Posit Cloud Marketplace Offers

How to use the Posit cloud marketplace offers


The Posit Cloud marketplace offerings allow you to purchase and use Posit professional products through your preferred cloud provider.

The Posit marketplace products are identical to the on-premises versions of the products. However, they’re preconfigured servers with Python, R, Posit Professional Drivers, and important packages configured for a turn-key experience unlike the on-premise versions.


The main AWS offering allows you to purchase Posit Team for usage in AWS:

The Posit Team offering is a way to purchase licenses on AWS. It allows you to use the other Bring Your Own License (BYOL) offerings below and Posit Workbench on Amazon SageMaker. When you purchase through this offering, it puts you in contact with Posit, who provides the licenses you need for use.


We also support custom purchases on AWS. Contact Posit sales to learn more.

The BYOL license offerings allow you to use existing licenses that you have purchased from Posit or from the Posit Team offering.


Multiple Azure offerings are all listed together on a page for each product. Select a software plan on the page to see your options.

Posit Workbench and Posit Connect have offerings that allow you to purchase specific numbers of users for different editions. Only the specific combinations of users and editions listed are available for purchase on Azure. Contact Posit sales for plan options specific to your organization’s needs. Once you purchase through Azure, you can use the image from the offering in your account without any more licensing.

The offerings also include BYOL offerings that you can learn how to use.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Licensed versions of Post Workbench and Posit Connect are available for purchase on the GCP Marketplace.

Posit Workbench and Posit Connect have offerings that allow you to purchase specific numbers of users for different editions. You can only purchase the listed specific combinations of users and editions on GCP. Contact Posit sales for plan options specific to your organization’s needs. Once you purchase through GCP, you can use the image from the offering in your account without any more licensing.

The Bring Your Own License (BYOL) offerings allow you to use existing licenses that you have purchased from Posit or from the Posit Team offering

Bring your own license offerings

The Bring Your Own License (BYOL) offerings are available on AWS, Azure, and GCP for Posit Workbench, Posit Connect, and Posit Package Manager. These offerings don’t cost anything to use outside of normal infrastructure costs and expect you to have an existing license. Once you have created a server from one of these offerings, you can add your license the same way you would for on-premises servers. See the licensing documentation for more details.

Technical details on offerings

All images within the offerings are based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. They include multiple versions of Python and R to allow for different needs. The installations of the Posit Team products and Posit Professional Drivers use the standard installations for Ubuntu that are available to customers. New images are created after product releases that include a variety of upgrades, but you can also upgrade anything you need in place as well.

Removed limitations

Limitations on upgrading servers for marketplace offerings no longer exist.

Additionally, AWS offerings used to require the custom Identity and Access Management (IAM) settings and custom license manager upgrades, both of which are no longer needed.

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