Configuring Posit Connect with OpenID Connect

This example deploys Posit Connect using OpenID Connect (OIDC) SSO for authentication.

Users will be authenticated via SSO (using OIDC) and then users will be created in Connect upon first login or upon creation via the Connect API. Connect will populate user information based on certain claims received from the IdP. See the Customizing OpenID Connect section of the Connect Admin Guide for a list of the default claims mapping, which can be adjusted if needed.

By default all users get created with the Viewer role which is the default setting in Authorization.DefaultUserRole. Users can be automatically mapped to different roles based on group membership.

See the OpenID Connect Authentication section of the Connect Admin Guide for more details. The Connect Admin guide also has pages for integrations with specific IdPs such as Okta and Entra ID.

To use this example you will need:

  • a license file or key
  • a ReadWriteMany POSIX compliant storage class for sharedStorage
  • a PostgreSQL database.
# Using a license file with the helm chart:
# If you would like to use a license key see this documentation:
    secret: posit-licenses # TODO: Change to the secret name in your cluster
    secretKey: connect.lic # TODO: Change to the secret key containing your Connect license

# Configures Connect shared storage
  create: true
  mount: true
  storageClassName: nfs-sc-rwx # TODO: Change to a RWX StorageClass available in your cluster
  # volumeName: connect-shared-pv-name # Only needed if PVs have been statically provisioned, in which case this will need to match the PV name.
    storage: 100G

  enabled: true # Required for Off-Host Execution mode

# The config section overwrites values in Posit Connect's main
# .gcfg configuration file.
    Provider: oauth2
    # please see for more examples of custom OIDC integrations
    # TODO: change the below to match your OIDC provider
    ClientId: "0ebfafe9-237f-4e38-a85b-a0e5d6c06782"
    ClientSecret: "2ab7be07-84fe-4569-b04a-ce8f1ebfc077"
    OpenIDConnectIssuer: ""
    # Enable this for a better user experience, unless
    # managing a large number of groups is a concern:
    # GroupsAutoProvision: true
    # By default the following claims are mapped to the following values
    # in Connect. Uncomment and adjust the values below if your claims are
    # different.
    # UniqueIdClaim: "sub"
    # EmailClaim: "email"
    # FirstNameClaim: "given_name"
    # LastNameClaim: "family_name"
    # UsernameClaim: "preferred_username"
    # GroupsClaim: "groups"
    # When troubleshooting an OpenID Connect problem, more verbose logging
    # is produced by uncommenting the following line:
    # Logging: true
  # By default all users get created with the Viewer role which is the default
  # setting in Authorization.DefaultUserRole, which can be modified.
  # Users can be automatically mapped to different roles based on group
  # membership.
  # Authorization:
  #   UserRoleGroupMapping: true
  #   PublisherRoleMapping: "Developers"
  #   AdministratorRoleMapping: "Administrators"
  # Configures the Postgres connection for Posit Connect.
    Provider: "Postgres"
    # The URL syntax below is to utilize a PostgreSQL database installed
    # in the cluster as described in the Kubernetes Cluster Preparation
    # page of this guide. Change this URL if your PostgreSQL database is
    # setup externally or in a different location.
    URL: "postgres://"
    Password: "<PASSWORD>" # TODO: Remove this line and instead set the password during helm install with --set config.Postgres.Password=<your-postgres-password>.