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Workbench API

Method launch_session

Launches a Posit Workbench Session on behalf of the username provided in the parameters or the auth cookie. A super-admin API token is required to launch a session on behalf of a different user than the API token owner.

POST /api/launch_session {
   "method": "launch_session",
   "kwparams": {
      "workbench": "RStudio",
      "name": "My RStudio Session",
      "launch_parameters": {
         "name": "Job name", "cluster": "Local",
         "placement_constraints":[], "resource_limits":[], "queues":[]


Name Type Summary
workbench (required) string The IDE name to use: one of: RStudio, JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebook, VS Code.
username string Start the session on behalf of this user. If not provided, the auth-token’s username is used.
name string The new session’s name, as it appears in the homepage.
open_file string A file to open by default in the launched IDE session. This is supported for RStudio and Jupyter Notebook sessions.
working_directory string The current directory for the new session.
launch_parameters LaunchParameters Provides additional launch config, required when launcher sessions are enabled.
start_hooks SessionHook Provides hooks that should be run when the session is started.
stop_hooks SessionHook Provides hooks that should be run when the session is stopped.
environment Environment Provides environment variables that should be added to the session.


Returns a result object with ID, URL, and project_id properties identifying the session

Property name Type Summary
id string The ID of the new session, used in stop_session or get_session to filter the result.
url string The URL starting with a / to use to join the session. If the server context has changed, prepend the appropriate https://server-name part to the returned value before opening the URL in the browser, or using it in further API requests.
project_id string A unique identifier for the project used by the session.

Example results:

  "result": {
    "url": "/s/0da29cfc78a31acdd5861/",
    "id": "acdd5861",
    "project_id": "cfc78a31"

Method launch_job

Launches a Posit Workbench Job on behalf of the username provided in the parameters or the auth cookie. A super-admin API token is required to launch a job on behalf of a different user than the API token owner.

POST /api/launch_job {
   "method": "launch_job",
   "kwparams": {
      "job": {
         "cluster": "Local",
         "name": "Job Test",
         "exe": "/bin/bash",
         "args": ["-c", "R -f JobTest.R"]


Name Type Summary
job (required) object An object that provides the initial properties for the job: name, exe, args, cluster, and working_directory. Optional initial properties include environment, tags, container_image, resource_limits, queues, and placement_constraints. The user property in the job can be used with a super-admin API token to impersonate another user. If the user property is not set, the user from the API token is used.
apply_config_settings boolean Set this to false to bypass launcher mounts and other global settings normally applied to all jobs


Returns a result object with a job property containing the WorkbenchJob. The returned job has all fields populated, both the initial values provided and those that reflect the state of the running job (e.g., status, process id, the host for the job, and timestamps).

Property name Type Summary
job object The WorkbenchJob with job_id and status fields populated

Example results:

  "result": {
    "result": {
      "job": {
        "id": "...",
        "cluster": "Local",
        "name": "JobTest.R",
        "user": "jvroom",
        "queues": [],
        "workingDirectory": "",
        "host": "localhost",
        "status": "Pending",
        "pid": 729383,
        "command": "",
        "exe": "/bin/bash",
        "stdoutFile": "",
        "stderrFile": "",
        "stdin": "",
        "args": [
          "R -f /tmp/JobTest.R"
        "environment": [],
        "placementConstraints": [],
        "lastUpdateTime": "2024-10-01T20:49:32.294130Z",
        "submissionTime": "2024-10-01T20:49:32.294014Z",
        "exposedPorts": [],
        "mounts": [],
        "config": [],
        "resourceLimits": [],
        "tags": [],
        "metadata": {},
        "resourceProfile": "custom"

Method get_session

Returns session and job information for a given user. An admin or super-admin API token is required to retrieve a session for a user other the API token’s owner.

POST /api/get_session {
   "method": "get_session",
   "kwparams": {
      "session_id": "id1,id2",
      "user": "username",
      "fields" : ["id", "url", "activity_state"],
      "include_jobs" : true


Name Type Summary
session_id string Return info for a specific session identified by the ID provided.
user string Return sessions for the given user, defaulting to the api token’s username. The token must have at least read-only admin or super-admin permissions with read access to get the session info for a different user.
fields array of string Array of field names returned by the session to filter whats returned.
include_jobs boolean Set to true to include job information in the response.


Returns a result object with an array of sessions and optionally jobs

On error, either a 40x, 50x http status code, or a JSON RPC error will be returned with code, and message properties. Any problems associated with the user’s account, or configuration problems on the server node will generate a JSON RPC error with an appropriate message.

Property name Type Summary
sessions array of WorkbenchSession
jobs array of WorkbenchJob

Example results:

  "result": {
    "sessions": [
        "url": "/s/0da29cfc78a316124d41f/",
        "id": "6124d41f",
        "launch_parameters": {
          "name": "RStudio Pro Session",
          "cluster": "Local",
          "placement_constraints": [],
          "resource_limits": [],
          "queues": [],
          "container_image": "",
          "default_image": "",
          "container_images": [
        "created": 1721684073175,
        "activity_state": "suspended",
        "last_state_updated": 1721695376181,
        "label": "RStudio Pro Session",
        "display_name": "RStudio Pro Session",
        "status_detail": "",
        "project": null,
        "project_id": "none",
        "running": false,
        "working_dir": "~",
        "executing": false,
        "save_prompt_required": false,
        "last_used": 1721694685914,
        "r_version": "4.3.0",
        "r_version_label": "",
        "r_version_home": "/usr/lib/R",
        "suspend_size": 20324197,
        "workbench": "RStudio"

Method resume_session

Resumes a suspended Posit Workbench Session (RStudio Pro sessions only). Provide the username of the session owner and the session id. If a username parameter is not provided, the owner of the API token or auth cookie used instead. A super-admin API token is required to resume a session on behalf of a different user than the API token owner.

POST /api/resume_session {
   "method": "resume_session",
   "kwparams": {
      "username": "optional-session-username",
      "session_id": "<the-session-id-returned>",
      "launch_parameters": {
         "name": "Job name", "cluster": "Local",
         "placement_constraints":[], "resource_limits":[], "queues":[]


Name Type Summary
session_id (required) string The session id of the suspended session to resume. Use get_session to get the session_id, or store the value returned from launch_session.
username string The owner of the session. If not provided the API token’s owner is used.
launch_parameters LaunchParameters Provides additional launch config, required when launcher sessions are enabled.


Returns a result object with ID, URL, and project_id properties identifying the session

Property name Type Summary
url string The URL starting with a / to use to join the session, that was returned in launch_session.
project_id string The unique identifier for the project used by the session, that was returned in launch_session.

Example results:

  "result": {
    "url": "/s/0da29cfc78a31acdd5861/",
    "id": "acdd5861",
    "project_id": "cfc78a31"

Method get_compute_envs

Returns metadata about the environments the server supports for launching new sessions, including resource limits for a given user. When using an admin or super-admin token with read access, it’s possible to retrieve the environment for a supplied user. Use the POST method and provide the username as a named parameter.

GET /api/get_compute_envs

POST /api/get_compute_envs {"method": "get_compute_envs", "kwparams":{ "user": "session-username"}}


Returns a result object with ComputeEnv and a list of supported IDEs

Property name Type Summary
clusters array of ComputeEnv
workbenches object An object whose properties are the names of the supported IDEs: ‘RStudio’, ‘VS Code’, ‘JupyterLab’, ‘Jupyter Notebook’

Example results:

  "result": {
    "clusters": [
        "supportsContainers": false,
        "queues": [],
        "config": [],
        "resourceLimits": [],
        "placementConstraints": [],
        "resourceProfiles": [],
        "name": "Local",
        "type": "Local",
        "workbenches": {
          "RStudio": {
            "supports_interactive_sessions": true,
            "supports_adhoc_jobs": true
          "JupyterLab": {
            "supports_interactive_sessions": true,
            "supports_adhoc_jobs": true
          "Jupyter Notebook": {
            "supports_interactive_sessions": true,
            "supports_adhoc_jobs": true
          "VS Code": {
            "supports_interactive_sessions": true,
            "supports_adhoc_jobs": true
        "images": []
    "workbenches": {
      "RStudio": {
        "default_cluster": "Localhost",
        "default_image": "",
        "lang": {
          "name": "R",
          "available": true
      "JupyterLab": {
        "default_cluster": "Local",
        "default_image": "",
        "lang": {
          "name": "Jupyter",
          "available": true
      "Jupyter Notebook": {
        "default_cluster": "Local",
        "default_image": "",
        "lang": {
          "name": "Jupyter",
          "available": true
      "VS Code": {
        "default_cluster": "Localhost",
        "default_image": "",
        "lang": {
          "name": "code-server",
          "available": false

Method get_job_output

Returns a specific job’s output for either a live running job, or a job that finished but hasn’t been removed from the system yet. The output is returned in a stream of JSON objects that are parsed one after another. For a live job, the chunks are returned as they are produced and the connection will not be closed by the server until the job exits, or it times out on the server or in a proxy layer. An admin or super-admin API token with read access is required to retrieve the job output for a user other than the API token’s owner.

POST /api/get_job_output {
   "method": "get_job_output",
   "kwparams": {
      "job_id": "job_id",
      "user": "job-user"


Name Type Summary
job_id (required) string The id of the job.
user string The user that owns the job, required if using a super-admin token for impersonation.


Returns a stream of JSON objects, each one containing a chunk of either the stdout or stderr streams of the job. Each chunk has jobId, outputType of stdout or stderr and output with the chunk. If the process is still running, the server will stream chunks as they arrive. If not, the stream is closed.

{"jobId":"....", "outputType":"stdout", "output":"A chunk of the job's standard output"}
{"jobId":"...", "outputType":"stderr", "output":"A chunk of the job's error output"}

Method stop_session

Stops one or more session given a list of session_ids. Optionally force quit, or suspend the sessions. Use an admin or super-admin API token with write access to stop a session on behalf of another user.

POST /api/stop_session {
   "method": "stop_session",
   "kwparams": {
      "session_ids": "id1,id2,...",
      "force_quit" : false,
      "suspend_session": false


Name Type Summary
session_ids (required) string A comma separated list of session IDs to stop, suspend or force quit
force_quit boolean Sends the kill signal to forcefully quit the session process.
suspend_session boolean For sessions that support suspension, e.g. RStudio, tells the session to save its state before exiting.


On success, returns with an HTTP 200 return code and an empty result message.

Method stop_job

Stops a workbench job given the job_id. Use an admin or super-admin API token with write access to stop a job on behalf of another user.

POST /api/stop_job {
   "method": "stop_job",
   "kwparams": {
      "job_id": "id1"
      "force_quit" : false


Name Type Summary
job_id (required) string The individual job id of the job to stop.
force_quit boolean With force_quit is true, the kill signal is used instead of terminate (i.e. kill -9 <pid> instead of kill <pid>).


On success, returns with an HTTP 200 return code and an empty result message.

Method version

Returns a JSON object with version information including a list of enabled features.

GET /api/version


Returns an HTTP 401 code for permission denied, 50x for server problems, or 200 with a JSON result indicating success or error.

On success, the result is a JSON object with version and feature info.

Property name Type Summary
version object An object containing major, minor, patch, build_number, release_name, and build_type string properties
features array of string List of the names of features enabled in this server

Method get_users

Returns a JSON array containing the users registered in Posit Workbench. Requires read access with an admin or super-admin API token.

GET /api/get_users


Returns an HTTP 401 code for permission denied, 50x for server problems, or 200 with a JSON result indicating success or error.

On success, the result is a JSON object with version and feature info.

Example results:

  "result": [
      "username": "user1",
      "status": "Active",
      "isAdmin": false,
      "uid": 1037,
      "lastSignIn": "2024-07-30T23:45:28.351868Z",
      "created": "2024-07-30T23:41:28.109218Z"
      "username": "user2",
      "status": "Inactive",
      "isAdmin": false,
      "uid": 1038,
      "lastSignIn": "2024-07-25T13:43:25.231845Z",
      "created": "2024-07-30T23:41:28.109218Z"

Data types

These types are used in the Workbench API.


Name/values that choose launch options defined in the server configuration

Required Properties: name, value

Property name Type Summary
name string Constraint name
value string Constraint value


Property name Type Summary
name string
value string
valueType string


Used to define parameters for Job launcher sessions.

Required Properties: name, cluster, resource_limits, placement_constraints, queues

Property name Type Summary
name string
cluster string The compute environment to launch the session
container_image string
placement_constraints array of PlacementConstraint
resource_limits array of ResourceLimit
queues array of string
default_image string
resource_profile string
aws_role_arn string
databricks_instance string
snowflake_account string
snowflake_role string


The metadata workbench manages for a given session.

Property name Type Summary
name string
id string
url string
created number
activity_state string Overall state of the session at a given moment, for the launch process: launching/resuming, pending, starting, and finally running. Also represents exit states: finished, suspended, failed, killed, and suspending for sessions that support suspension (i.e. RStudio)
last_state_updated number Timestamp for last state change
label string
display_name string
project string
project_id string
working_dir string
running boolean
executing boolean The session is active and busy.
save_prompt_required boolean
last_used number
r_version string
r_version_label string
r_version_home string
suspend_size number
workbench string


The metadata workbench manages for a given session.

Property name Type Summary
name string Required job’s name.
cluster string The name of the compute environment to run the job - e.g. Local, Slurm, Kubernetes
exe string The executable on the session node to run
args array of string List of string arguments to provide to the exe.
command string An alternative to exe for providing a shell command to run (i.e. the job is run as: /bin/sh -c command arg1 arg2...).
working_directory string Provides the initial working directory for the job.
user string The username of the job’s owner
queues array of string
tags array of string
id string The job’s id, returned from the launch_job API.
container string
host string
group string
status string
statusMessage string
statusCode string
pid number
exitCode number
stdoutFile string
stderrFile string
submissionTime string
lastUpdateTime string


Property name Type Summary
name string
value string
valueType string


An environment for running sessions.

Property name Type Summary
supportsContainers boolean
queues array of string
config array of JobConfig
resourceLimits array of ResourceLimit


Stores an environment variable.

Required Properties: name, value

Property name Type Summary
name string
value string


Stores information about a session hook.

Required Properties: exe

Property name Type Summary
exe string


Stores default info for a supported IDE

Required Properties: default_cluster, default_image, lang

Property name Type Summary
default_cluster string
default_image string


Required Properties: name, available

Property name Type Summary
name string
available boolean


Property name Type Summary
username string Contains the username of the user.
status string Contains the user’s status: Active or Inactive.
isAdmin boolean This value is true if the user has the ability to access the /admin UI.
isSuperAdmin boolean This value is true if the user has the super-admin role that can also start sessions/jobs on behalf of other users.
uid int Contains the posix user’s uid used as an attribute on files for permissions.
lastSignIn string
created string
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