Configuring Posit Connect to Access Image Registries Requiring Authentication

This example deploys Posit Connect using custom images in registries requiring authentication instead of the default public Posit provided images.

There are a minimum of three images that Connect requires to function in Off-Host Execution mode. They are listed below with their cooresponding default public repositories on

There are several content contents listed as execution enviornments by default on initial Connect startup based on the listing in the default-runtime.yaml file. Setting customRuntimeYaml will instead use the execution environments defined in that section instead of the default ones. Additional content containers may be added to provide more R, Python and Quarto versions and other system dependencies. See the Content Execution Environment section in the Connect Admin Guide for more details.

These images can be pulled from your own container registry instead of the public Posit provided images. This example also shows where to provide private registry credentials in the form of a Kubernetes secret of type

The registry credentials secret must be specified in two places in the values to apply to Connect, content and init containers (shown in the example below). Also note the launcher.templateValues.pod.imagePullSecrets provides the pod-level imagePullSecret that provides the secret to pull the launcher.defaultInitContainer as well.

To use this example you will need:

  • a license file or key
  • a ReadWriteMany POSIX compliant storage class for sharedStorage
  • a PostgreSQL database.
# Using a license file with the helm chart:
# If you would like to use a license key see this documentation:
    secret: posit-licenses # TODO: Change to the secret name in your cluster
    secretKey: connect.lic # TODO: Change to the secret key containing your Connect license

# Configures Connect shared storage
  create: true
  mount: true
  storageClassName: nfs-sc-rwx # TODO: Change to a RWX StorageClass available in your cluster
  # volumeName: connect-shared-pv-name # Only needed if PVs have been statically provisioned, in which case this will need to match the PV name.
    storage: 100G

# Define the custom image for the Connect pod(s)
  repository: # TODO: Change to match your custom image repository
  tagPrefix: ubuntu2204- # TODO: Change to match your custom image tag prefix
  tag: "" # TODO: Change to match your custom image tag. By default when this is left blank the chart app version is automatically filled out.
    - name: private-registery-creds # TODO: Change this to match the secret of type in your cluster containing authentication credentials to your registry. More information:

  enabled: true # Required for Off-Host Execution mode
  useTemplates: true
  # Define the custom image(s) for the content pod(s)
  # Note these are only used on the initial creation of the Connect cluster
  # with an empty database. Once Connect is running you should add environments
  # via the UI or Connect API. More information is available in the Admin Guide:
        - name: private-registery-creds # TODO: Change this to match the secret of type in your cluster containing authentication credentials to your registry. More information:
    name: "Kubernetes"
      # TODO: Add custom images based on the below template
      - name: # TODO: Change to match your custom image repository
              path: /opt/python/3.11.3/bin/python3 # TODO: Change to match the Python path available in your image
              version: 3.11.3 # TODO: Change to match the Python version available in your image
              path: /opt/R/4.2.2/bin/R # TODO: Change to match the R path available in your image
              version: 4.2.2 # TODO: Change to match the R version available in your image
            - path: /opt/quarto/1.3.340/bin/quarto # TODO: Change to match the quarto path available in your image
              version: 1.3.340 # TODO: Change to match the Quarto version available in your image
  # Define the custom image(s) for the content pod(s) init container
    repository: # TODO: Change to match your custom image repository
    tagPrefix: ubuntu2204- # TODO: Change to match your custom image tag prefix
    tag: "" # TODO: Change to match your custom image tag. By default when this is left blank the chart app version is automatically filled out.

# The config section overwrites values in Posit Connect's main
# .gcfg configuration file.
  # Configures the Postgres connection for Posit Connect.
    Provider: "Postgres"
    # The URL syntax below is to utilize a PostgreSQL database installed
    # in the cluster as described in the Kubernetes Cluster Preparation
    # page of this guide. Change this URL if your PostgreSQL database is
    # setup externally or in a different location.
    URL: "postgres://"
    Password: "<PASSWORD>" # TODO: Remove this line and instead set the password during helm install with --set config.Postgres.Password=<your-postgres-password>.