============================================================================== Magnitude Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.56, as well as the version history.

1.4.56 =======================================================================

Released 2022-07-29

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1561] Group federation support

    You can now configure the connector to use group federation when using AWS IAM Credentials or AWS Profile for authentication. To do this, select the Group Federation checkbox (set the group_federation property to 1). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1553] Application name support

    You can now set the name of the current application on the server. To do this, set the ApplicationName property to application name. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1522] Updated AWS SDK and endpoint support

    The connector has been updated to use version 1.9.289 of AWS SDK and now supports workgroups in serverless endpoints. Previously, the connector used 1.9.136.

  • [PGODBC-1566] New attribute to retrieve SSL information

    You can now retrieve the SSL information of a connection using the PGO_CONN_SSL_INFO custom attribute with SQLGetConnectAttr. The value of PGO_CONN_SSL_INFO is 16385.

  • [PGODBC-1493] Enable AWS SDK logging at TRACE level

    You can now configure the connector to enable AWS SDK logging at the TRACE level. To do this, set the EnableAwsSdkLogs property to 1. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.56.

  • [PGODBC-1559] When terminating the connection from the server using Declare or Fetch mode, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1543] In some cases, when using IAM authentication, the connector does not log the HTTP request’s configuration.

  • [PGODBC-1547] The connector does not recognize the role_session_name parameter in the AWS Profile.

  • [PGODBC-1551] When using browser-based IAM authentication, the login pop-up window appears multiple times.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now enables cached IAM credentials by default.

  • [PGODBC-1555] In some cases, when binding parameters, the connector incorrectly converts binary data.

Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application.

  • Limited support for stored procedures.

    The connector does not support parameterized procedure call queries if there is more than one procedures of different argument types that share the same name in the server.

  • Timestamps do not accept negative values.

    The connector does not support the use of negative values in timestamps.

Workflow Changes =============================================================

The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.

1.4.52 ———————————————————————–

  • [PGODBC-1286] Removed configuration properties

    The configuration properties ByteaAsLongVarBinary and MaxBytea have been removed. Redshift does not support the BYTEA data type.

1.4.45 ———————————————————————–

  • [PGODBC-1481] Updated JWT configuration properties

    The configuration properties required for JWT authentication has been updated as the web identity token is now directly handled by the Redshift cluster instead of the STS. The new Provider Name option (provider_name connection property) is used instead of Role ARN, Duration, and Role Session Name. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • Removing support for macOS 32-bit

    Beginning with this release, the macOS connector no longer supports 32-bit client applications. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.28 ———————————————————————–

  • [PGODBC-1038] Updated EnforceSingleStatement and UseMultipleStatements description

    The description of the EnforceSingleStatement and UseMultipleStatements options have been changed to reflect the actual behavior. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1038] Updated query processing modes behavior

    The connector’s behavior for the query processing modes have been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1358] Removed support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6

    Beginning with this release, support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 have been removed. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.18 ———————————————————————–

  • Removed support for earlier versions of operating systems

    Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports the following operating systems:

    • Windows 7 SP1
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11
    • Debian 7
    • Ubuntu 14.04

    For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1277] New default value for Bytea As LongVarBinary

    The default value of the Bytea As LongVarBinary option (ByteaAsLongVarBinary connection property) is now Enabled (1). Previously, the default value was Disabled (0). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.11 ———————————————————————–

  • [PGODBC-1186] Removed support for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013

    Beginning with this release, the driver now requires the 2015 version of this dependency instead of the 2013 version.

    To download the installation packages for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=48145

Version History ==============================================================

1.4.52 ———————————————————————–

Released 2022-04-29

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1425] Timeout properties

    You can now configure the amount of time that the connector waits before a connection times out. To do this, set the ConnectionTimeout or StsConnectionTimeout property to the desired amount of time in seconds. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1528][PGODBC-1544] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:

    • Expat 2.4.6 (previously 2.2.9)
    • OpenSSL 1.1.1n (previously 1.1.1l)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.52.

  • [PGODBC-877] On Windows, when non-alphanumeric characters are entered in the IdP Host field, the DSN Setup dialog box becomes unresponsive.

  • [PGODBC-1440][PGODBC-1540] In some cases, when querying with TIMESTAMPADD scalar function, the connector returns inaccurate results.

  • [PGODBC-1541] In some cases, when querying with TIMESTAMPADD scalar function using the SQL_TSI_MONTH or SQL_TSI_YEAR interval, the connector returns an “Interval values with month or year parts are not supported” error.

  • [PGODBC-1542] Updated SAML Plugin browser launch process.

1.4.49 ———————————————————————–

Released 2022-02-21

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1501] Support for the GEOGRAPHY data type

    The connector now supports data of type GEOGRAPHY. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.49.

  • [PGODBC-1297] When multiple threads are creating and destroying the environment handle, the connector hangs or terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1481] When authenticating with JWT and JWT is not capitalized in plugin_name, the connector returns a “Failed to execute the external plugin” error message.

  • [PGODBC-1498] When calling SQLColumns() for character columns in external tables, the connector returns an “invalid input syntax for integer” error message.

  • [PGODBC-1499] The connector does not support the credential process profile when authenticating with AWS Profile.

  • [PGODBC-1507] In some cases, when calling SQLDisconnect, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1509] When using applications that do not support extended resultset metadata, such as PgBouncer, the connector returns an error.

1.4.45 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-11-26

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1428] Support for the serverless endpoint

    The connector now supports the serverless endpoint.

  • [PGODBC-1432] SHA-256 password hashing algorithm support

    The connector now supports the SHA-256 password hashing algorithm.

  • [PGODBC-1455] Authentication Profile support

    You can now use an authentication profile to authenticate your connections. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1469] Support for Redshift and STS endpoints

    When authenticating, the connector now supports using endpoints to communicate with the Redshift cluster or the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1472] Updated Ubuntu support

    The connector now supports Ubuntu 20.04. For more information on supported versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1428][PGODBC-1483][PGODBC-1484] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:

    • AWS SDK 1.9.136 (previously 1.7.41)
    • libcurl 7.78.0 (previously 7.74.0)
    • OpenSSL 1.1.1l (previously 1.1.1k)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.45.

  • [PGODBC-1442] Expired certificates in the root.crt file causes the connector to return an error.

    This issue has been resolved. Expired and unnecessary certificates have been removed from the Root CA certificate.

  • [PGODBC-1473] On Linux, when using the Amazon EC2 instance profile and IMDSv1 is disabled, the connection fails.

  • [PGODBC-1478] When using UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements, the connector returns an “a statement is already in progress” error message.

  • [PGODBC-1480] When rounding floating point numbers, the connector returns an incorrect value.

  • [PGODBC-1485] When calling SQLColumns() for boolean columns in external tables, the connector returns the boolean data type and causes the boolean column to be unsearchable in PowerBI.

  • [PGODBC-1463] When remotely connecting to SQL Server Linked Server using ADFS Windows Integrated Authentication and Kerberos authentication is expected, the connection fails.

1.4.41 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-09-24

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1429] Support for VARBYTE data

    The connector now supports data of type VARBYTE. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.41.

  • [PGODBC-1324] When calling SQLMoreResults without retrieving the current result set in a statement containing multiple queries, the connector does not return SQL_SUCCESS.

  • [PGODBC-1351] When using ADFS authentication, WinHttpRecieveResponse returns an ERROR_WINHTTP_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED error.

  • [PGODBC-1452] When using JWT authentication, and the Role Session Name is not specified, the connector assigns a default name.

    This issue has been resolved. Now, the connector uses the derived user name from the JWT assertion as the Role Session Name.

  • [PGODBC-1449] The precision and scale of SQLProcedureColumns do not match its definition.

    This issue has been resolved. Now, SQLProcedureColumns is set to the following:

    • COLUMN_SIZE for NUMERIC type: the defined number of digits
    • BUFFER_LENGTH for NUMERIC type: the defined number of digits plus two (a sign and a decimal point)
    • DECIMAL_DIGITS for NUMERIC type: the defined number of digits to the right of the decimal point
    • DECIMAL_DIGITS for INTEGER type: 0
  • [PGODBC-1453] SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN, SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN, and SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN in SQLGetInfo are set to a maximum of 64 characters.

    This issue has been resolved. These properties are now set to the Redshift maximum of 127 characters.

  • [PGODBC-1453] When SQLTables is called and the schema and/or table name is over 124 characters, the name is truncated.

  • [PGODBC-1453] When a filter column supports search patterns, the connector does not properly check the filter column lengths in catalog functions.

  • [PGODBC-1464] When a new user connects to Redshift using ADFS Windows Integrated Authentication, the connector retrieves the cached credentials for the previous user.

1.4.35 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-07-29

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.35.

  • [PGODBC-1423] On Linux and macOS, when a query is executed and the results are retrieved from different threads, the connector becomes unresponsive.

1.4.34 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-07-09

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1356][PGODBC-1375] Updated third-party libraries

    The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:

    • libcurl 7.74.0 (previously 7.66.0)
    • OpenSSL 1.1.1k (previously 1.1.1i)

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.34.

  • [PGODBC-1419] During IAM authentication, when the connector retrieves the STS API, the AWS region setting in the DSN is not used.

1.4.32 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-06-14

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.32.

  • [PGODBC-1387] When Database Metadata Current Database Only is disabled and calling SQLTables with CatalogName set to SQL_ALL_CATALOGS, and SchemaName and TableName are empty strings, the connector returns query results tables in an incorrect order.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now uses an ORDER BY clause for these queries.

  • [PGODBC-1396] When calling SQLEndTran() to complete a transaction and the server has terminated the connection, the connector incorrectly returns SQL_SUCCESS.

  • [PGODBC-1398] When executing DDL and DML statements, the connector becomes unresponsive without closing the cursor or freeing the statement handle.

  • [PGODBC-1401] When querying SQLSpecialColumns(), the connector returns the incorrect data type for the SCOPE column.

  • [PGODBC-1403] When a query in a statement handle fails during SQLPrepare(), the connector incorrectly returns an “Error occurred while trying to run statement: a statement is already in progress” error message in another statement handle.

1.4.28 ———————————————————————–

Released 2021-04-30

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated dynamically linked libraries for Linux

    The connector has been updated to use the following libraries:

    • libstdc++ version 6.0.21 or later (previously 6.0.20 or later)
    • GCC 5.5 or later (previously 4.9 or later)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.28.

  • [PGODBC-1038] When executing multiple concurrent queries in the same connection, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1206] When querying SQLSpecialColumns(), the connector returns incorrect results.

  • [PGODBC-1281] When calling SQL_DESC_DISPLAY_SIZE, SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH, and SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH, the connector returns 0 for binary data types.

    This issue has been resolved. SQL_DESC_DISPLAY_SIZE, SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH, and SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH now returns with SQL_NO_TOTAL for binary data types. Note that SQL_DESC_LENGTH and SQL_COLUMN_PRECISION returns with 0.

  • [PGODBC-1336] When calling SQLColumns() with a percentage sign ( % ) as the schema filter, the connector does not return any rows.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now, when using a percentage sign ( % ) as the schema filter, returns the same rows as using null as the schema filter.

  • [PGODBC-1353] When calling SQLProcedureColumns() for variable length data types, the connector returns NULL for the COLUMN_SIZE and BUFFER_LENGTH columns.

  • [PGODBC-1365] When calling SQLColumns() or SQLProcedureColumn() for DOUBLE PRECISION column for external tables, the connector returns with the double data type in DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATA_TYPE columns.

    This issue has been resolved. Similar to internal tables, the connector now returns with the float data type in DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATA_TYPE columns.

  • [PGODBC-1370] When querying SQLForeignKeys(NULL, 0, PKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, PKTableName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, FKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0) or SQLForeignKeys(NULL, 0, PKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, FKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, FKTableName, SQL_NTS), the connector returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1370] When querying SQLForeignKeys(), the connector returns the result set in an incorrect order. ——————————————————————

Released 2021-03-05

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1329] JWT authentication

    The connector can now authenticate the connection using a JSON Web Token (JWT). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1339] Updated OpenSSL library

    The connector has been updated to use version 1.1.1i of the OpenSSL library. Previously, the connector used 1.1.1g.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector

  • [PGODBC-1215] When calling SQLDescribeCol() for columns with the PRIMARY KEY constraint, the connector returns incorrect values for NullablePtr.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns SQL_NO_NULLS for NullablePtr to indicate that a column with the PRIMARY KEY constraint does not support NULL values.

  • [PGODBC-1216] When calling SQLDescribeCol() for columns with the NOT NULL constraint, the connector returns incorrect values for NullablePtr.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns SQL_NO_NULLS for NullablePtr to indicate that a column with the NOT NULL constraint does not support NULL values.

  • [PGODBC-1260] On Linux, when calling ODBC API calls such as SQLGetCursorName(), the connector returns a bad_alloc exception.

    This issue has been resolved. This is caused by an overflow when computing the buffer size. The connector now returns a warning if the buffer size is not appropriate.

  • [PGODBC-1294] When calling SQL_DESC_BASE_TABLE_NAME or SQL_DESC_TABLE_NAME, the connector returns an empty string.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns the base table name.

  • [PGODBC-1294] When calling SQL_DESC_NAME, the connector returns the base column name.

    This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns the alias column name.

  • [PGODBC-1297] In some cases, when multiple threads are creating and destroying the connection handle, the connector becomes unresponsive or terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1312] When calling SQLColAttribute() for SQL_DESC_NULLABLE and the columns contain the PRIMARY KEY or NOT NULL constraint, the connector returns an incorrect value.

  • [PGODBC-1314] When calling SQLExtendedFetch() and different sizes of SQL_ROWSET_SIZE is used, the connector returns incorrect data.

  • [PGODBC-1330] When using Power Pivot to query the server, the connector returns a “Requested property not supported” error. ——————————————————————

Released 2021-01-08

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver

  • [PGODBC-1328] The ODBCMessages.xml file contains duplicate error keys.


Installation and Configuration Guide