============================================================================== Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver with SQL Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.19, as well as the version history.

For information about upcoming support deprecations or removals, see the Workflow Changes section. Deprecated features will not receive any updates, but will continue to be usable in their current state until support is removed in a future release.

2.2.19 =======================================================================

Released 2020-10-30

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-814] Support for OAuth 2.0 authentication

The driver now supports OAuth 2.0 authentication. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SF-829] Updated logging configurations

The logging configurations for a particular connection can now be passed in via the connection string or DSN. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.19.

  • [SF-830] If a call returns an invalid response, the driver does not retry URL retrieval.

  • [SF-831] On Windows, when the trust store fails through libcURL, the driver does not retry the connection.

  • [SF-835] Queries longer than 10000 characters result in the driver returning a "Conversion from string to number failed with value ''" error.

  • [SF-837] When Date or Time data is invalid, the driver does not return an error.

This issue has been resolved. The driver now prompts the user to provide the correct information.

Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the driver, or an application.

  • Text area fields return string data "as is" from the REST API, possibly returning carriage-return line-feed sequences instead of
    line-feeds only, as was usual for the SOAP API.

  • There are rounding discrepancies between SOAP, REST and Bulk API when using the SOQL CONVERTCURRENCY scalar function.

  • The CONVERTCURRENCY, DISTANCE, and FORMAT functions are not supported in filters.

These SOQL functions and their aliases cannot be used in filters. Only fields can be used in filters.

  • The following SQL features are not supported by the driver:
  • Typeof
  • Offset
  • With

  • Binary data types are not supported for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

  • Support for the Encrypted TextArea custom field type is limited.

The driver retrieves the field as a string of asterisks (for example, "***"), which may cause filtering to be incorrect.

  • Query processing is not optimal when GROUP BY returns large result sets.

Normally, when a result set exceeds 2000 rows, the driver will use the queryMore() call and a server-side cursor to retrieve additional rows in 1000-row chunks. Doing so allows the query to be processed efficiently. However, if the query contains a GROUP BY clause, then queryMore() cannot be used. In this case, you must change the filtering conditions to query data in smaller chunks.

  • SQL string operators are case-sensitive.

Although Salesforce uses case-insensitive matching for string operators such as "=" and "LIKE", the driver processes SQL string operators in a case-sensitive manner.

  • Restrictions in queries may not be enforced during the prepare stage.

A query may succeed during the prepare stage even if it violates one of the following: - Restrictions on using ToLabel() in the filter clause. - Restrictions on using fields in the HAVING clause. - Restrictions on the operations that can be performed for specific data types. For example, ORDER BY is not supported for the following data types: - Multi-select picklist - Rich text area - Long text area - Encrypted The query fails when it is executed.

  • If unixODBC 2.3.1 is used, the driver terminates unexpectedly when calling SQLSetConnectAttr with the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_CURSORS attribute. The ODBC specification does not recommend using this library.

Workflow Changes =============================================================

The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the driver.

In addition to changes that are already implemented in the current version of the driver, this section describes potentially disruptive changes that will be implemented in a future version of the driver, so that you can plan accordingly.

Upcoming ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  • [SF-798][SF-796] Removing support for earlier versions of Windows

As early as August 2020, the driver will no longer support the following versions of Windows: - Windows 7 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows Server 2008r2

In addition, as early as August 2020, the driver will no longer support Visual Studio 2013.

For a list of supported Windows and Visual Studio versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SF-797] Removing support for macOS 10.12 and earlier

As early as August 2020, the driver will no longer support the following versions of macOS: - macOS 10.12 - macOS 10.11 - macOS 10.10 - macOS 10.9

For a list of supported macOS versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [SF-799] Removing support for CentOS 6

As early as August 2020, the driver will no longer support CentOS 6.

For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.2.12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Rollback of 2.2.11

Due to unforeseen issues with the 2.2.11 release, all features and resolved issues included in that release have been rolled back as of this release. For information on the features and resolved issues that have been rolled back, see the 2.2.11 section in the Version History.

2.2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Minimum TLS Version

Beginning with this release, the driver requires a minimum version of TLS for encrypting the data store connection. By default, the driver requires TLS version 1.2. This requirement may cause existing DSNs and connection strings to stop working, if they are used to connect to data stores that use a TLS version earlier than 1.2.

To resolve this, in your DSN or connection string, set the Minimum TLS option (the Min_TLS property) to the appropriate version of TLS for your server. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Version History ==============================================================

2.2.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-09-25

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.18.

  • [SF-832] In some cases, the driver cannot be loaded.

2.2.17 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-08-19

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.17.

  • [SF-811] For string data types, when returning from SQLColumns(), the driver returns column sizes that are larger than the actual character size.

  • [SF-815] In some cases, when calling scalar functions on string data, the driver returns the following error: "Incompatible collations found".

  • [SF-816] In some cases, when querying on big object, the driver returns the following error: "Conversion from string to unsigned number failed with value '-1'".

2.2.16 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-04-28

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-802] Support for chunked data fetching in JunctionIDList columns

You can now fetch data in chunks from JunctionIDList columns. You can specify the chunk size with the InitialJunctionIdListFetchSize and MaxJunctionIdListFetchRetries configuration properties. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.16.

  • In some cases, an object that contains a JunctionIdList does not return all of the data.

This issue has been resolved. For more information, see [SF-802] in Enhancements & New Features.

2.2.15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-02-21

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-794] Upgraded Expat library

The driver now uses version 2.2.9 of the Expat library. Previously the driver used version 2.2.0.

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.15.

  • [SF-792] In some cases, when the driver casts a timestamp value to a DATE column, the driver terminates unexpectedly.

2.2.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-01-22

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-787] Configurable Salesforce API version

You can now specify the Salesforce API version that the driver uses for the connection. To do this, set the new ApiVersion connection property. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.14.

  • [SF-639] In some cases, queries that involve null values can cause the driver to return columns in an incorrect order.

  • [SF-680] In some cases, when executing a query that contains an aggregate function or a GROUP BY clause, the driver terminates unexpectedly.

  • [SF-786] When retrieving binary data that exceeds 2000 rows, the driver returns an error.

2.2.12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-11-06

  • Due to unforeseen issues with the 2.2.11 release, all features and resolved issues included in that release have been rolled back as of this release. For information on the features and resolved issues that have been rolled back, see the 2.2.11 section in the Version History.

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-782] Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1d

The driver now uses OpenSSL 1.1.1d for encryption of data. Previously the driver used OpenSSL 1.1.0j.

  • [SF-785] Upgrade to libcURL 7.66.0

The driver now uses libcURL library version 7.66.0.

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.12.

  • [CROSS-75] The driver terminates unexpectedly when both of the following occur:
  • Multiple database drivers are loaded to the same process.
  • One driver unloads and calls ICU's u_cleanup() function, while another driver continues to run and tries to access the memory space that has been cleaned up.

2.2.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-10-01

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-561] Support for Lightning Experience

The driver now supports retrieving reports from accounts with Lightning Experience.

  • [SF-682] unixODBC support on macOS

On macOS, you can now use the driver with version 2.3.1 of the unixODBC driver manager.

  • [SF-758] Support for Salesforce API version 46

The driver now uses Salesforce API version 46. Previously the driver used Salesforce API version 45.

  • [SF-774] Internal driver improvements

The driver has been updated with minor internal improvements.

2.2.10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-07-18

Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.10.

  • [SF-753] In some cases, if Salesforce returns an unexpected empty batch while the Bulk API is being used to retrieve data, the driver might terminate unexpectedly.

This issue has been resolved. The driver has been updated to include runtime checks for this type of scenario.

2.2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-05-03

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-736] Improved Bulk API resource management

The driver now uses less memory when retrieving data using the Bulk API.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.9.

  • [SF-569] In some cases, join queries with a limit clause or a top clause will cause the driver to stop responding.

  • [SF-708] when attempting to fetch the next set of data for some SOQL parent-to-child relationship queries, the driver returns an error.

  • [SF-738] Bulk API queries with large amounts of data per row can cause unexpected behavior.

  • [SF-744] In some cases, parent-to-child relationship queries that use the SOAP API cause the driver to stop responding.

2.2.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-03-27

Enhancements & New Features

  • [SF-728] Support for Salesforce API v45

The driver now supports objects up to version 45.0 of the Salesforce API.

  • [SF-669] Updated environment variable name

On macOS and Linux, the driver now stores the full path and name of the simba.salesforceodbc.ini file in the SIMBA_SALESFORCE_ODBC_INI environment variable. Previously, this information was stored in the SIMBASALESFORCEODBCINI environment variable.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Salesforce ODBC Driver 2.2.8.

  • [SF-625][SF-626] NULL characters are not supported in reports.

  • [SF-650] Date/time data types do not support millisecond precision.

  • [SF-679] The login error message contains improperly encoded Unicode characters.

  • [SF-693] In some cases, the driver uses more memory than necessary.

  • [SF-709] In some cases, error messages regarding SOQL queries do not provide information about the cause of a parsing error.


Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide