11 Job Launcher

11.1 Overview

The RStudio Job Launcher provides the ability for RStudio Server Pro to start processes within various batch processing systems (e.g., Slurm) and container orchestration platforms (e.g., Kubernetes). RStudio Server Pro integrates with the Job Launcher to allow you to run your R Sessions within your compute cluster software of choice, and allows you to containerize your sessions for maximum process isolation and operations efficiency. Furthermore, users can submit standalone adhoc jobs to your compute cluster(s) to run computationally expensive R scripts.

Note Integration with the Job Launcher is not enabled in all editions of RStudio Server Pro. You can run rstudio-server license-manager status to see if the Launcher is enabled. If it isn’t, contact to purchase a license with the Job Launcher enabled.

11.2 Configuration

11.2.1 Job Launcher Configuration

Before the Job Launcher can be run, it must be properly configured via the config file /etc/rstudio/launcher.conf; see the Job Launcher documentation for supported configuration options. If the Launcher was installed with RStudio Server Pro, a default working configuration that uses the Local plugin is installed for your convenience.

The Launcher configuration parameter admin-group should be configured to the group value of the RStudio Server Pro server user, specified in the server-user configuration parameter in rserver.conf (which defaults to rstudio-server). This makes the server user a Job Launcher admin, which is necessary to properly launch sessions on behalf of other users.

11.2.2 RStudio Server Pro Integration

RStudio Server Pro must be configured in order to integrate with the Job Launcher. There are several files which house the configuration, and they are described within subsequent sections. Server Configuration

The RStudio Server process rserver must be configured to communicate with the Job Launcher in order to enable session launching. The following table lists the various configuration options that are available to be specified in the rserver.conf configuration file:


Config Option Description Required (Y/N) Default Value
launcher-sessions-enabled Enables launching of rsession processes via the Job Launcher. This must be enabled to use the Job Launcher. N 0
launcher-address TCP host/IP of the launcher host, or unix domain socket path (must match /etc/rstudio/launcher.conf configuration value). If using the default launcher configuration that ships with RStudio, this should be localhost (assuming you run the launcher side-by-side with RStudio Server). Y
launcher-port Port that the launcher is listening on. Only required if not using unix domain sockets. If using the default launcher configuration that ships with RStudio, this should be 5559. Y
launcher-default-cluster Name of the cluster to use when launching sessions. Can be overridden by the launching user. N
launcher-sessions-callback-address Address (HTTP or HTTPS) of RStudio Server Pro that will be used by launcher sessions to communicate back for project sharing and launcher features. The address must be the reachable address of the rserver process from the host that will be running rsession, which in the case of launcher sessions can be on a different network segment entirely. If RSP is configured to use SSL, you must also ensure that the callback address hostname matches the FQDN of the Common Name or one of the Subject Alternate Names on the HTTPS certificate. See the example configuration below for more details. Y
launcher-sessions-callback-verify-ssl-certs Whether or not to verify SSL certificates when Launcher sessions are connecting to RStudio. Only applicable if connecting over HTTPS. For production use, you should always leave the default or have this set to true, but it can be disabled for testing purposes. N 1
launcher-use-ssl Whether or not to connect to the launcher over HTTPS. Only supported for connections that do not use unix domain sockets. N 0
launcher-verify-ssl-certs Whether or not to verify SSL certificates when connecting to the launcher. Only applicable if connecting over HTTPS. For production use, you should always leave the default or have this set to true, but it can be disabled for testing purposes. N 1
launcher-sessions-clusters Whitelist of clusters to allow for submitting interactive session jobs to. The default allows all job launcher clusters to run interactive sessions. N
launcher-adhoc-clusters Whitelist of clusters to allow for submitting adhoc jobs from the Launcher pane. The default allows all job launcher clusters to run adhoc jobs. N
launcher-sessions-container-image The default container image to use when creating sessions. Only required if using a plugin that requires containerization. If none is specified, the Job launcher-specified default will be used, if the plugin supports it. N
launcher-sessions-container-images Comma-separated list of images which may be used for launching sessions. Used to filter out incompatible entries from the UI when a user is selecting an image to use for running the session. Leave blank to allow all images to be used. N
launcher-adhoc-container-images Comma-separated list of images which may be used for launching adhoc jobs. Used to filter out incompatible entries from the UI when a user is selecting an image to use for running an adhoc job. Leave blank to allow all images to be used. N
launcher-sessions-container-run-as-root Whether or not to run as root within the session container. We recommend you do not use this in most cases. N 0
launcher-sessions-create-container-user Whether or not to create the session user within the container. Only applicable if using container sessions and not running containers as root. The created user will have the same UID, GID, home directory, and login shell as the user that launched the session. It is recommended that this option be used, unless your containers connect to an LDAP service to manage users and groups. N 1
launcher-sessions-forward-container-environment Whether or not to forward any container environment variables to the session. This is useful for example, propogating Kubernetes secrets to the sesion. However, the variables USER, HOME, and LOGNAME are not forwarded, and are loaded from the user’s passwd entry. N 1
launcher-sessions-connection-timeout-seconds Number of seconds to allow for making the initial connection to a launcher session. Connection failures are retried automatically - this is simply to prevent unreachable hosts from hanging the retry process as the default connection timeout on most systems is very high. Only change this if you are having trouble connecting to sessions. A value of 0 indicates that there should be no timeout (system default). N 3
launcher-sessions-container-forward-groups Whether or not to forward the user’s supplemental groups to the created containers. This will only be done when not creating the container user, and when running the container as a non-root user, such as if integrating with LDAP. This is enabled by default, but if group lookups are very expensive in your environment and supplemental groups are not necessary, this can be disabled. N 1

For example, your rserver.conf file might look like the following:



# the callback address that launcher sessions will reconnect to rserver on
# since our Kubernetes jobs run on a different network segment, this needs
# to be the routable IP address of the web server servicing RSP traffic
# (routable from the point of view of any Kubernetes nodes)

launcher-sessions-create-container-user=1 SSL Considerations

Both RStudio Server Pro and the Job Launcher can be configured to use SSL. When the Launcher is configured to use SSL, the RSP node(s) that are connecting to the Launcher must ensure that the hostname configured in the launcher-address field matches the FQDN of the Common Name or Subject Alternate Name of the certificate that is presented by the Launcher. If the hostnames do not match exactly, SSL verification will fail, and RSP will be unable to connect to the Job Launcher.

Similarly, if RSP is configured to use SSL, the hostname configured in the launcher-sessions-callback-address field must match the FQDN of the Common Name or Subject Alternate Name of the certificate that is presented by RSP. Failure to do so will cause certificate verification to fail when sessions attempt to connect to RSP, preventing you from using Job Launcher functionality such as starting Launcher jobs.

Additionally, both the RSP and Job Launcher root certificates need to be imported into the trusted root certificate store on the systems that are accessing those addresses. For example, the RSP server nodes need to have the Job Launcher root certificate installed in their trusted certificate store to ensure that certificate verification works correctly. The exact steps for importing a certificate into the trusted root store are operating system specific and outside of the scope of this document. Job Launcher and PAM Sessions

PAM Sessions work slightly differently when used with Launcher sessions. See PAM Sessions with the Job Launcher for more information. Authentication

RStudio Server Pro authenticates with the Job Launcher via the secure-cookie-key file, a secret key that is read on startup of both the launcher and RSP which is only readable by the root account. The file is present at /etc/rstudio/secure-cookie-key. If the Job Launcher is running on a different machine than RSP, you will need to make sure that the exact same secure-cookie-key file is present on both machines.

To do this, create a secure cookie key file on one of the nodes like so:

# generate secure-cookie-key as a simple UUID
sudo sh -c "echo `uuid` > /etc/rstudio/secure-cookie-key" 

# ensure that the cookie is only readable by root
sudo chmod 0600 /etc/rstudio/secure-cookie-key

Once this file has been created, copy it to the other node to the same location so that both services use the same key. Alternatively, you could accomplish this via a symlink to a location on a file share.

The path to the secure-cookie-key file can be changed, but it is not recommended in most cases. If you need to change it, it can be done by adding the following line to the /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and /etc/rstudio/launcher.conf configuration files:

/etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and /etc/rstudio/launcher.conf


When running Launcher sessions in a load balanced RSP deployment, sessions do additional authorization verification to ensure that they are only used by the user that created them. This is accomplished by an RSA key pair, located at /etc/rstudio/launcher.pem and /etc/rstudio/launcher.pub. These files must be the same on every RSP node, or users will be unable to use their sessions on multiple nodes.

In order to create the RSA files, run the following commands:

sudo openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /etc/rstudio/launcher.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
sudo openssl rsa -in /etc/rstudio/launcher.pem -pubout > /etc/rstudio/launcher.pub
sudo chmod 0600 /etc/rstudio/launcher.pem"

You must ensure that the above private key (.pem) file is owned by root and has 600 permissions, as it must remain secret to your users.

Once the files are created, simply copy them to each RSP node in your cluster. Launcher Sessions

It is recommended that you configure the Shared Storage path (see Shared Storage for configuration) in a location that will be reachable both by the RStudio Server Pro instance and each Launcher Session in order to support various RSP features. Failure to do so could cause subtle, unintended issues.

See the Launcher Mounts section for more details about how to configure this correctly with Containerized Sessions. Containerized Sessions

In order to run your R sessions in containers, you will need a Docker image that contains the necessary rsession binaries installed. RStudio provides an official image for this purpose, which you can get from Docker Hub.

For example, to get the RHEL6 image, you would run:

docker pull rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7

After pulling the desired image, you will need to create your own Dockerfile that extends from the r-session-complete image and adds whatever versions of R you want to be available to your users, as well as adding any R packages that they will need. For example, your Dockerfile should look similar to the following:

FROM rstudio/r-session-complete:centos7

# install desired versions of R
RUN yum install -y R

# install R packages

See Docker Hub for more information. Launcher Mounts

When creating containerized sessions via the Job Launcher, you will need to specify mount points as appropriate to mount the users’ home drives and any other desired paths. In order for sessions to run properly within containers, it is required to mount the home directories into the containers, as well as any directories containing per-user state (e.g., a customized XDG_DATA_HOME). The home mount path within the container must be the same as the user’s home path as seen by the RStudio Server Pro instance itself (generally, /home/{USER}).

To specify mount points, modify the /etc/rstudio/launcher-mounts file to consist of multiple mount entries separated by a blank line. The following table lists the fields that are available for each mount entry in the file.

Field Description Required (Y/N) Default Value
MountType The type of mount. Can be Host, NFS, CephFs, GlusterFs, AzureFile, KubernetesPersistentVolumeClaim, or Passthrough Y
MountPath The path within the container that the directory will be mounted to. Y
ReadOnly Whether or not the mount is read only. Can be true or false. N false
JobType What type of jobs the mount is applied to. Can be session, adhoc, or any. N any
Workbench What type of workbench the mount is applied to. Can be rstudio, jupyterlab, jupyter notebook, vs code, or any. N any
Cluster The specific cluster that this mount applies to. Applies to all clusters if not specified. N

Depending on the MountType specified above, different settings may be used to control the mount.

MountType: Host

Field Description Required (Y/N)
Path The source directory of the mount, i.e. where the mount data comes from. Y

MountType: NFS

Field Description Required (Y/N)
Path The source directory of the mount, i.e. where the mount data comes from. Y
Host The NFS host name for the NFS mount. N

MountType: CephFs

Field Description Required (Y/N)
Monitors A comma-separated list of Ceph monitor addresses. For example:, Y
Path The path within the Ceph filesystem to mount N
User The Ceph username to use N
SecretFile The file which contains the Ceph keyring for authentication N
SecretRef Reference to Ceph authentication secrets, which overrides SecretFile if specified N

MountType: GlusterFs

Field Description Required (Y/N)
Endpoints The name of the endpoints object that represents a Gluster cluster configuration Y
Path The name of the GlusterFs volume Y

MountType: AzureFile

Field Description Required (Y/N)
SecretName The name of the secret that contains both the Azure storage account name and the key Y
ShareName The share name to be used

MountType: KubernetesPersistentVolumeClaim

Field Description Required (Y/N)
ClaimName The name of the Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim to use Y

MountType: Passthrough

Field Description Required (Y/N)
FilePath Path to a file that contains the raw JSON object representing the mount, which is sent directly to the back-end without transformation Y

Note that for many mount types, paths may contain the special variable {USER} to indicate that the user’s name be substituted, enabling you to mount user-specific paths.

An example /etc/rstudio/launcher-mounts file is shown below.


# User home mount - This is REQUIRED for the session to run
MountType: NFS
Host: nfs01
Path: /home/{USER}
MountPath: /home/{USER}
ReadOnly: false

# Shared code mount
Cluster: Kubernetes
MountType: NFS
Host: nfs01
Path: /dev64
MountPath: /code
ReadOnly: false

# Only mount the following directory when the user is launching a JupyterLab session
Cluster: Kubernetes
Workbench: JupyterLab
MountType: CephFs
SecretFile: /etc/secrets/ceph
ReadOnly: true

It is important that each entry consists of the fields as specified above. Each field must go on its own line. There should be no empty lines between field definitions. Each entry must be separated by one full blank line (two new-line \n characters).

If you choose to run your containers as root, the user home drive must be mapped to /root. For example:


MountType: NFS
Host: nfs01
Path: /home/{USER}
MountPath: /root
ReadOnly: false

As noted in the Launcher Sessions section, it is recommended that you also mount the Shared Storage path (see Shared Storage for configuration) into the session container to support various RSP features. When mounting the shared storage path, ensure that the folder is mounted to the same path within the container to ensure that the rsession executable will correctly find it. For example:


MountType: NFS
Host: nfs01
Path: /rstudio/shared-storage
MountPath: /rstudio/shared-storage
ReadOnly: false Launcher Environment

You may optionally specify environment variables to set when creating launcher sessions.

To specify environment overrides, modify the /etc/rstudio/launcher-env file to consist of multiple environment entries separated by a blank line. The following table lists the fields that are available for each environment entry in the file.

Field Description Required (Y/N) Default Value
JobType What type of jobs the environment value(s) is applied to. Can be session, adhoc, or any. N any
Workbench What type of workbench the mount is applied to. Can be rstudio, jupyterlab, jupyter notebook, vs code, or any. N any
Cluster The specific cluster that the environment applies to. Applies to all clusters if not specified. N
Environment The environment variables to set, one per line (each subsequent line must be indented with an arbitrary amount of spaces or tabs), in the form of KEY=VALUE pairs. N

Additionally, you can use the special {USER} variable to specify the value of the launching user’s username, similar to the mounts file above.

An example /etc/rstudio/launcher-env file is shown below.


JobType: session

JobType: adhoc

JobType: any
Cluster: Kubernetes

If you do not need to set different environment variables for different job types or different clusters, you may simply specify KEY=VALUE pairs, one per line, which will be applied to all launcher ad-hoc jobs and sessions. For example:

USER_HOME=/home/{USER} Launcher Ports

You may optionally specify ports that should be exposed when creating containerized jobs. This will allow the ports to be exposed within the host running the container, allowing the ports to be reachable from external services. For example, for Shiny applications to be usable, you must expose the desired Shiny port, otherwise the browser window will not be able to connect to the Shiny application running within the container.

To specify exposed ports, modify the /etc/rstudio/launcher-ports file to consist of multiple port entries separated by a blank line. The following table lists the fields that are available for each port entry in the file.

Field Description Required (Y/N) Default Value
JobType What type of jobs the port(s) is applied to. Can be session, adhoc, or any. N any
Workbench What type of workbench the mount is applied to. Can be rstudio, jupyterlab, jupyter notebook, vs code, or any. N any
Cluster The specific cluster that this set of ports applies to. Applies to all clusters if not specified. N
Ports The ports to expose, one per line (each subsequent line must be indented with an arbitrary amount of spaces or tabs). N

An example /etc/rstudio/launcher-ports file is shown below.


JobType: adhoc
Ports: 6210

# additional Kubernetes ports to expose
JobType: adhoc
Cluster: Kubernetes
Ports: 4434

If you do not need to set different exposed ports for different job types or different clusters, you may simply specify port values, one per line, which will be applied to all launcher ad-hoc jobs and sessions. For example:


64235 Containerized Adhoc Jobs

To run adhoc jobs in containers from the Launcher pane, you need a Docker image containing the bash shell and the desired version of R on the path.

The adhoc job container will run using the same userId and groupId value as the RStudio user. In order for scripts under the home directory to be found in the container, the home directory must be mounted with the same absolute path inside the container.

Jobs started from the RStudio console via rstudioapi::launcherSubmitJob() have no specific container requirements.

11.3 Running the Launcher

Once it is configured, you can run the Job Launcher by invoking the command sudo rstudio-launcher start, and stop it with sudo rstudio-launcher stop. The Job Launcher must be run with root privileges, but similar to rstudio-server, privileges are immediately lowered. Root privileges are used only to impersonate users as necessary.

11.4 Load Balancing

Both RStudio Server Pro and the Job Launcher services can be load balanced, providing maximum scalability and redundancy. When using the RStudio Server Pro load balancer with the Launcher, it is generally sufficient to simply have each RSP node point to its own node-local Launcher service via rserver.conf configuration - no external load balancer needs to control access to the Launcher itself.

Note: in this mode, when using the local Launcher, sessions will be balanced according to the setting you have defined under balancer in /etc/rstudio/load-balancer.

However, in some cases, you may want to scale the Job Launcher separately from RStudio Server. For example, if your Launcher cluster needs to exist in a different network for security reasons, such as to limit node connectivity to backend services (e.g., Kubernetes). In such cases, you will need to scale the Job Launcher separately via an external load balancer, and RSP should be configured to point to this load balanced instance of the Job Launcher. In most cases, the external load balancer should be configured for sticky sessions, which will ensure that each instance of RSP connects to just one Job Launcher node, providing the most consistent view of the current job state. For more information on configuring the Job Launcher for load balancing, see the Job Launcher documentation.

It should be noted that in most cases, load balancing is not needed for performance reasons, and is generally used for redundancy purposes.

11.5 Creating plugins

Plugins allow communication with specific batch cluster / container orchestration systems like Slurm and Kubernetes. However, you may be using a system that RStudio does not natively support. The RStudio Launcher Plugin SDK can be used to quickly develop Plugins in C/C++.

11.6 Troubleshooting

If you experience issues related to running Launcher sessions, adhoc jobs, Jupyter sessions, or VS Code sessions, you can use the Launcher verification tool which will attempt to launch jobs and provide diagnostic output about what could be going wrong. To run the verification process, run the following command:

sudo rstudio-server verify-installation --verify-user=user

Replace the --verify-user value with a valid username of a user that is setup to run RStudio Server Pro in your installation. This will cause the test jobs to be started under their account, allowing the verification tool to check additional aspects of launching jobs, including mounting the user’s home directories into containers. You can also specify a specific test to run by using the --verify-test flag, like so:

sudo rstudio-server verify-installation --verify-user=user --verify-test=r-sessions

The above example will only test R Sessions, skipping adhoc jobs and Jupyter/VS Code sessions. The parameter can be one of r-sessions, adhoc-jobs, jupyter-sessions, or vscode-sessions. If the parameter is unspecified, all tests will be run.