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rspm edit git-builder#

Commands to edit git-builder properties


Use to edit an existing git-builder. Note that git-builders must have consistent URL/credentials at all times, so if you would like to change from an SSH URL to an HTTPS url, you must also change the git credential from an ssh key to an https credential in one command. Git credentials may be rotated by creating a new credential and using this edit command to set the existing git-builder to use the new credential.

rspm edit git-builder [flags]


  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --new-url=[HTTP/SSH URL]
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --new-credential=[credential name]
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --new-branch=[branch name]
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --new-sub-dir=[sub directory path]
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --remove-credential
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --remove-sub-dir
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --recurse-submodules=2
  rspm edit git-builder --name=[git-builder name] --source=[git source name] --clone-depth=0


      --clone-depth uint          For git-builders, update the Git commit clone depth. (default 1)
  -h, --help                      help for git-builder
      --name string               The name of the git-builder.
      --new-branch string         Specify the new git branch to track for package building.
      --new-credential string     For git-builders with private repos, specify the name of a new git credential.
      --new-ssh-key string        For git-builders with private repos, specify the name of a new SSH key. Deprecated in favor of --new-credential
      --new-sub-dir string        Specify the new sub directory where the package is stored.
      --new-url string            Specify the new git URL for package building.
      --recurse-submodules uint   For git-builders, update the submodule recursion depth.
      --remove-credential         Remove a git credential from a git builder (don't attempt authentication for this builder).
      --remove-sub-dir            Remove the existing sub directory. Use --remove-sub-dir or --remove-sub-dir=true
      --source string             The name of the source.

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -c, --config string          Path to config file
  -o, --output-format string   Specify the output format 'human' for human-readable output or 'json' for JSON-encoded output. (default "human")
  -v, --verbose                Provide additional output