============================================================================== Magnitude Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Data Connector Release Notes ==============================================================================

The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.32, as well as the version history.

1.4.32 =======================================================================

Released 2021-06-14

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.32.

  • [PGODBC-1387] When Database Metadata Current Database Only is disabled and calling SQLTables with CatalogName set to SQL_ALL_CATALOGS, and SchemaName and TableName are empty strings, the connector returns query results tables in an incorrect order.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now uses an ORDER BY clause for these queries.

  • [PGODBC-1396] When calling SQLEndTran() to complete a transaction and the server has terminated the connection, the connector incorrectly returns SQL_SUCCESS.

  • [PGODBC-1398] When executing DDL and DML statements, the connector becomes unresponsive without closing the cursor or freeing the statement handle.

  • [PGODBC-1401] When querying SQLSpecialColumns(), the connector returns the incorrect data type for the SCOPE column.

  • [PGODBC-1403] When a query in a statement handle fails during SQLPrepare(), the connector incorrectly returns an "Error occurred while trying to run statement: a statement is already in progress" error message in another statement handle.

Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application.

  • Limited support for stored procedures.

The connector does not support parameterized procedure call queries if there is more than one procedures of different argument types that share the same name in the server.

  • Timestamps do not accept negative values.

The connector does not support the use of negative values in timestamps.

Workflow Changes =============================================================

The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector.

1.4.28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • [PGODBC-1038] Updated EnforceSingleStatement and UseMultipleStatements description

The description of the EnforceSingleStatement and UseMultipleStatements options have been changed to reflect the actual behavior. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1038] Updated query processing modes behavior

The connector's behavior for the query processing modes have been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1358] Removed support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6

Beginning with this release, support for CentOS 6 and RHEL 6 have been removed. For a list of supported Linux versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Removed support for earlier versions of operating systems

Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports the following operating systems: - Windows 7 SP1 - Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 - Debian 7 - Ubuntu 14.04

For a list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1277] New default value for Bytea As LongVarBinary

The default value of the Bytea As LongVarBinary option (ByteaAsLongVarBinary connection property) is now Enabled (1). Previously, the default value was Disabled (0). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

1.4.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • [PGODBC-1186] Removed support for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013

Beginning with this release, the driver now requires the 2015 version of this dependency instead of the 2013 version.

To download the installation packages for the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=48145

Version History ==============================================================

1.4.28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2021-04-30

Enhancements & New Features

  • Updated dynamically linked libraries for Linux

The connector has been updated to use the following libraries: - libstdc++ version 6.0.21 or later (previously 6.0.20 or later) - GCC 5.5 or later (previously 4.9 or later)

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector 1.4.28.

  • [PGODBC-1038] When executing multiple concurrent queries in the same connection, the connector terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1206] When querying SQLSpecialColumns(), the connector returns incorrect results.

  • [PGODBC-1281] When calling SQL_DESC_DISPLAY_SIZE, SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH, and SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH, the connector returns 0 for binary data types.

This issue has been resolved. SQL_DESC_DISPLAY_SIZE, SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH, and SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH now returns with SQL_NO_TOTAL for binary data types. Note that SQL_DESC_LENGTH and SQL_COLUMN_PRECISION returns with 0.

  • [PGODBC-1336] When calling SQLColumns() with a percentage sign ( % ) as the schema filter, the connector does not return any rows.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now, when using a percentage sign ( % ) as the schema filter, returns the same rows as using null as the schema filter.

  • [PGODBC-1353] When calling SQLProcedureColumns() for variable length data types, the connector returns NULL for the COLUMN_SIZE and BUFFER_LENGTH columns.

  • [PGODBC-1365] When calling SQLColumns() or SQLProcedureColumn() for DOUBLE PRECISION column for external tables, the connector returns with the double data type in DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATA_TYPE columns.

This issue has been resolved. Similar to internal tables, the connector now returns with the float data type in DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATA_TYPE columns.

  • [PGODBC-1370] When querying SQLForeignKeys(NULL, 0, PKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, PKTableName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, FKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0) or SQLForeignKeys(NULL, 0, PKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, FKSchemaName, SQL_NTS, FKTableName, SQL_NTS), the connector returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1370] When querying SQLForeignKeys(), the connector returns the result set in an incorrect order. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2021-03-05

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1329] JWT authentication

The connector can now authenticate the connection using a JSON Web Token (JWT). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1339] Updated OpenSSL library

The connector has been updated to use version 1.1.1i of the OpenSSL library. Previously, the connector used 1.1.1g.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector

  • [PGODBC-1215] When calling SQLDescribeCol() for columns with the PRIMARY KEY constraint, the connector returns incorrect values for NullablePtr.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns SQL_NO_NULLS for NullablePtr to indicate that a column with the PRIMARY KEY constraint does not support NULL values.

  • [PGODBC-1216] When calling SQLDescribeCol() for columns with the NOT NULL constraint, the connector returns incorrect values for NullablePtr.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns SQL_NO_NULLS for NullablePtr to indicate that a column with the NOT NULL constraint does not support NULL values.

  • [PGODBC-1260] On Linux, when calling ODBC API calls such as SQLGetCursorName(), the connector returns a bad_alloc exception.

This issue has been resolved. This is caused by an overflow when computing the buffer size. The connector now returns a warning if the buffer size is not appropriate.

  • [PGODBC-1294] When calling SQL_DESC_BASE_TABLE_NAME or SQL_DESC_TABLE_NAME, the connector returns an empty string.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns the base table name.

  • [PGODBC-1294] When calling SQL_DESC_NAME, the connector returns the base column name.

This issue has been resolved. The connector now returns the alias column name.

  • [PGODBC-1297] In some cases, when multiple threads are creating and destroying the connection handle, the connector becomes unresponsive or terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1312] When calling SQLColAttribute() for SQL_DESC_NULLABLE and the columns contain the PRIMARY KEY or NOT NULL constraint, the connector returns an incorrect value.

  • [PGODBC-1314] When calling SQLExtendedFetch() and different sizes of SQL_ROWSET_SIZE is used, the connector returns incorrect data.

  • [PGODBC-1330] When using Power Pivot to query the server, the connector returns a "Requested property not supported" error. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2021-01-08

Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver

  • [PGODBC-1328] The ODBCMessages.xml file contains duplicate error keys.

1.4.21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-12-11

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1307] Return metadata from multiple data stores

The driver can now return metadata from multiple Redshift databases and clusters. To enable this, clear the Database Metadata Current Database Only check box (set the DatabaseMetadataCurrentDbOnly property to 0). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1306] Updated root certificate file

The root.crt file has been updated to support Amazon Root CA 2, 3, and 4.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 1.4.21.

  • [PGODBC-1316] When SQLProcedureColumns() is called for a stored procedure with multiple OUT parameters, only one OUT parameter is returned.

  • [PGODBC-1316] SQL_DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATETIME_SUB in SQLProcedureColumns() return incorrect values for date and time data types.

This issue has been resolved. The driver now returns SQL_DATETIME for all date and time types in SQL_DATA_TYPE for SQLProcedureColumns(). Additionally, the driver now returns SQL_CODE_DATE, SQL_CODE_TIME, or SQL_CODE_TIMESTAMP, depending on the type of date or time column, or null otherwise, in SQL_DATETIME_SUB for SQLProcedureColumns().

  • [PGODBC-1316] CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH in SQLProcedureColumns() returns NULL for character types. This issue has been resolved. The driver now returns the correct length.

  • [PGODBC-1297] In some cases, when multiple threads are creating and destroying the environment handle, the driver hangs or terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1308] When SQLPutData() is called multiple times for the same parameter, the parameter value is incorrectly truncated.

  • [PGODBC-1304] When SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT is set to SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF after the connection, the driver incorrectly returns a "current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block" error.

  • [PGODBC-1318] When calling SQLColumns() for internal tables followed by SQLColumns() metadata for external tables, the SQLColumns() metadata for external tables is not returned.

  • [PGODBC-1319] When SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE is set to SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY before the connection, the driver log incorrectly shows "Failed to execute query before connecting to the server: SET readonly = true" where the query is not executed.

This issue has been resolved. The log now shows "Query is not executed because connection has not been established: SET readonly = true" in this case, and "Query executed: SET readonly = true" when the query is executed.

1.4.18 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-10-13

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1291] Updated logging configurations

You can now configure logging for the current connection by setting the logging configuration properties in the DSN or in a connection string. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1295][PGODBC-1299] Updated third-party libraries

The driver has been updated to use the following libraries: - OpenSSL 1.1.1g (previously 1.1.1d) - ICU 58.3 (previously 58.2)

  • Additional operating system support

The driver now supports the following additional operating systems: - Windows Server 2019 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 - CentOS 8 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 - Ubuntu 18.04

For a complete list of supported operating systems, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1254] Support for SUPER datatype

The driver now supports data of type SUPER. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1250] Support for TIME data

The driver now supports data of types TIME and TIMETZ. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1261] Specify relying party trusts

You can now configure the driver to allow different relying party trusts for AD FS authentication. To do this, when the authentication type is AD FS, type the relying party in the loginToRp field (specify the relying party with the loginToRp connection property). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1156] Support for read-only mode

You can now configure the driver to enable read-only mode. To do this, select the Enable Read Only check box (set the ReadOnly connection property to 1). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Additionally, you can change the read-only settings by setting SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE to SQL_MODE_READ_WRITE or SQL_MODE_READ_ONLY.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 1.4.18.

  • [PGODBC-1233] If autocommit is disabled and the query fails after execution, the driver returns a "current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block" error.

  • [PGODBC-1233] Inserting multiple rows using SQLPutData() results in duplicate rows.

  • [PGODBC-1290] Before the connection, when SQL_ATTR_ACCESS_MODE is set to read-only, and logging is enabled, the driver terminates unexpectedly.

  • [PGODBC-1199] When using SQLSetDescRec() with SQL_TYPE_DATE and SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, the driver returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1275] When the connection object's destructor calls SQLDisconnect(), the driver terminates unexpectedly.

This issue has been resolved. When using the driver with an object that has static storage duration (such as a global), you may run into destruction order issues during application termination. The driver now returns SQL_ERROR when SQLDisconnect() is called in this case.

  • [PGODBC-1287] The TIMESTAMPDIFF function behaves differently than the DATEDIFF function.

  • [PGODBC-1300] In some cases, when using BrowserAzureAD with multiple connections in PowerBI, the connection fails.

This issue has been resolved. Now, when using BrowserAzureAD, you can no longer set a value for Listen_Port.

  • [PGODBC-1300] In some cases, when using authentication with browser plugins, Chrome opens two connections and the driver does not retrieve the response from the IdP.

  • [PGODBC-1271] When using a column filter, SQLProcedureColumns() returns incorrect columns.

  • [PGODBC-1223] SQL_DATA_TYPE and SQL_DATETIME_SUB in SQLColumns return incorrect values for date and time data types.

This issue has been resolved. The driver now returns SQL_DATETIME for all date and time types in SQL_DATA_TYPE for SQLColumns. Additionally, the driver now returns SQL_CODE_DATE, SQL_CODE_TIME, or SQL_CODE_TIMESTAMP, depending on the type of date or time column, or null otherwise, in SQL_DATETIME_SUB for SQLColumns.

  • [PGODBC-1282] When SQLColumns is called for NUMERIC and DECIMAL columns in late binding view, the driver returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1204] When you are missing required connection settings in SQLBrowseConnect(), the driver returns an error.

This issue has been resolved. The driver now returns the appropriate output connection string with required and optional keys.

  • [PGODBC-1207] When selecting and inserting using SQLParamData and SQLPutData, the driver returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1242] When using PingFederate authentication, the driver incorrectly sends the password to the passwordReset field and the authentication fails.

  • [PGODBC-1243] The getColumns() metadata for external tables returns inconsistent type names.

  • [PGODBC-1201] When using SQLPrimaryKeys with a schema name, the driver returns incorrect results.

  • [PGODBC-1268] When using Browser SAML authentication, the driver can not parse SAML responses containing newlines.

  • [PGODBC-1270] When using numeric data in late binding views, the driver returns incorrect DECIMAL_DIGITS values in SQLColumns.

1.4.14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-05-28

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1185] Support for GEOMETRY data

The driver now supports data of type GEOMETRY. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1211] Lowercase DbGroups

You can now configure the driver to lowercase all DbGroups that are received from the identity provider. To do this, select the Force Lowercase check box (set the ForceLowercase connection property to True). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1227] Filter DbGroups

You can now configure the driver to filter all DbGroups that are received from the SAML response in the Azure, Browser Azure, and Browser SAML authentication types. To do this, type the the regular expression in the DbGroups Filter field (specify the filter with the dbgroups_filter connection property). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1227] Preferred roles

You can now configure the driver to use preferred role in the Azure, Browser Azure, and Browser SAML authentication types. To do this, type the role in the Preferred Role field (specify the role with the Preferred_Role connection property). For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 1.4.14.

  • [PGODBC-1196] When the date, time, or timestamp escape sequences are applied, the SQLBindParameter function returns an error.

  • [PGODBC-1197] When the driver uses SSO authentication, it sends duplicate parameters and the authentication request fails.

  • [PGODBC-1209] When the ColumnName filter is applied, the SQLProcedureColumns function returns the incorrect column.

  • [PGODBC-1237] In some cases, the driver returns an error when arrays of
    parameters are bound.

1.4.13 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-05-07

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 1.4.13.

  • [PGODBC-1191] Fix issue with Import/Link table in Microsoft Access

The driver can now query tables and views in Microsoft Access.

1.4.11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2020-02-28

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1179] IAM authentication with browser plugin

You can now use a browser plugin to authenticate your connection through your identity provider's website. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1180] Improved Azure AD error messages

The driver now provides more comprehensive error messages for the Azure AD plugin.

  • [PGODBC-1168] Support for notarization

The driver now supports notarization on macOS systems, enabling it to be run on macOS versions 10.14.6 and 10.15.

  • [PGODBC-1183] Updated Expat library

The driver has been updated to use Expat 2.2.9. Previously, the driver used Expat 2.2.0.

1.4.10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-11-12

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1165] Azure AD authentication

The driver now supports authentication through Azure AD. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • [PGODBC-1154] Updated driver version information in Linux binary

You can now check the Linux driver's version from the driver binary file. To do this, open the .so file in a text editor, and search for the text "\(driver_version_sb\):". The driver's version number is listed after this text.

  • [PGODBC-1157] Updated libcurl library

The driver has been updated to use libcurl 7.66.0.

1.4.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Released 2019-11-12

Enhancements & New Features

  • [PGODBC-1146] Updated OpenSSL library

The driver has been updated to use version 1.1.1d of the OpenSSL library.

  • [PGODBC-1147] Improved driver security

The driver's implementation of SQLTables and SQLColumns has been updated to provide stronger protection against SQL injections.

Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 1.4.9.

  • [PGODBC-1146] The driver terminates unexpectedly when both of the following occur:
  • Multiple database drivers are loaded to the same process.
  • One driver unloads and calls ICU's u_cleanup() function, while another driver continues to run and tries to access the memory space that has been cleaned up.

  • [PGODBC-1155] When you use the driver in Power BI to connect through DirectQuery mode, the driver fails to load late-binding views that contain Char, VarChar, or Numeric columns.

This issue has been resolved. As part of this update, when SQLColumns is called, the driver no longer includes column sizes when returning TYPE_NAME values for late-binding views.

  • [PGODBC-1144] In some cases, when SQLForeignKeys is called, the returned data is not correctly filtered.


Installation and Configuration Guide