A Session User Settings
The following table enumerates the settings supported in the user (or system) rstudio-prefs.json
file, along with their type, allowable values, and defaults.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
always_enable_rnw_concordance | Whether to always enable the concordance for RNW files. | boolean | TRUE |
always_save_history | Whether to always save the R console history. | boolean | TRUE |
ansi_console_mode | How to treat ANSI escape codes in the console. | string (off, on, strip) | on |
aria_application_role | Whether to tell screen readers that the entire page is an application. | boolean | FALSE |
auto_append_newline | Whether to ensure that source files end with a newline character. | boolean | FALSE |
auto_detect_indentation | Whether to automatically detect indentation settings from file contents. | boolean | TRUE |
auto_discover_package_dependencies | Whether to automatically discover and offer to install missing R package dependencies. | boolean | TRUE |
auto_expand_error_tracebacks | Whether to automatically expand tracebacks when an error occurs. | boolean | FALSE |
auto_run_setup_chunk | Whether to automatically run an R Markdown document’s Setup chunk before running other chunks. | boolean | TRUE |
auto_save_idle_ms | The idle period, in milliseconds, after which documents should be auto-saved. | integer | 1000 |
auto_save_on_blur | Whether to automatically save when the editor loses focus. | boolean | FALSE |
auto_save_on_idle | How to deal with changes to documents on idle. | string (commit, backup, none) | backup |
background_diagnostics | Whether to run code diagnostics in the background, as you type. | boolean | TRUE |
background_diagnostics_delay_ms | The number of milliseconds to delay before running code diagnostics in the background. | integer | 2000 |
bioconductor_mirror_name | The name of the default Bioconductor mirror. | string | Seattle (USA) |
bioconductor_mirror_url | The URL of the default Bioconductor mirror. | string | http://www.bioconductor.org |
blinking_cursor | Whether to flash the cursor off and on. | boolean | TRUE |
busy_detection | How to detect busy status in the Terminal. | string (always, never, whitelist) | always |
busy_whitelist | A whitelist of apps that should not be considered busy in the Terminal. | array | tmux, screen |
check_arguments_to_r_function_calls | Whether to check arguments to R function calls. | boolean | FALSE |
check_for_updates | Whether to check for new versions of RStudio when RStudio starts. | boolean | TRUE |
check_unexpected_assignment_in_function_call | Whether to check for unexpected variable assignments inside R function calls. | boolean | FALSE |
clang_verbose | The verbosity level to use with Clang (0 - 2) | integer | 0 |
clean_texi2dvi_output | Whether to clean output after running Texi2Dvi. | boolean | TRUE |
cleanup_after_r_cmd_check | Whether to clean up temporary files after running R CMD CHECK. | boolean | TRUE |
code_completion | When to use auto-completion for R code in the RStudio code editor. | string (always, never, triggered, manual) | always |
code_completion_characters | The number of characters in a symbol that can be entered before completions are offered. | integer | 3 |
code_completion_delay | The number of milliseconds to wait before offering code suggestions. | integer | 250 |
code_completion_other | When to use auto-completion for other languages (such as JavaScript and SQL) in the RStudio code editor. | string (always, triggered, manual) | always |
console_code_completion | Whether to always use code completion in the R console. | boolean | TRUE |
console_double_click_select | Whether double-clicking should select a word in the Console pane. | boolean | FALSE |
console_line_length_limit | The maximum number of characters to display in a single line in the R console. | integer | 1000 |
console_max_lines | The maximum number of console actions to store and display in the console scrollback buffer. | integer | 1000 |
continue_comments_on_newline | Whether continue comments (by inserting the comment character) after adding a new line. | boolean | FALSE |
cran_mirror | The CRAN mirror to use. | object | |
custom_shell_command | The fully qualified path to the custom shell command to use in the Terminal tab. | string | |
custom_shell_options | The command-line options to pass to the custom shell command. | string | |
data_viewer_max_columns | The maximum number of columns to show at once in the data viewer. | integer | 50 |
default_encoding | The default character encoding to use when saving files. | string | |
default_latex_program | The default program to use when processing LaTeX documents. | string | pdfLaTeX |
default_project_location | The directory path under which to place new projects by default. | string | |
default_r_version | The R version to use by default. | object | |
default_sweave_engine | The default engine to use when processing Sweave documents. | string | Sweave |
diagnostics_in_r_function_calls | Whether to run diagnostics in R function calls. | boolean | TRUE |
diagnostics_on_save | Whether to check code for problems after saving it. | boolean | TRUE |
disabled_aria_live_announcements | List of aria-live announcements to disable. | array | Empty |
doc_outline_show | Which objects to show in the document outline pane. | string (sections_only, sections_and_chunks, all) | sections_only |
document_author | The default name to use as the document author when creating new documents. | string | |
document_load_lint_delay | The number of milliseconds to wait before linting a document after it is loaded. | integer | 5000 |
editor_keybindings | The keybindings to use in the RStudio code editor. | string (default, vim, emacs, sublime) | default |
editor_theme | The name of the color theme to apply to the text editor in RStudio. | string | Textmate (default) |
enable_screen_reader | Support accessibility aids such as screen readers (RStudio Server). | boolean | FALSE |
enable_snippets | Whether to enable code snippets in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | TRUE |
enable_text_drag | Whether to enable moving text on the editing surface by clicking and dragging it. | boolean | TRUE |
execution_behavior | The unit of R code to execute when the Execute command is invoked. | string (line, statement, paragraph) | statement |
file_monitor_ignored_components | List of path components; file monitor will ignore paths containing one or more of these components. | array | Empty |
focus_console_after_exec | Whether to focus the R console after executing an R command from a script. | boolean | FALSE |
fold_style | The style of folding to use. | string (begin-only, begin-and-end) | begin-and-end |
font_size_points | The default editor font size, in points. | number | 10 |
full_project_path_in_window_title | Whether to show the full path to project in desktop window title. | boolean | FALSE |
git_diff_ignore_whitespace | Whether to ignore whitespace when generating diffs of version controlled files. | boolean | FALSE |
git_exe_path | The path to the Git executable to use. | string | |
global_theme | The theme to use for the main RStudio user interface. | string (classic, default, alternate) | default |
handle_errors_in_user_code_only | Whether to handle errors only when user code is on the stack. | boolean | TRUE |
help_font_size_points | The help panel font size, in points. | number | 10 |
hide_console_on_chunk_execute | Whether to hide the R console when executing inline R Markdown chunks. | boolean | TRUE |
hide_object_files | Whether to hide object files in the Files pane. | boolean | TRUE |
highlight_code_chunks | Whether to highlight code chunks in R Markdown documents with a different background color. | boolean | TRUE |
highlight_r_function_calls | Whether to highlight R function calls in the code editor. | boolean | FALSE |
highlight_selected_line | Highlight the selected line in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | FALSE |
highlight_selected_word | Highlight the selected word in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | TRUE |
ignore_uppercase_words | Whether to ignore words in uppercase when spell checking. | boolean | TRUE |
ignore_words_with_numbers | Whether to ignore words with numbers in them when spell checking. | boolean | TRUE |
initial_working_directory | The initial working directory for new R sessions. | string | |
insert_matching | Whether to insert matching pairs, such as () and [], when the first is typed. | boolean | TRUE |
insert_numbered_latex_sections | Whether to insert numbered sections in LaTeX. | boolean | FALSE |
insert_parens_after_function_completion | Whether to insert parentheses after function completions. | boolean | TRUE |
insert_spaces_around_equals | Whether to insert spaces around the equals sign in R code. | boolean | TRUE |
install_pkg_deps_individually | Whether to install R package dependencies one at a time. | boolean | TRUE |
jobs_tab_visibility | The visibility of the Jobs tab. | string (closed, shown, default) | default |
knit_working_dir | The working directory to use when knitting R Markdown documents. | string (default, current, project) | default |
latex_preview_on_cursor_idle | When to preview LaTeX mathematical equations when cursor has not moved recently. | string (never, inline_only, always) | always |
latex_shell_escape | Whether to enable shell escaping with LaTeX documents. | boolean | FALSE |
launcher_jobs_sort | How to sort jobs in the Launcher tab in RStudio Pro. | string (recorded, state) | recorded |
line_ending_conversion | The line ending format to use when saving files. | string (default, windows, posix, native, passthrough) | native |
load_workspace | Whether to load the workspace when the R session begins. | boolean | TRUE |
margin_column | The number of columns of text after which the margin is shown. | integer | 80 |
max_spellcheck_prefetch | The maximum number of spelling correction suggestions to prefetch. | integer | 20 |
max_spellcheck_words | The maximum number of spelling words to check at once. | integer | 500 |
navigate_to_build_error | Whether to navigate to build errors. | boolean | TRUE |
new_project_git_init | Whether to initialize new projects with a Git repo by default. | boolean | FALSE |
new_proj_git_init | Whether a git repo should be initialized inside new projects by default. | boolean | FALSE |
num_spaces_for_tab | The number of spaces to insert when pressing the Tab key. | integer | 2 |
packages_pane_enabled | Whether to enable RStudio’s Packages pane. | boolean | TRUE |
panes | Layout of panes in the RStudio workbench. | object | |
pdf_previewer | The program to use to preview PDF files after generation. | string (none, default, rstudio, desktop-synctex, system) | default |
plumber_viewer_type | Where to display Shiny applications when they are run. | string (user, none, pane, window, browser) | window |
posix_terminal_shell | The terminal shell to use on POSIX operating systems (MacOS and Linux). | string (default, bash, zsh, custom, none) | default |
publish_ca_bundle | The path to the custom certificate authority (CA) bundle to use when publishing content. | string | |
publish_check_certificates | Whether to check remote server SSL certificates when publishing content. | boolean | TRUE |
real_time_spellchecking | Whether to enable real-time spellchecking by default. | boolean | TRUE |
reduced_motion | Reduce use of animations in the user interface. | boolean | FALSE |
reindent_on_paste | Whether to automatically re-indent code when it’s pasted into RStudio. | boolean | TRUE |
remove_history_duplicates | Whether to remove duplicate entries from the R console history. | boolean | FALSE |
restore_last_project | Whether to restore the last project when starting RStudio. | boolean | TRUE |
restore_project_r_version | Whether to restore the last version of R used by the project in RStudio Pro. | boolean | TRUE |
restore_source_document_cursor_position | Whether to save the position of the cursor when a fille is closed, restore it when the file is opened. | boolean | TRUE |
restore_source_documents | Whether to restore the last opened source documents when RStudio starts up. | boolean | TRUE |
reuse_sessions_for_project_links | Whether to reuse sessions when opening projects in RStudio Server Pro. | boolean | FALSE |
rmd_chunk_output_inline | Whether to show chunk output inline for ordinary R Markdown documents. | boolean | TRUE |
rmd_preferred_template_path | The path to the preferred R Markdown template. | string | |
rmd_viewer_type | Where to display R Markdown documents when they have completed rendering. | string (window, pane, none) | window |
root_document | The root document to use when compiling PDF documents. | string | |
rsa_key_path | The path to the RSA key file to use. | string | |
run_rprofile_on_resume | Whether to run .Rprofile again after resuming a suspended R session. | boolean | FALSE |
save_before_sourcing | Whether to automatically save scripts before executing them. | boolean | TRUE |
save_files_before_build | Whether to save all open, unsaved files before building the project. | boolean | FALSE |
save_workspace | Whether to save the workspace after the R session ends. | string (always, never, ask) | ask |
screenreader_console_announce_limit | Maximum number of lines of console output announced after a command. | integer | 25 |
scroll_past_end_of_document | Whether to allow scrolling past the end of a file. | boolean | FALSE |
shiny_background_jobs | Whether to run Shiny applications as background jobs. | boolean | FALSE |
shiny_viewer_type | Where to display Shiny applications when they are run. | string (user, none, pane, window, browser) | window |
show_diagnostics_cpp | Whether to show diagnostic messages for C++ code as you type. | boolean | TRUE |
show_diagnostics_other | Whether to show diagnostic messages for other types of code (not R or C++). | boolean | TRUE |
show_diagnostics_r | Whether to show diagnostic messages (such as syntax and usage errors) for R code as you type. | boolean | TRUE |
show_doc_outline_rmd | Whether to show the document outline by default when opening R Markdown documents. | boolean | FALSE |
show_function_signature_tooltips | Whether to show function signature tooltips during autocompletion. | boolean | TRUE |
show_help_tooltip_on_idle | Whether to show help tooltips for functions when the cursor has not been recently moved. | boolean | FALSE |
show_hidden_files | Whether to show hidden files in the Files pane. | boolean | FALSE |
show_indent_guides | Whether to show indentation guides in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | FALSE |
show_inline_toolbar_for_r_code_chunks | Whether to show a toolbar on code chunks in R Markdown documents. | boolean | TRUE |
show_internal_functions | Whether to show functions without source references in the Traceback pane while debugging. | boolean | FALSE |
show_invisibles | Whether to show invisible characters, such as spaces and tabs, in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | FALSE |
show_last_dot_value | Show the result of the last expression (.Last.value) in the Environment pane. | boolean | FALSE |
show_launcher_jobs_tab | Whether to show the Launcher jobs tab in RStudio Pro. | boolean | TRUE |
show_line_numbers | Show line numbers in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | TRUE |
show_margin | Whether to show the margin guide in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | TRUE |
show_publish_diagnostics | Whether to show verbose diagnostic information when publishing content. | boolean | FALSE |
show_rmd_render_command | Whether to print the render command use to knit R Markdown documents in the R Markdown tab. | boolean | FALSE |
show_terminal_tab | Whether to show the Terminal tab. | boolean | TRUE |
show_user_home_page | When to show the server home page in RStudio Server Pro. | string (always, never, sessions) | sessions |
soft_wrap_r_files | Whether to soft-wrap R source files, wrapping the text for display without inserting newline characters. | boolean | FALSE |
source_with_echo | Whether to echo R code when sourcing it. | boolean | FALSE |
spelling_custom_dictionaries | The list of custom dictionaries to use when spell checking. | array | Empty |
spelling_dictionary_language | The language of the spelling dictionary to use for spell checking. | string | en_US |
strip_trailing_whitespace | Whether to strip trailing whitespace from each line when saving. | boolean | FALSE |
style_diagnostics | Whether to show style diagnostics (suggestions for improving R code style) | boolean | FALSE |
submit_crash_reports | Whether to automatically submit crash reports to RStudio. | boolean | TRUE |
surround_selection | Which kinds of delimiters can be used to surround the current selection. | string (never, quotes, quotes_and_brackets) | quotes_and_brackets |
svn_exe_path | The path to the Subversion executable to use. | string | |
syntax_color_console | Whether to use syntax highlighting in the R console. | boolean | FALSE |
tab_completion | Whether to attempt completion of statements when pressing Tab. | boolean | TRUE |
tab_key_move_focus | Tab key moves focus out of text editing controls instead of inserting tabs. | boolean | FALSE |
tab_multiline_completion | Whether to attempt completion of multiple-line statements when pressing Tab. | boolean | FALSE |
terminal_bell_style | Terminal bell style | string (none, sound) | sound |
terminal_close_behavior | Whether to close the terminal pane after the shell exits. | string (always, clean, never) | always |
terminal_initial_directory | Initial directory for new terminals. | string (project, current, home) | project |
terminal_local_echo | Whether to use local echo in the Terminal. | boolean | TRUE |
terminal_path | The path to the terminal executable to use. | string | |
terminal_renderer | Terminal rendering engine: canvas is faster, dom may be needed for some browsers or graphics cards | string (canvas, dom) | canvas |
terminal_track_environment | Whether to track and save changes to system environment variables in the Terminal. | boolean | TRUE |
terminal_websockets | Whether to use websockets to communicate with the shell in the Terminal tab. | boolean | TRUE |
toolbar_visible | Whether to show the toolbar at the top of the RStudio workbench. | boolean | TRUE |
typing_status_delay_ms | Number of milliseconds to wait after last keystroke before updating live region. | integer | 2000 |
use_dataimport | Whether to use RStudio’s data import feature. | boolean | TRUE |
use_devtools | Whether to use the devtools R package. | boolean | TRUE |
use_internet2 | Whether to use Internet2 for networking on R for Windows. | boolean | TRUE |
use_newlines_in_makefiles | Whether to use newlines when saving Makefiles. | boolean | TRUE |
use_publish_ca_bundle | Whether to use a custom certificate authority (CA) bundle when publishing content. | boolean | FALSE |
use_rcpp_template | Whether to use RCPP templates. | boolean | TRUE |
use_roxygen | Whether to use Roxygen for documentation. | boolean | FALSE |
use_secure_download | Whether to use secure downloads when fetching R packages. | boolean | TRUE |
use_spaces_for_tab | Whether to insert spaces when pressing the Tab key. | boolean | TRUE |
use_tinytex | Use tinytex to compile .tex files. | boolean | FALSE |
vcs_autorefresh | Automatically refresh VCS status? | boolean | TRUE |
vcs_enabled | Whether to enable RStudio’s version control system interface. | boolean | TRUE |
vertically_align_arguments_indent | Whether to vertically align arguments to R function calls during automatic indentation. | boolean | TRUE |
view_dir_after_r_cmd_check | Whether to view the directory after running R CMD CHECK. | boolean | FALSE |
warn_if_no_such_variable_in_scope | Whether to generate a warning if a variable is used without being defined in the current scope. | boolean | FALSE |
warn_variable_defined_but_not_used | Whether to generate a warning if a variable is defined without being used in the current scope | boolean | FALSE |
windows_terminal_shell | The terminal shell to use on Windows. | string (default, win-git-bash, win-wsl-bash, win-cmd, win-ps, ps-core, custom, none) | default |
wrap_tab_navigation | Whether to wrap around when going to the previous or next editor tab. | boolean | TRUE |