Property | Description | Type | Default |
allow_source_columns | Whether to enable the ability to add source columns to display. | boolean | true |
always_enable_rnw_concordance | Whether to always enable the concordance for RNW files. | boolean | true |
always_save_history | Whether to always save the R console history. | boolean | true |
always_shown_extensions | List of file extensions (beginning with ., not case sensitive) that are always shown in the Files Pane, regardless of whether hidden files are shown | array | .circleci, .env, .gitattributes, .github, .gitignore, .httr-oauth, .lintr, .quartoignore, .r, .rbuildignore, .rdata, .renvignore, .renviron, .rhistory, .rprofile, .ruserdata |
always_shown_files | List of file names (case sensitive) that are always shown in the Files Pane, regardless of whether hidden files are shown | array | .build.yml, .gitlab-ci.yml, .travis.yml |
ansi_console_mode | How to treat ANSI escape codes in the console. | string (off, on, strip) | on |
auto_append_newline | Whether to ensure that source files end with a newline character. | boolean | false |
auto_detect_indentation | Whether to automatically detect indentation settings from file contents. | boolean | false |
auto_discover_package_dependencies | Whether to automatically discover and offer to install missing R package dependencies. | boolean | true |
auto_expand_error_tracebacks | Whether to automatically expand tracebacks when an error occurs. | boolean | false |
auto_run_setup_chunk | Whether to automatically run an R Markdown document’s Setup chunk before running other chunks. | boolean | true |
auto_save_idle_ms | The idle period, in milliseconds, after which documents should be auto-saved. | integer | 1000 |
auto_save_on_blur | Whether to automatically save when the editor loses focus. | boolean | false |
auto_save_on_idle | How to deal with changes to documents on idle. | string (commit, backup, none) | backup |
autohide_menubar | Hide desktop menu bar until Alt key is pressed. | boolean | false |
background_diagnostics | Whether to run code diagnostics in the background, as you type. | boolean | true |
background_diagnostics_delay_ms | The number of milliseconds to delay before running code diagnostics in the background. | integer | 2000 |
bioconductor_mirror_name | The name of the default Bioconductor mirror. | string | Seattle (USA) |
bioconductor_mirror_url | The URL of the default Bioconductor mirror. | string | |
blinking_cursor | Whether to flash the cursor off and on. | boolean | true |
browser_fixed_width_fonts | List of fixed-width fonts to check for browser support. | array | Andale Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Cascadia Code, Consolas, Courier New, Courier, DejaVu Sans Mono, Droid Sans Mono, Fira Code, Hack, IBM Plex Mono, Inconsolata, JetBrains Mono, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Menlo, Monaco, Monoid, Operator Mono, Pragmata, SF Mono, Source Code Pro, Vera Sans Mono, Victor Mono, Ubuntu Mono |
busy_detection | How to detect busy status in the Terminal. | string (always, never, list) | always |
busy_exclusion_list | A list of apps that should not be considered busy in the Terminal. | array | tmux, screen |
check_arguments_to_r_function_calls | Whether to check arguments to R function calls. | boolean | false |
check_for_updates | Whether to check for new versions of RStudio when RStudio starts. | boolean | true |
check_null_external_pointers | When enabled, RStudio will detect R objects containing null external pointers when building the Environment pane, and avoid introspecting their contents further. | boolean | false |
check_unexpected_assignment_in_function_call | Whether to check for unexpected variable assignments inside R function calls. | boolean | false |
clang_verbose | The verbosity level to use with Clang (0 - 2) | integer | 0 |
clean_before_install | Always use –preclean when installing package. | boolean | true |
clean_texi2dvi_output | Whether to clean output after running Texi2Dvi. | boolean | true |
cleanup_after_r_cmd_check | Whether to clean up temporary files after running R CMD CHECK. | boolean | true |
code_completion | When to use auto-completion for R code in the RStudio code editor. | string (always, never, triggered, manual) | always |
code_completion_characters | The number of characters in a symbol that can be entered before completions are offered. | integer | 3 |
code_completion_delay | The number of milliseconds to wait before offering code suggestions. | integer | 250 |
code_completion_include_already_used | When set, RStudio will include all function arguments in the completion list, even if those arguments have already appeared to be used in the current function invocation. | boolean | false |
code_completion_other | When to use auto-completion for other languages (such as JavaScript and SQL) in the RStudio code editor. | string (always, triggered, manual) | always |
code_formatter | The formatter to use when reformatting code. | string (none, styler, external) | none |
code_formatter_external_command | The external command to be used when reformatting code. | string | |
code_formatter_styler_strict | When set, strict transformers will be used when formatting code. See the styler package documentation for more details. |
boolean | true |
color_preview | Whether to show preview for named and hexadecimal colors. | boolean | true |
command_palette_mru | Whether to keep track of recently used commands in the Command Palette | boolean | true |
console_code_completion | Whether to always use code completion in the R console. | boolean | true |
console_double_click_select | Whether double-clicking should select a word in the Console pane. | boolean | false |
console_line_length_limit | The maximum number of characters to display in a single line in the R console. | integer | 1000 |
console_max_lines | The maximum number of console actions to store and display in the console scrollback buffer. | integer | 1000 |
console_suspend_blocked_notice | Whether the ‘Auto Suspension Blocked’ icon should appear in the R Console toolbar. | boolean | true |
console_suspend_blocked_notice_delay | How long to wait before warning that automatic session suspension has been paused. Higher values for less frequent notices. | integer | 5 |
continue_comments_on_newline | Whether to continue comments (by inserting the comment character) after adding a new line. | boolean | false |
copilot_completions_delay | The delay (in milliseconds) before GitHub Copilot completions are requested after the cursor position has changed. | integer | 300 |
copilot_completions_trigger | Control when Copilot code suggestions are displayed in the editor. | string (auto, manual) | auto |
copilot_enabled | When enabled, RStudio will use GitHub Copilot to provide code suggestions. | boolean | false |
copilot_indexing_enabled | When enabled, RStudio will index project files with GitHub Copilot. | boolean | false |
copilot_tab_key_behavior | Control the behavior of the Tab key when both Copilot code suggestions and RStudio code completions are visible. | string (suggestion, completions) | suggestion |
cpp_template | C++ template. | string | Rcpp |
cran_mirror | The CRAN mirror to use. | object | |
custom_shell_command | The fully qualified path to the custom shell command to use in the Terminal tab. | string | |
custom_shell_options | The command-line options to pass to the custom shell command. | string | |
data_viewer_max_cell_size | The maximum number of characters to show in a data viewer cell. | integer | 50 |
data_viewer_max_columns | The maximum number of columns to show at once in the data viewer. | integer | 50 |
default_encoding | The default character encoding to use when saving files. | string | |
default_latex_program | The default program to use when processing LaTeX documents. | string | pdfLaTeX |
default_open_project_location | The default directory to use in file dialogs when opening a project. | string | ~ |
default_project_location | The directory path under which to place new projects by default. | string | |
default_r_version | The R version to use by default. | object | |
default_sweave_engine | The default engine to use when processing Sweave documents. | string | Sweave |
diagnostics_in_r_function_calls | Whether to run diagnostics in R function calls. | boolean | true |
diagnostics_on_save | Whether to check code for problems after saving it. | boolean | true |
disable_renderer_accessibility | Disable Electron accessibility support. | boolean | false |
disabled_aria_live_announcements | List of aria-live announcements to disable. | array | Empty |
discard_pending_console_input_on_error | When enabled, any pending console input will be discarded when an (uncaught) R error occurs. | boolean | true |
doc_outline_show | Which objects to show in the document outline pane. | string (sections_only, sections_and_chunks, all) | sections_only |
document_author | The default name to use as the document author when creating new documents. | string | |
document_load_lint_delay | The number of milliseconds to wait before linting a document after it is loaded. | integer | 5000 |
document_outline_font_size | The font size to use for items in the document outline. | integer | 9 |
editor_keybindings | The keybindings to use in the RStudio code editor. | string (default, vim, emacs, sublime) | default |
editor_line_height | The editor line height, as a percentage of the font size. | number | 0 |
editor_scroll_multiplier | An integer value, 1-200, to set the editor scroll multiplier. The higher the value, the faster the scrolling. | integer | 100 |
editor_theme | The name of the color theme to apply to the text editor in RStudio. | string | Textmate (default) |
emoji_skintone | Preferred emoji skintone | string ((None), (Default), Light, Medium-Light, Medium, Medium-Dark, Dark) | (None) |
enable_cloud_publish_ui | Whether to show UI for publishing content to Posit Cloud. | boolean | true |
enable_screen_reader | Support accessibility aids such as screen readers. | boolean | false |
enable_snippets | Whether to enable code snippets in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | true |
enable_text_drag | Whether to enable moving text on the editing surface by clicking and dragging it. | boolean | true |
execution_behavior | The unit of R code to execute when the Execute command is invoked. | string (line, statement, paragraph) | statement |
file_monitor_ignored_components | List of path components; file monitor will ignore paths containing one or more of these components. | array | Empty |
find_panel_legacy_tab_sequence | In source editor find panel, tab key moves focus directly from find text to replace text. | boolean | false |
focus_console_after_exec | Whether to focus the R console after executing an R command from a script. | boolean | false |
fold_style | The style of folding to use. | string (begin-only, begin-and-end) | begin-and-end |
font_size_points | The default editor font size, in points. | number | 10 |
full_project_path_in_window_title | Whether to show the full path to project in desktop window title. | boolean | false |
git_diff_ignore_whitespace | Whether to ignore whitespace when generating diffs of version controlled files. | boolean | false |
git_exe_path | The path to the Git executable to use. | string | |
git_signed_commits | Whether to sign git commits. | boolean | false |
global_theme | The theme to use for the main RStudio user interface. | string (default, alternate) | default |
graphics_antialiasing | Type of anti-aliasing to be used for generated R plots. | string (default, none, gray, subpixel) | default |
graphics_backend | R graphics backend. | string (default, cairo, cairo-png, quartz, windows, ragg) | default |
handle_errors_in_user_code_only | Whether to handle errors only when user code is on the stack. | boolean | true |
help_font_size_points | The help panel font size, in points. | number | 10 |
hide_console_on_chunk_execute | Whether to hide the R console when executing inline R Markdown chunks. | boolean | true |
hide_object_files | Whether to hide object files in the Files pane. | boolean | true |
highlight_code_chunks | Whether to highlight code chunks in R Markdown documents with a different background color. | boolean | true |
highlight_console_errors | Whether to display error, warning, and message output in a different color. | boolean | true |
highlight_r_function_calls | Whether to highlight R function calls in the code editor. | boolean | false |
highlight_selected_line | Highlight the selected line in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | false |
highlight_selected_word | Highlight the selected word in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | true |
highlight_web_link | Whether web links in comments are clickable. | boolean | true |
ignore_uppercase_words | Whether to ignore words in uppercase when spell checking. | boolean | true |
ignore_words_with_numbers | Whether to ignore words with numbers in them when spell checking. | boolean | true |
indent_guides | Style for indentation guides in the RStudio code editor. | string (none, gray, rainbowlines, rainbowfills) | none |
initial_working_directory | The initial working directory for new R sessions. | string | |
insert_matching | Whether to insert matching pairs, such as () and [], when the first is typed. | boolean | true |
insert_native_pipe_operator | Whether the Insert Pipe Operator command should use the native R pipe operator, |> | boolean | false |
insert_numbered_latex_sections | Whether to insert numbered sections in LaTeX. | boolean | false |
insert_parens_after_function_completion | Whether to insert parentheses after function completions. | boolean | true |
insert_spaces_around_equals | Whether to insert spaces around the equals sign in R code. | boolean | true |
install_pkg_deps_individually | Whether to install R package dependencies one at a time. | boolean | true |
jobs_tab_visibility | The visibility of the Jobs tab. | string (closed, shown, default) | default |
knit_working_dir | The working directory to use when knitting R Markdown documents. | string (default, current, project) | default |
latex_preview_on_cursor_idle | When to preview LaTeX mathematical equations when cursor has not moved recently. | string (never, inline_only, always) | always |
latex_shell_escape | Whether to enable shell escaping with LaTeX documents. | boolean | false |
launcher_jobs_sort | How to sort jobs in the Workbench Jobs tab in RStudio Pro and RStudio Workbench. | string (recorded, state) | recorded |
limit_visible_console | Whether to only show a limited window of the total console output | boolean | false |
line_ending_conversion | The line ending format to use when saving files. | string (default, windows, posix, native, passthrough) | native |
load_workspace | Whether to load the workspace when the R session begins. | boolean | true |
margin_column | The number of columns of text after which the margin is shown. | integer | 80 |
memory_query_interval_seconds | How many seconds to wait between automatic requeries of memory statistics (0 to disable) | integer | 10 |
native_file_dialogs | Whether RStudio Desktop will use the operating system’s native File and Message dialog boxes. | boolean | true |
navigate_to_build_error | Whether to navigate to build errors. | boolean | true |
new_proj_git_init | Whether a git repo should be initialized inside new projects by default. | boolean | false |
new_proj_use_renv | Whether an renv environment should be created inside new projects by default. | boolean | false |
num_spaces_for_tab | The number of spaces to insert when pressing the Tab key. | integer | 2 |
packages_pane_enabled | Whether to enable RStudio’s Packages pane. | boolean | true |
panes | Layout of panes in the RStudio workbench. | object | |
pdf_previewer | The program to use to preview PDF files after generation. | string (none, default, rstudio, desktop-synctex, system) | default |
plumber_viewer_type | Where to display Shiny applications when they are run. | string (user, none, pane, window, browser) | window |
posix_terminal_shell | The terminal shell to use on POSIX operating systems (MacOS and Linux). | string (default, bash, zsh, custom, none) | default |
project_name | User-provided name for the currently opened R project. | string | |
project_safe_startup_seconds | The number of seconds after which a project is deemed to have successfully started. | integer | 30 |
project_user_data_directory | The folder in which RStudio should store project .Rproj.user data. | string | |
publish_ca_bundle | The path to the custom certificate authority (CA) bundle to use when publishing content. | string | |
publish_check_certificates | Whether to check remote server SSL certificates when publishing content. | boolean | true |
python_path | The path to the default Python interpreter. | string | |
python_project_environment_automatic_activate | When enabled, if the active project contains a Python virtual environment, then RStudio will automatically activate this environment on startup. | boolean | true |
python_type | The Python type. | string | |
python_version | The Python version. | string | |
rainbow_fenced_divs | Whether to highlight fenced divs in a variety of colors. | boolean | true |
rainbow_parentheses | Whether to highlight parentheses in a variety of colors. | boolean | false |
real_time_spellchecking | Whether to enable real-time spellchecking by default. | boolean | true |
reduced_motion | Reduce use of animations in the user interface. | boolean | false |
reformat_on_save | When set, the selected formatter will be used to reformat documents on save. | boolean | false |
reindent_on_paste | Whether to automatically re-indent code when it’s pasted into RStudio. | boolean | true |
relative_line_numbers | Show relative, rather than absolute, line numbers in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | false |
remove_history_duplicates | Whether to remove duplicate entries from the R console history. | boolean | false |
restore_last_project | Whether to restore the last project when starting RStudio. | boolean | true |
restore_project_r_version | Whether to restore the last version of R used by the project in RStudio Pro and RStudio Workbench. | boolean | true |
restore_source_document_cursor_position | Whether to save the position of the cursor when a file is closed, restore it when the file is opened. | boolean | true |
restore_source_documents | Whether to restore the last opened source documents when RStudio starts up. | boolean | true |
reuse_sessions_for_project_links | Whether to reuse sessions when opening projects in RStudio Workbench. | boolean | false |
rmd_auto_date | Use current date when rendering document | boolean | false |
rmd_chunk_output_inline | Whether to show chunk output inline for ordinary R Markdown documents. | boolean | true |
rmd_preferred_template_path | The path to the preferred R Markdown template. | string | |
rmd_viewer_type | Where to display R Markdown documents when they have completed rendering. | string (window, pane, none) | window |
root_document | The root document to use when compiling PDF documents. | string | |
rsa_key_path | The path to the SSH key file to use. | string | |
run_background_job_default_working_dir | Default working directory in background job dialog. | string (project, script) | project |
run_rprofile_on_resume | Whether to run .Rprofile again after resuming a suspended R session. | boolean | false |
save_and_reload_workspace_on_build | Whether RStudio should save and reload the R workspace when building the project. | boolean | true |
save_before_sourcing | Whether to automatically save scripts before executing them. | boolean | true |
save_files_before_build | Whether to save all open, unsaved files before building the project. | boolean | false |
save_retry_timeout | The maximum amount of seconds of retry for save operations. | integer | 15 |
save_workspace | Whether to save the workspace to an .Rdata file after the R session ends. | string (always, never, ask) | ask |
screenreader_console_announce_limit | Maximum number of lines of console output announced after a command. | integer | 25 |
scroll_past_end_of_document | Whether to allow scrolling past the end of a file. | boolean | false |
server_editor_font | The name of the fixed-width editor font to use with RStudio Server. | string | |
server_editor_font_enabled | Whether to use a custom editor font in RStudio Server. | boolean | false |
session_protocol_debug | Enable session protocol debug logging showing all session requests and events | boolean | false |
shiny_background_jobs | Whether to run Shiny applications as background jobs. | boolean | false |
shiny_viewer_type | Where to display Shiny applications when they are run. | string (user, none, pane, window, browser) | window |
show_data_preview | Whether a data preview is shown in the autocompletion help popup for datasets and values. | boolean | true |
show_diagnostics_cpp | Whether to show diagnostic messages for C++ code as you type. | boolean | true |
show_diagnostics_other | Whether to show diagnostic messages for other types of code (not R, C++, or YAML). | boolean | false |
show_diagnostics_r | Whether to show diagnostic messages (such as syntax and usage errors) for R code as you type. | boolean | true |
show_diagnostics_yaml | Whether to show diagnostic messages for YAML code as you type. | boolean | true |
show_doc_outline_rmd | Whether to show the document outline by default when opening R Markdown documents. | boolean | false |
show_function_signature_tooltips | Whether to show function signature tooltips during autocompletion. | boolean | true |
show_help_tooltip_on_idle | Whether to show help tooltips for functions when the cursor has not been recently moved. | boolean | false |
show_hidden_files | Whether to show hidden files in the Files pane. | boolean | false |
show_inline_toolbar_for_r_code_chunks | Whether to show a toolbar on code chunks in R Markdown documents. | boolean | true |
show_internal_functions | Whether to show functions without source references in the Traceback pane while debugging. | boolean | false |
show_invisibles | Whether to show invisible characters, such as spaces and tabs, in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | false |
show_last_dot_value | Show the result of the last expression (.Last.value) in the Environment pane. | boolean | false |
show_launcher_jobs_tab | Whether to show the Workbench Jobs tab in RStudio Pro and RStudio Workbench. | boolean | true |
show_line_numbers | Show line numbers in RStudio’s code editor. | boolean | true |
show_margin | Whether to show the margin guide in the RStudio code editor. | boolean | true |
show_memory_usage | Whether to compute and show memory usage in the Environment Pane | boolean | true |
show_panel_focus_rectangle | Show which panel contains keyboard focus. | boolean | false |
show_publish_diagnostics | Whether to show verbose diagnostic information when publishing content. | boolean | false |
show_rmd_render_command | Whether to print the render command use to knit R Markdown documents in the R Markdown tab. | boolean | false |
show_terminal_tab | Whether to show the Terminal tab. | boolean | true |
show_user_home_page | When to show the server home page in RStudio Workbench. | string (always, never, sessions) | sessions |
soft_wrap_r_files | Whether to soft-wrap source files, wrapping the text for display without inserting newline characters. | boolean | false |
soft_wrap_rmd_files | Whether to soft-wrap R Markdown files (and similar types such as R HTML and R Notebooks) | boolean | true |
sort_file_names_naturally | Whether to sort file names naturally, so that e.g., file10.R comes after file9.R | boolean | true |
source_with_echo | Whether to echo R code when sourcing it. | boolean | false |
spelling_custom_dictionaries | The list of custom dictionaries to use when spell checking. | array | Empty |
spelling_dictionary_language | The language of the spelling dictionary to use for spell checking. | string | en_US |
ssh_key_type | The encryption type to use for the SSH key file. | string (ed25519, rsa) | ed25519 |
strip_trailing_whitespace | Whether to strip trailing whitespace from each line when saving. | boolean | false |
style_diagnostics | Whether to show style diagnostics (suggestions for improving R code style) | boolean | false |
submit_crash_reports | Whether to automatically submit crash reports to Posit. | boolean | true |
surround_selection | Which kinds of delimiters can be used to surround the current selection. | string (never, quotes, quotes_and_brackets) | quotes_and_brackets |
svn_exe_path | The path to the Subversion executable to use. | string | |
sync_files_pane_working_dir | Whether to change the directory in the Files pane automatically when the working directory in R changes. | boolean | false |
syntax_color_console | Whether to use syntax highlighting in the R console. | boolean | false |
tab_completion | Whether to attempt completion of statements when pressing Tab. | boolean | true |
tab_key_move_focus | Tab key moves focus out of text editing controls instead of inserting tabs. | boolean | false |
tab_multiline_completion | Whether to attempt completion of multiple-line statements when pressing Tab. | boolean | false |
terminal_bell_style | Terminal bell style | string (none, sound) | sound |
terminal_close_behavior | Whether to close the terminal pane after the shell exits. | string (always, clean, never) | always |
terminal_hooks | Enabled Terminal hooks? Required for Python terminal integration, which places the active version of Python on the PATH in new Terminal sessions. | boolean | true |
terminal_ignored_environment_variables | Environment variables which should be ignored when tracking changed to environment variables within a Terminal. Environment variables in this list will not be saved when a Terminal instance is saved and restored. | array | Empty |
terminal_initial_directory | Initial directory for new terminals. | string (project, current, home) | project |
terminal_local_echo | Whether to use local echo in the Terminal. | boolean | true |
terminal_path | The path to the terminal executable to use. | string | |
terminal_python_integration | Enable Python terminal hooks. When enabled, the RStudio-configured version of Python will be placed on the PATH. | boolean | true |
terminal_renderer | Terminal rendering engine: canvas is faster, dom may be needed for some browsers or graphics cards | string (canvas, dom) | canvas |
terminal_track_environment | Whether to track and save changes to system environment variables in the Terminal. | boolean | true |
terminal_weblinks | Whether web links displayed in the Terminal tab are made clickable. | boolean | true |
terminal_websockets | Whether to use websockets to communicate with the shell in the Terminal tab. | boolean | true |
text_rendering | Control how text is rendered within the IDE surface. | string (auto, geometricPrecision) | auto |
toolbar_visible | Whether to show the toolbar at the top of the RStudio workbench. | boolean | true |
typing_status_delay_ms | Number of milliseconds to wait after last keystroke before updating live region. | integer | 2000 |
ui_language | The IDE’s user-interface language. | string (en, fr) | en |
use_build_subdirectory | When set, RStudio will build your package in a ’_build’ sub-directory of your current library paths. | boolean | true |
use_dataimport | Whether to use RStudio’s data import feature. | boolean | true |
use_devtools | Whether to use the devtools R package. | boolean | true |
use_newlines_in_makefiles | Whether to use newlines when saving Makefiles. | boolean | true |
use_publish_ca_bundle | Whether to use a custom certificate authority (CA) bundle when publishing content. | boolean | false |
use_roxygen | Whether to use Roxygen for documentation. | boolean | false |
use_secure_download | Whether to use secure downloads when fetching R packages. | boolean | true |
use_spaces_for_tab | Whether to insert spaces when pressing the Tab key. | boolean | true |
use_tinytex | Use tinytex to compile .tex files. | boolean | false |
vcs_autorefresh | Automatically refresh VCS status? | boolean | true |
vcs_enabled | Whether to enable RStudio’s version control system interface. | boolean | true |
vertically_align_arguments_indent | Whether to vertically align arguments to R function calls during automatic indentation. | boolean | true |
view_dir_after_r_cmd_check | Whether to view the directory after running R CMD CHECK. | boolean | false |
visual_markdown_code_editor | The name of the editor to use to provide code editing in visual mode | string (ace, codemirror) | ace |
visual_markdown_code_editor_line_numbers | Whether to show line numbers in the code editors used in visual mode | boolean | false |
visual_markdown_editing_canonical | Whether to write canonical visual mode markdown when saving from source mode. | boolean | false |
visual_markdown_editing_font_size_points | The default visual editing mode font size, in points | integer | 0 |
visual_markdown_editing_is_default | Whether to enable visual editing by default for new markdown documents | boolean | false |
visual_markdown_editing_list_spacing | Default spacing for lists created in the visual editor | string (tight, spaced) | spaced |
visual_markdown_editing_max_content_width | Maximum content width for visual editing mode, in pixels | integer | 700 |
visual_markdown_editing_references_location | Placement of footnotes within markdown output. | string (block, section, document) | block |
visual_markdown_editing_show_doc_outline | Whether to show the document outline by default when opening R Markdown documents in visual mode. | boolean | true |
visual_markdown_editing_show_margin | Whether to show the margin guide in the visual mode code blocks. | boolean | false |
visual_markdown_editing_wrap | Whether to automatically wrap text when writing markdown | string (none, column, sentence) | none |
visual_markdown_editing_wrap_at_column | The column to wrap text at when writing markdown | integer | 72 |
warn_if_no_such_variable_in_scope | Whether to generate a warning if a variable is used without being defined in the current scope. | boolean | false |
warn_variable_defined_but_not_used | Whether to generate a warning if a variable is defined without being used in the current scope | boolean | false |
windows_terminal_shell | The terminal shell to use on Windows. | string (default, win-git-bash, win-wsl-bash, win-cmd, win-ps, ps-core, custom, none) | default |
wrap_tab_navigation | Whether to wrap around when going to the previous or next editor tab. | boolean | true |
zotero_libraries | Zotero libraries to insert citations from. | array | My Library |
Session User Settings
The following table enumerates the settings supported in the user (or system) rstudio-prefs.json
file, along with their type, allowable values, and defaults.