify Settings

D.1.1.1 verify-installation

Runs verification mode to verify the current installation.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.1.2 verify-user

Specifies the run-as user for additional Job Launcher verification.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.1.3 verify-test

Specifies the verify-installation test to run. Leave empty to run all tests.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2 server Settings

D.1.2.1 server-working-dir

The default working directory of the rserver process.

Type: string
Default: /

D.1.2.2 server-user

The user account of the rserver process.

Type: string
Default: rstudio-server

D.1.2.3 server-daemonize

Indicates whether or not the rserver process should run as a daemon.

Type: bool
Default: 1 (true) if rserver was run with root privilege, otherwise 0 (false).

D.1.2.4 server-pid-file

The path to a file where the rserver daemon’s pid is written.

Type: string
Default: /var/run/rstudio-server.pid

D.1.2.5 server-set-umask

If enabled, sets the rserver process umask to 022 on startup, which causes new files to have rw-r-r permissions.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.7 server-data-dir

Path to the data directory where RStudio Server will write run-time state.

Type: string
Default: /var/run/rstudio-server

D.1.2.8 server-add-header

Adds a header to all responses from RStudio Server. This option can be specified multiple times to add multiple headers.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.9 server-nginx-path

The relative path from the RStudio installation directory, or absolute path where the nginx binary is located.

Type: string
Default: bin/rserver-http

D.1.2.10 server-nginx-conf-template-path

The relative path from the RStudio installation directory, or absolute path where the nginx config file templates are located.

Type: string
Default: conf

D.1.2.11 server-nginx-conf-path

Specifies the path to the nginx config files.

Type: string
Default: /var/lib/rstudio-server/conf

D.1.2.12 server-nginx-ld-library-path

Specifies the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the nginx executable.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.13 server-access-log

Indicates whether or not to write HTTP access logs to /var/log/rstudio-server.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.14 server-nginx-http-directives-path

Specifies the path to custom nginx http directives.

Type: string
Default: The first nginx.http.conf file that is found on the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment, or /etc/rstudio/nginx.http.conf if no XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are specified.

D.1.2.15 server-nginx-server-directives-path

Specifies the path to custom nginx server directives.

Type: string
Default: The first nginx.server.conf file that is found on the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment, or /etc/rstudio/nginx.server.conf if no XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are specified.

D.1.2.16 server-nginx-site-directives-path

Specifies the path to custom nginx site directives.

Type: string
Default: The first nginx.site.conf file that is found on the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment, or /etc/rstudio/nginx.site.conf if no XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are specified.

D.1.2.17 server-health-check-enabled

Indicates whether or not to allow access to the server health check URL.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.18 server-license-type

Specifies whether to use remote (floating) or local (activation) licensing.

Type: string
Default: local

D.1.2.19 license-retry-seconds

Specifies the number of seconds to wait between floating license retries.

Type: int

D.1.2.20 server-balancer-path

The relative path from the RStudio installation directory, or absolute path where the custom load balancing script is located.

Type: string
Default: bin/rserver-balancer

D.1.2.21 server-multiple-sessions

Indicates whether or not to allow multiple sessions per user.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.22 r-versions-multiple

Indicates whether or not to allow the use of multiple R versions.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.23 server-project-sharing

Indicates whether or not to allow project sharing.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.24 server-project-sharing-root-dir

Specifies the root directory for shared projects in addition to users’ own home directories.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.25 server-user-home-page

Indicates whether or not to show the user home page upon login.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.26 r-versions-scan

Indicates whether or not to scan for available R versions on the system.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.27 modules-bin-path

Specifies the path to modules sh init binary. This is necessary if you intend to load R versions via modules.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.28 admin-enabled

Indicates whether or not to allow access to the administration dashboard.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.29 admin-group

Limits admin dashboard access to users belonging to the specified group.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.30 admin-superuser-group

Limits admin superusers to those belonging to the specified group.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.31 admin-monitor-log-use-server-time-zone

Indicates whether or not to use the server time zone when displaying the monitor log. If disabled, uses UTC.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.32 r-versions-path

Specifies the path to the file containing the list of available R Versions in JSON format. This file will be automatically generated by the rserver process after discovering the R versions available on the system. It is strongly recommended not to modify this setting in most cases.

Type: string
Default: /var/lib/rstudio-server/r-versions

D.1.2.33 launcher-address

Specifies the address of the Launcher service (local unix domain socket file or IP address).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.34 launcher-port

Specifies the port of the Launcher to connect to (if not using a unix domain socket).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.35 launcher-use-ssl

Indicates whether or not to use SSL connections when connecting to the Launcher (if not using a unix domain socket).

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.36 launcher-verify-ssl-certs

Indicates whether or not to verify the Launcher certificate(s) when using an SSL connection.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.37 launcher-sessions-enabled

Indicates whether or not to use the Launcher for creating sessions.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.38 launcher-default-cluster

Specifies the default cluster to launch jobs on when using the Launcher.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.39 launcher-sessions-callback-address

The callback address (hostname, IP address, or HTTP URL) of rserver for Launcher sessions to communicate back.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.40 launcher-sessions-callback-verify-ssl-certs

Indicates whether or not to enforce SSL certificate verification of the server when Launcher sessions communicate back via the callback address.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.41 launcher-sessions-container-image

Specifies the default container image to use for Launcher sessions. Only applicable for container-based job systems (e.g. Kubernetes).

Type: strng

D.1.2.42 launcher-sessions-container-run-as-root

Indicates whether or not to run the Launcher session containers as root. If not, uses the requesting user’s UID. Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.2.43 launcher-sessions-create-container-user

Indicates whether or not to create a user for the container’s owner when running Launcher session containers. Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.44 launcher-sessions-connection-timeout-seconds

Specifies the connection timeout in seconds to use when establishing a connection to a Launcher session.

Type: int
Default: 3

D.1.2.45 launcher-sessions-clusters

Specifies a comma-separated list of available clusters for launching interactive sessions (or all Launcher clusters if empty).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.46 launcher-adhoc-clusters

Specifies a comma-separated list of available clusters for launching adhoc jobs (or all Launcher clusters if empty).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.47 launcher-sessions-container-images

Specifies a comma-separated list of available container images for launching interactive sessions (or all cluster images if empty). Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.48 launcher-adhoc-container-images

Specifies a comma-separated list of available container images for launching ad-hoc jobs (or all cluster images if empty). Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.2.49 launcher-sessions-forward-container-environment

Indicates whether or not to forward the existing container environment variables to the session. Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.2.50 launcher-sessions-container-forward-groups

Indicates whether or not to forward the user’s supplemental groups to the container. Only applicable for container-based job systems.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.3 www Settings

D.1.3.1 www-address

The network address that RStudio Server will listen on for incoming connections.

Type: string

D.1.3.2 www-port

The port that RStudio Server will bind to while listening for incoming connections. If left empty, the port will be automatically determined based on your SSL settings (443 for SSL, 80 for no SSL).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.3.3 www-root-path

The path prefix added by a proxy to the incoming RStudio URL. This setting is used so RStudio Server knows what path it is being served from. If running RStudio Server behind a path-modifying proxy, this should be changed to match the base RStudio Server URL.

Type: string
Default: Assume the root path '/' if not defined.

D.1.3.4 www-thread-pool-size

The size of the threadpool from which requests will be serviced. This may be increased to enable more concurrency, but should only be done if the underlying hardware has more than 2 cores. It is recommended to use a value that is <= to the number of hardware cores, or <= to two times the number of hardware cores if the hardware utilizes hyperthreading.

Type: int
Default: 2

D.1.3.5 www-proxy-localhost

Indicates whether or not to proxy requests to localhost ports over the main server port. This should generally be enabled, and is used to proxy HTTP traffic within a session that belongs to code running within the session (e.g. Shiny or Plumber APIs)

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.3.6 www-verify-user-agent

Indicates whether or not to verify connecting browser user agents to ensure they are compatible with RStudio Server.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.3.7 www-same-site

The value of the ‘SameSite’ attribute on the cookies issued by RStudio Server. Accepted values are ‘none’ or ‘lax’. The value ‘none’ should be used only when RStudio is hosted into an iFrame. For compatibility with some browsers (i.e. Safari 12), duplicate cookies will be issued by RStudio Server when ‘none’ is used.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.3.8 www-frame-origin

Specifies the allowed origin for the iFrame hosting RStudio if iFrame embedding is enabled.

Type: string
Default: none

D.1.3.9 www-enable-origin-check

If enabled, cause RStudio to enforce that incoming request origins are from the host domain. This can be added for additional security. See https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html#verifying-origin-with-standard-headers

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.3.10 www-allow-origin

Specifies an additional origin that requests are allowed from, even if it does not match the host domain. Used if origin checking is enabled. May be specified multiple times for multiple origins.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.3.11 ssl-enabled

Enables or disables SSL.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.3.12 ssl-certificate

Specifies the path to the SSL certificate for RStudio Server to use.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.3.13 ssl-certificate-key

Specifies the path to the SSL certificate private key.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.3.14 ssl-protocols

Specifies the list of supported SSL protocols separated by a space.

Type: string
Default: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2

D.1.3.15 ssl-redirect-http

Indicates whether or not HTTP requests should automatically be redirected to HTTPS.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.3.16 ssl-hsts

Indicates whether or not to enable Strict Transport Security when SSL is in use.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.3.17 ssl-hsts-max-age

Specifies the maximum age for Strict Transport Security.

Type: int
Default: 86400

D.1.3.18 ssl-hsts-include-subdomains

Indicates whether or not to include subdomains in HSTS protection.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.4 rsession Settings

D.1.4.1 rsession-which-r

The path to the main R program (e.g. /usr/bin/R). This should be set if no versions are specified in /etc/rstudio/r-versions and the default R installation is not available on the system path.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.4.2 rsession-path

The relative path from the RStudio installation directory, or absolute path to the rsession executable.

Type: string
Default: rsession

D.1.4.3 rldpath-path

The path to the r-ldpath script which specifies extra library paths for R versions.

Type: string
Default: r-ldpath

D.1.4.4 rsession-ld-library-path

Specifies additional LD_LIBRARY_PATHs to use for R sessions.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.4.5 rsession-config-file

If set, overrides the path to the /etc/rstudio/rsession.conf configuration file. The specified path may be a relative path from the RStudio installation directory, or an absolute path.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.4.6 rsession-proxy-max-wait-secs

The maximum time to wait in seconds for a successful response when proxying requests to rsession.

Type: int
Default: 10

D.1.4.7 rsession-exec-command

Specifies the wrapper command used when executing the rsession binary.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.4.8 session-no-profile

Indicates whether or not to disable user profiles from executing on session start.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.4.9 rsession-diagnostics-enabled

Indicates whether or not session diagnostic data should be collected. This can be used for troubleshooting issues with session starts.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.4.10 rsession-diagnostics-dir

Specifies the directory where session diagnostic data should be written.

Type: string
Default: /tmp

D.1.4.11 rsession-diagnostics-strace-enabled

Indicates whether or not strace data should be included when collecting session diagnostic data.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.4.12 rsession-diagnostics-libsegfault

Specifies the path to libSegFault.so library which is used for dumping stack trace information when session diagnostics are collected.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.5 database Settings

D.1.5.1 database-config-file

If set, overrides the path to the /etc/rstudio/database.conf configuration file.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6 auth Settings

D.1.6.1 auth-none

If set, disables multi-user authentication. Pro features may not work in this mode.

Type: bool
Default: 1 (true) if rserver was run without root privilege, otherwise 0 (false).

D.1.6.2 auth-validate-users

Indicates whether or not to validate that authenticated users exist on the target system. Disabling this option may cause issues to start or to run a session.

Type: bool
Default: 1 (true) if rserver was run with root privilege, otherwise 0 (false).

D.1.6.3 auth-stay-signed-in-days

The number of days to keep a user signed in when using the “Stay Signed In” option. Will only take affect when auth-timeout-minutes is 0 (disabled).

Type: int
Default: 30

D.1.6.4 auth-timeout-minutes

The number of minutes a user will stay logged in while idle before required to sign in again. Set this to 0 (disabled) to enable legacy timeout auth-stay-signed-in-days.

Type: int
Default: 60

D.1.6.5 auth-encrypt-password

Indicates whether or not to encrypt the password sent from the login form. For security purposes, we strongly recommend you leave this enabled.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.6.6 auth-login-page-html

The path to a file containing additional HTML customization for the login page.

Type: string
Default: /etc/rstudio/login.html

D.1.6.7 auth-rdp-login-page-html

The path to a file containing additional HTML customization for the login page, as seen by RDP users.

Type: string
Default: /etc/rstudio/rdplogin.html

D.1.6.8 auth-required-user-group

Specifies a group that users must be in to be able to use RStudio.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.9 auth-minimum-user-id

Specifies a minimum user id value. Users with a uid lower than this value may not use RStudio.

Type: string
Default: auto

D.1.6.10 auth-pam-require-password-prompt

Indicates whether or not to require the “Password:” prompt before sending the password via PAM. In most cases, this should be enabled. If using a custom PAM password prompt, you may need to disable this setting if PAM logins do not work correctly.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.6.11 auth-sign-in-throttle-seconds

The minimum amount of time a user must wait before attempting to sign in again after signing out.

Type: int
Default: 5

D.1.6.12 auth-revocation-list-dir

If set, overrides the path to the directory which contains the revocation list to be used for storing expired tokens. As of RStudio Server 1.4, this has been moved to database storage, and so this setting is deprecated, but will be used to port over any existing file-based expired tokens.
This option is deprecated and should not be used.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.13 auth-cookies-force-secure

Indicates whether or not auth cookies should be forcefully marked as secure. This should be enabled if running an SSL terminator infront of RStudio Server. Otherwise, cookies will be marked secure if SSL is configured.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.14 auth-stay-signed-in

Indicates whether or not to allow users to stay signed in across browser sessions.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.6.15 auth-google-accounts

Enables/disables authentication via Google accounts.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.16 auth-google-accounts-redirect-base-uri

Specifies an override URI to use instead of the redirect URI detected for Google accounts. This is needed if running behind a proxy without the X-RStudio-Request header.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.17 auth-openid

Enables/disables authentication via OpenID SSO.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.18 auth-openid-base-uri

Overrides the detected base URI for the server. This is needed if running behind a proxy without the X-RStudio-Request header.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.19 auth-openid-issuer

Specifies the HTTPS URL of the OpenID issuer and the location of ‘/.well-known/open-configuration’

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.20 auth-openid-scopes

Specifies any additional space-separated scopes required by the OpenID OP to return a username claim.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.21 auth-openid-username-claim

Specifies the name of the OpenID claim used to define the username.

Type: string
Default: preferred_username

D.1.6.22 auth-saml

Enables/disables authentication via SAML SSO.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.23 auth-saml-metadata-path

Specifies the path to the XML SAML metadata file. Overrides the metadata URL option if present.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.24 auth-saml-metadata-url

Specifies the location of the XML SAML metadata on the Identity Provider. Requires backend connectivity.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.25 auth-saml-idp-entity-id

Specifies the entity identifier (name or URI) of the Identity Provider. Only used if no metadata is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.26 auth-saml-idp-sso-url

Specifies the endpoint that will receive SSO requests on the Identity Provider. Only used if no metadata is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.27 auth-saml-idp-sign-cert-path

Specifies the path to the PEM certificate file for verifying SAML signatures. Only used if no metadata is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.28 auth-saml-idp-post-binding

When enabled, uses HTTP POST for SSO. Otherwise, uses an HTTP redirect. This must match the metadata specification if metadata is defined.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.29 auth-saml-sso-initiation

Indicates if only “idp” or “sp” can initiate a SAML SSO sequence. If not defined, both can initiate.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.30 auth-saml-sp-base-uri

Overrides the detected base URI for the server. This is needed if running behind a proxy without the X-RStudio-Request header.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.31 auth-saml-sp-encryption-key-path

Specifies the path to the PEM file containing the private key for decrypting SAML responses. Also used for request signing if a signing method is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.32 auth-saml-sp-encryption-cert-path

Specifies the path to the PEM certificate file for encrypting SAML responses. Also used for request signing if a signing method is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.33 auth-saml-sp-signing-key-path

Specifies the path to the PEM file containing the private key for signing SAML requests. Not used if an encryption key is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.34 auth-saml-sp-signing-cert-path

Specifies the path to the PEM certificate file for verifying SAML requests signature. Not used if an encryption certificate is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.35 auth-saml-sp-request-signing-method

Indicates whether “sha1”, “sha256”, or “sha512” is used to sign SAML requests. If not defined, the SAML requests will not be signed.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.36 auth-saml-sp-name-id-format

Requests that the NameID Format be one of “unspecified”, “emailAddress”, “persistent” or “transient”. This must match the metadata specification if metadata is defined.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.37 auth-saml-sp-attribute-username

Specifies the name of the attribute in the SAML assertion used to define the username.

Type: string
Default: Username

D.1.6.38 auth-proxy

Enables/disables authentication via proxy by using a special header field.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.39 auth-proxy-sign-in-url

Specifies the URL of the sign in page for proxied authentication.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.40 auth-proxy-sign-out-url

Specifies the optional URL of the sign out page for proxied authentication.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.41 auth-proxy-sign-in-delay

Specifies the delay in seconds to show user sign in info when redirecting from the proxy sign in page.

Type: int
Default: 0

D.1.6.42 auth-proxy-user-header

Specifies the name of the HTTP header that RStudio should read the proxied user identity from.

Type: string
Default: X-RStudio-Username

D.1.6.43 auth-proxy-user-header-rewrite

Specifies the re-write rule for the auth-proxy-user-header. The format of a re-write rule is a regular expression followed by a space and then a replacement string. The replacement string can reference captured parts of the regular expression using $1, $2, etc.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.6.44 auth-proxy-require-hmac

Indicates whether or not to require HMAC signatures from the proxy to authenticate. This ensures that proxied requests are really from the proxy.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.45 auth-pam-sessions-enabled

Enables or disables PAM sessions when new sessions are started.

Type: bool
Default: Disabled if using Launcher sessions. Enabled otherwise.

D.1.6.46 auth-pam-sessions-profile

Specifies the profile to use for PAM sessions.

Type: string
Default: su

D.1.6.47 auth-pam-sessions-use-password

Indicates whether or not to use passwords when creating PAM sessions. Requires storing of user passwords in memory, though we use industry best-practices for keeping the passwords secure.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.6.48 auth-pam-sessions-close

Indicates whether or not to close the PAM session when the R session exits.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.7 monitor Settings

D.1.7.1 monitor-interval-seconds

The interval in seconds at which the monitor is probed for new data.

Type: int
Default: 60

D.1.7.2 monitor-stderr-enabled

Indicates whether or not to log metrics to stderr.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.7.3 monitor-rrd-enabled

Indicates whether or not to enable logging of metrics to RRD.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.7.4 monitor-data-path

Specifies the path where monitor logs and RRD databases should be written.

Type: string
Default: /var/lib/rstudio-server/monitor

D.1.7.5 monitor-rstudio-session-metrics

Indicates whether or not to collect metrics about session utilization per user.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.1.7.6 monitor-rrd-rrdtool-binary

Specifies the path to the rrdtool binary.

Type: string
Default: /usr/bin/rrdtool

D.1.7.7 monitor-graphite-enabled

Enables/disables logging of metrics to graphite.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.7.8 monitor-graphite-host

Specifies the host to send graphite metrics to.

Type: string

D.1.7.9 monitor-graphite-port

Specifies the port to send graphite metrics to.

Type: int
Default: 2003

D.1.7.10 monitor-graphite-client-id

Specifies the optional client id to include along with graphite metrics.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.1.7.11 audit-data-path

Specifies the path to where audit data should be stored.

Type: string
Default: /var/lib/rstudio-server/audit

D.1.7.12 audit-r-console

Specifies the level of console activity that should be audited (none, input, or all).

Type: string
Default: none

D.1.7.13 audit-r-console-user-limit-months

Specifies the number of months of user console data to retain within the audit directory.

Type: int
Default: 0

D.1.7.14 audit-r-console-user-limit-mb

Specifies the limit in megabytes on user console actions to retain in the audit log.

Type: int
Default: 50

D.1.7.15 audit-r-console-compress

Indicates whether or not to compress console audit logs using gzip compression.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.1.7.16 audit-r-console-format

Specifies the format to use for the console audit log (csv or json).

Type: string
Default: csv

D.1.7.17 audit-r-sessions

Indicates whether or not to audit R session activity.

Type: bool
Default: Enabled if using named user licensing. Disabled otherwise.

D.1.7.18 audit-r-sessions-limit-months

Specifies the number of months of session action data to retain within the audit directory.

Type: int
Default: 13

D.1.7.19 audit-r-sessions-limit-mb

Specifies the limit in megabytes on session actions to retain in the audit log.

Type: int
Default: 1024

D.1.7.20 audit-r-sessions-format

Specifies the format to use for the session audit log (csv or json).

Type: string
Default: csv

D.1.7.21 server-shared-storage-path

Specifies the path to the shared storage directory.

Type: string
Default: /var/lib/rstudio-server/shared-storage

D.2 rsession.conf

The following is a list of available options that can be specified in the rsession.conf configuration file, which controls behavior of the rsession process, allowing you to tune various R session parameters.

D.2.1 verify Settings

D.2.1.1 verify-installation

Verifies that the session installation is working correctly and exits.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.2 docs Settings

D.2.2.1 docs-url

If specified, overrides the URL to navigate to when a user clicks on the RStudio help link.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3 session Settings

D.2.3.1 session-timeout-minutes

The amount of minutes before a session times out, at which point the session will either suspend or exit.

Type: int
Default: 120

D.2.3.2 session-timeout-suspend

Indicates whether or not to suspend the session after the timeout has elapsed. Setting this to false will cause the session to quit instead of suspending to disk when the session times out.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.3.3 session-disconnected-timeout-minutes

If set, causes the session to time out after not receiving any new connections within the specified minutes. This behavior is generally not needed, and you should instead use session-timeout-minutes

Type: int
Default: 0

D.2.3.4 session-preflight-script

Sets a script to be run on startup before any R initialization has occurred.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.5 session-create-public-folder

Indicates whether or not to create a Public folder for the user whenever the session starts. This folder will have global read permissions, and can be used as a simple means for users to share files. It is recommended you do not use this feature, and instead use the more advanced Project Sharing features.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.6 session-create-profile

Indicates whether or not to create a default empty .Rprofile script within the user’s home directory, which can be altered to perform any desired common startup tasks.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.7 session-rprofile-on-resume-default

Specifies the default user setting for running the Rprofile when sessions are resumed.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.8 session-save-action-default

Specifies the default save action (yes, no, or ask).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.9 session-default-working-dir

Specifies the default working directory to use for new sessions.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.10 session-default-new-project-dir

Specifies the default directory to use for new projects.
This option is deprecated and should not be used.

Type: string
Default: ~

D.2.3.11 show-help-home

Indicates whether or not to show the help home page on startup.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.12 session-default-console-term

Specifies the default TERM setting for the R console.

Type: string
Default: xterm-256color

D.2.3.13 session-default-clicolor-force

Specifies the default CLICOLOR_FORCE setting for the R console.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.3.14 session-quit-child-processes-on-exit

Indicates whether or not to quit child processes of the session on exit. If unset, child processes created by forking or parallel processing may continue to run in the background after the session is terminated.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.15 session-first-project-template-path

Specifies the path to a first project template which will be copied into new users’ home directories and opened the first time they run a session. The template can optionally be configured with DefaultOpenDocs to cause documents to automatically be opened for the first project.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.16 default-rsconnect-server

Specifies the default RStudio Connect server URL.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.17 websocket-ping-seconds

Specifies the WebSocket keep-alive ping interval for session terminals.

Type: int
Default: 10

D.2.3.18 websocket-connect-timeout

Specifies the WebSocket initial connection timeout in seconds for session terminals.

Type: int
Default: 3

D.2.3.19 websocket-log-level

Specifies the WebSocket log level for session terminals ((0=none, 1=errors, 2=activity, 3=all).

Type: int
Default: 0

D.2.3.20 websocket-handshake-timeout

Specifies the WebSocket protocol handshake timeout for session terminals in milliseconds.

Type: int
Default: 5000

D.2.3.21 package-output-to-package-folder

Specifies whether or not package builds output to the package project folder.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.22 restrict-directory-view

Indicates whether or not to restrict the directories that can be viewed within the IDE.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.3.23 directory-view-whitelist

Specifies a list of directories exempt from directory view restrictions, separated by a colon character (:).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.3.24 session-env-var-save-blacklist

Specifies a list of environment variables that will not be saved when sessions suspend, separated by a colon character (:).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.4 allow Settings

D.2.4.1 allow-vcs-executable-edit

Indicates whether or not to allow editing of VCS (Version Control Systems) executables.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.2 allow-r-cran-repos-edit

Indicates whether or not to allow editing of CRAN repositories.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.3 allow-vcs

Indicates whether or not to allow the use of version control features.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.4 allow-package-installation

Indicates whether or not to allow installation of packages from the packages pane.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.5 allow-shell

Indicates whether or not to allow access to the shell dialog.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.6 allow-terminal-websockets

Indicates whether or not to allow connections to terminal sessions with websockets.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.7 allow-file-downloads

Indicates whether or not to allow file downloads from the files pane.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.8 allow-file-uploads

Indicates whether or not to allow file uploads from the files pane.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.9 allow-remove-public-folder

Indicates whether or not to allow removal of the user public folder.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.10 allow-rpubs-publish

Indicates whether or not to allow publishing of content to external services.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.11 allow-external-publish

Indicates whether or not to allow publishing of content to external services.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.12 allow-publish

Indicates whether or not to allow publishing of content.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.13 allow-presentation-commands

Indicates whether or not to allow presentation commands.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.4.14 allow-full-ui

Indicates whether or not to allow full standalone UI mode.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.4.15 allow-launcher-jobs

Indicates whether or not to allow running jobs via the Launcher.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.5 r Settings

D.2.5.1 r-core-source

Specifies the Core R source path.

Type: string
Default: R

D.2.5.2 r-modules-source

Specifies the Modules R source path.

Type: string
Default: R/modules

D.2.5.3 r-session-package-archives

Specifies the R package archives path.

Type: string
Default: R/packages

D.2.5.4 r-libs-user

Specifies the R user library path.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.5.5 r-cran-repos

Specifies the default CRAN repository.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.5.6 r-cran-repos-file

Specifies the path to a configuration file which contains default CRAN repositories.

Type: string
Default: The first repos.conf file that is found within the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment, or /etc/rstudio/repos.conf if not XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are specified.

D.2.5.7 r-cran-repos-url

Specifies the URL to a configuration file which contains optional CRAN repositories.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.5.8 r-auto-reload-source

Indicates whether or not to automatically reload R source if it changes during the session.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.5.9 r-compatible-graphics-engine-version

Specifies the maximum graphics engine version that this version of RStudio is compatible with.

Type: int
Default: 13

D.2.5.10 r-resources-path

Specifies the directory containing external resources.

Type: string
Default: resources

D.2.5.11 r-doc-dir-override

Specifies the override for R_DOC_DIR (used for debug configurations).

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.5.12 r-restore-workspace

If set, overrides the user/project restore workspace setting. Can be 0 (No), 1 (Yes), or 2 (Default).

Type: int
Default: 2 (Default).

D.2.5.13 r-run-rprofile

If set, overrides the user/project .Rprofile run setting. Can be 0 (No), 1 (Yes), or 2 (Default).

Type: int
Default: 2 (Default).

D.2.6 limits Settings

D.2.6.1 limit-file-upload-size-mb

Sets a size limit in megabytes on files that are uploaded via the files pane.

Type: int
Default: 0

D.2.6.2 limit-cpu-time-minutes

Sets a limit in minutes for the amount of time top level R computations may run before being interrupted.

Type: int
Default: 0

D.2.6.3 limit-xfs-disk-quota

Indicates whether or not XFS quotas should be enforced when performing file operations via the files pane.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.7 external Settings

D.2.7.1 external-consoleio-path

Specifies the path to the consoleio executable (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/consoleio.exe

D.2.7.2 external-gnudiff-path

Specifies the path to gnudiff utilities (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/gnudiff

D.2.7.3 external-gnugrep-path

Specifies the path to gnugrep utilities (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/gnugrep

D.2.7.4 external-msysssh-path

Specifies the path to msys_ssh utilities (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/msys-ssh-1000-18

D.2.7.5 external-sumatra-path

Specifies the path to SumatraPDF (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/sumatra

D.2.7.6 external-winutils-path

Specifies the path to Hadoop Winutils (Windows-only).

Type: string
Default: bin/winutils

D.2.7.7 external-hunspell-dictionaries-path

Specifies the path to hunspell dictionaries.

Type: string
Default: resources/dictionaries

D.2.7.8 external-mathjax-path

Specifies the path to the mathjax library.

Type: string
Default: resources/mathjax-27

D.2.7.9 external-pandoc-path

Specifies the path to pandoc binaries.

Type: string
Default: bin/pandoc

D.2.7.10 external-libclang-path

Specifies the path to the libclang shared library

Type: string
Default: bin/rsclang

D.2.7.11 external-libclang-headers-path

Specifies the path to the libclang builtin headers.

Type: string
Default: resources/libclang/builtin-headers

D.2.7.12 external-winpty-path

Specifies the path to winpty binaries.

Type: string
Default: bin

D.2.8 git Settings

D.2.8.1 git-commit-large-file-size

Warns when attempting to commit files larger than this size (in bytes; set 0 to disable).

Type: int
Default: 5242880

D.2.9 user Settings

D.2.9.1 show-user-identity

Indicates whether or not to show the user identity in the session UI.

Type: bool
Default: 1

D.2.10 misc Settings

D.2.10.1 tutorial-api-enabled

Enables/disables the tutorial API.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.10.2 tutorial-api-parent-notify-enabled

Enables/disables tutorial API parent notification.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.10.3 tutorial-api-client-origin

Specifies the tutorial API client origin.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.10.4 nfs4-domain

Specifies the domain for NFSv4 Access Control Lists. Needed when using Project Sharing on an NFSv4 share.

Type: string
Default: <empty string>

D.2.10.5 project-sharing-enumerate-server-users

Indicates whether or not to enumerate the server’s user groups when determining the users available for Project Sharing. If disabled, enumerates the users that are present in the RStudio user database instead.

Type: bool
Default: 0

D.2.10.6 session-timeout-kill-hours

Specifies the amount of hours to wait before forcefully killing a running session after it has been idle.

Type: int
Default: 0