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rspm archive#

Command to archive a package in a source


Command to archive a package in a source. Archiving a package will move the current version of a package to the archive while preserving existing versions in the archive. The archived package version will no longer be installed by default, but can still be downloaded from the archive.

rspm archive [flags]


  rspm archive --name=[package name] --source=[source name]


  -h, --help            help for archive
      --name string     The name of the package.
      --source string   The name of the source.

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -c, --config string          Path to config file
  -o, --output-format string   Specify the output format 'human' for human-readable output or 'json' for JSON-encoded output. (default "human")
  -v, --verbose                Provide additional output