Id | Description |
activateBackgroundJobs | Show Background Jobs |
activateBuild | Show Build |
activateCompilePDF | Show Compile PDF |
activateConnections | Show Connections |
activateConsole | Move Focus to Console |
activateConsolePane | Move Focus to Console Panel |
activateData | Show Data |
activateDatabricks | Show Databricks |
activateDeployContent | Show Deploy Content |
activateEnvironment | Show Environment |
activateFiles | Show Files |
activateFindInFiles | Show Find in Files |
activateHelp | Move Focus to Help |
activateHistory | Show History |
activateMarkers | Show Markers |
activatePackages | Show Packages |
activatePlots | Show Plots |
activatePresentation | Show Presentation |
activatePresentation2 | Show Presentation |
activateRMarkdown | Show R Markdown |
activateSource | Move Focus to Source |
activateSourceCpp | Show Source Cpp |
activateSQLResults | Show SQL Results |
activateTerminal | Move Focus to Terminal |
activateTutorial | Show Tutorial |
activateVcs | Show Vcs |
activateViewer | Show Viewer |
activateWorkbenchJobs | Show Workbench Jobs |
addCursorAbove | Add Cursor Above Current Cursor |
addCursorBelow | Add Cursor Below Current Cursor |
authoringRPresentationsHelp | Guide to using R Markdown |
browseAddins | Browse addins |
browseCheatSheets | Browse available cheat sheets in your web browser |
buildAll | Install the package and restart R |
buildBinaryPackage | Build a binary package |
buildFull | Clean, install the package, and restart R |
buildIncremental | Install the package and restart R |
buildSourcePackage | Build a source package |
buildToolsProjectSetup | Configure build tools |
checkForUpdates | Check for Updates |
checkPackage | R CMD check |
checkSpelling | Check spelling in document |
cleanAll | Clean all |
clearBackgroundJobs | Clean up all completed background jobs |
clearBuild | Clear build |
clearCommandPaletteMru | Clear Recently Executed Command List |
clearHelpHistory | Clear history |
clearHistory | Clear all history entries |
clearKnitrCache | Clear the knitr cache for the current document |
clearPlots | Clear all Plots |
clearPrerenderedOutput | Clear the prerendered output for the current document |
clearPresentationCache | Clear knitr cache for this presentation |
clearRecentFiles | Clear List |
clearRecentProjects | Clear Project List |
clearTerminalScrollbackBuffer | Clear terminal |
clearUserPrefs | Clear User Prefs |
clearWorkspace | Clear objects from the workspace |
closeAllSourceDocs | Close All |
closeAllTerminals | Close All Terminals |
closeOtherSourceDocs | Close All Except Current |
closeProject | Close the currently open project |
closeSourceDoc | Close |
closeTerminal | Close current terminal session |
codeCompletion | Show code completions at the current cursor location |
commentUncomment | Comment or uncomment the current line/selection |
compileNotebook | Compile a report from the current R script |
compilePDF | Compile a PDF from the current LaTeX or Sweave document |
consoleActivatePython | Python |
consoleActivateR | R |
consoleClear | Clear console |
copilotAcceptNextWord | Accept the next word of the current Copilot suggestion, if any. |
copilotDiagnostics | Print a Copilot diagnostic report, indicating how the Copilot agent has been configured. |
copilotInstallAgent | Install the GitHub Copilot agent. |
copilotRequestCompletions | Request Copilot completions at the cursor position. |
copilotSignIn | Sign in to the GitHub Copilot service. |
copilotSignOut | Sign out from the GitHub Copilot service. |
copilotStatus | Check the status of the GitHub Copilot agent. |
copilotToggleAutomaticCompletions | When Copilot is enabled, this can be used to temporarily toggle GitHub Copilot on and off in a session. |
copyDummy | Copy |
copyFile | Copy selected file or folder |
copyFileTo | Copy selected file or folder to another folder |
copyLinesDown | Copy Lines Down |
copyPlotToClipboard | Copy the current plot to the clipboard |
copySourceDocPath | Copy current document path |
crashDesktopApplication | Crash RStudio Desktop (DANGER) |
cutDummy | Cut |
debugBreakpoint | Set or remove a breakpoint on the current line of code |
debugClearBreakpoints | Remove all the breakpoints in the current project |
debugContinue | Continue execution until the next breakpoint is encountered |
debugDumpContents | Dump Editor Contents… |
debugFinish | Execute the remainder of the current function or loop |
debugHelp | Guide to debugging features |
debugImportDump | Import Editor Contents… |
debugStep | Execute the next line of code |
debugStepInto | Step into the current function call |
debugStop | Exit debug mode |
deleteFiles | Delete selected files or folders |
devtoolsLoadAll | Execute devtools::load_all |
diagnosticsReport | Write Diagnostics Report |
disconnectConnection | Disconnect from a connection |
editCodeSnippets | Edit code snippets |
editLinesFromStart | Create a new cursor at start of each line in selection |
editRmdFormatOptions | Edit the R Markdown format options for the current file |
editUserPrefs | Edit User Prefs File |
enableProsemirrorDevTools | Enable Prosemirror DevTools |
errorsBreak | Break when any unhandled error occurs |
errorsMessage | Print the error message when an unhandled error occurs |
errorsTraceback | Show the error inspector when an unhandled error occurs |
executeAllCode | Run all of the code in the source file |
executeCode | Run the current line or selection |
executeCodeWithoutMovingCursor | Run the current line or selection without moving the cursor |
executeCurrentChunk | Run the current code chunk |
executeCurrentFunction | Run the top-level function definition, if any, that contains the cursor |
executeCurrentLine | Execute the line which contains the cursor |
executeCurrentParagraph | Execute the current paragraph of code, delimited by blank lines. |
executeCurrentSection | Run the code section that contains the cursor |
executeCurrentStatement | Execute the entire R statement which contains the cursor. |
executeFromCurrentLine | Run from the current line through the end of the source file |
executeLastCode | Re-run the previous code region |
executeNextChunk | Run the next code chunk |
executePreviousChunks | Run all chunks above the current one |
executeSetupChunk | Run the initial setup chunk |
executeSubsequentChunks | Run all chunks below the current one |
executeToCurrentLine | Run from the beginning of the source file up through the current line |
expandSelection | Expand selection |
expandToLine | Expand Selection to Line |
expandToMatching | Expand selection to matching bracket |
exportFiles | Export selected files or folders |
extractFunction | Turn the current selection into a function |
extractLocalVariable | Extract a variable out of the current selection |
findFromSelection | Use Selection for Find |
findInFiles | Find in Files… |
findNext | Find next occurrence |
findPrevious | Find previous occurrence |
findReplace | Find… |
findSelectAll | Find and select all matches |
findUsages | Find source locations where this symbol is used |
firstTab | First Tab |
focusCenterSeparator | Adjust Center Splitter |
focusConsoleOutputEnd | Focus Console Output |
focusLeftSeparator | Adjust Left Splitter |
focusMainToolbar | Focus Main Toolbar |
focusNextPane | Focus Next Pane |
focusPreviousPane | Focus Previous Pane |
focusRightSeparator | Adjust Right Splitter |
focusSourceColumnSeparator | Adjust Source Column Splitter |
fold | Collapse |
foldAll | Collapse All |
forceQuitSession | Quit the current R session even if busy |
freeUnusedMemory | Free Unused R Memory |
goToDefinition | Go to to the definition of the currently selected function |
goToFileFunction | Go To File/Function… |
goToHelp | Go to help for the currently selected function |
goToLine | Go to Line… |
goToNextChunk | Go to next chunk |
goToNextSection | Go to next section/chunk |
goToPrevChunk | Go to previous chunk |
goToPrevSection | Go to previous section/chunk |
gotoProfileSource | Open sources associated with the selection |
goToWorkingDir | View the current working directory |
helpBack | Previous topic |
helpForward | Next topic |
helpHome | Show R Help |
helpKeyboardShortcuts | Keyboard Shortcuts Help |
helpPopout | Show in new window |
helpSearch | Search R Help |
helpUsingRStudio | RStudio Docs |
hideToolbar | Hide Toolbar |
historyDismissContext | Back |
historyDismissResults | Done |
historyRemoveEntries | Remove the selected history entries |
historySendToConsole | Send the selected commands to the R console (Enter) |
historySendToSource | Insert the selected commands into the current document (Shift+Enter) |
importDatasetFromCsv | From CSV |
importDatasetFromCsvUsingBase | From Text (base)… |
importDatasetFromCsvUsingReadr | From Text (readr)… |
importDatasetFromFile | From Local File… |
importDatasetFromSAS | From SAS… |
importDatasetFromSAV | From SPSS… |
importDatasetFromStata | From Stata… |
importDatasetFromURL | From Web URL… |
importDatasetFromXLS | From Excel… |
insertChunk | Insert a new code chunk |
insertChunkBash | Insert a new Bash chunk |
insertChunkD3 | Insert a new D3 chunk |
insertChunkGraphViz | Insert a new GraphViz chunk |
insertChunkJulia | Insert a new Julia chunk |
insertChunkMermaid | Insert a new Mermaid chunk |
insertChunkPython | Insert a new Python chunk |
insertChunkR | Insert a new R chunk |
insertChunkRCPP | Insert a new Rcpp chunk |
insertChunkSQL | Insert a new SQL chunk |
insertChunkStan | Insert a new Stan chunk |
insertRoxygenSkeleton | Insert a roxygen comment for the current function |
insertSection | Insert a new code section |
insertSnippet | Expand snippet at cursor |
installPackage | Install R packages |
interruptR | Interrupt R |
interruptTerminal | Send Ctrl+C to Current Terminal |
joinLines | Join Lines |
jumpTo | Jump To… |
jumpToMatching | Jump to matching bracket |
knitDocument | Knit the current document |
knitWithParameters | Knit the document with a set of custom parameters |
lastTab | Last Tab |
layoutConsoleOnLeft | Console on Left |
layoutConsoleOnRight | Console on Right |
layoutEndZoom | Show All Panes |
layoutZoomBuild | Zoom Build |
layoutZoomConnections | Zoom Connections |
layoutZoomConsole | Zoom Console |
layoutZoomConsolePane | Zoom Console Pane |
layoutZoomEnvironment | Zoom Environment |
layoutZoomFiles | Zoom Files |
layoutZoomHelp | Zoom Help |
layoutZoomHistory | Zoom History |
layoutZoomLeftColumn | Zoom Left / Center Column |
layoutZoomPackages | Zoom Packages |
layoutZoomPlots | Zoom Plots |
layoutZoomPresentation2 | Zoom Presentation |
layoutZoomRightColumn | Zoom Right Column |
layoutZoomSource | Zoom Source |
layoutZoomTutorial | Zoom Tutorial |
layoutZoomVcs | Zoom VCS |
layoutZoomViewer | Zoom Viewer |
loadHistory | Load history from an existing file |
loadServerHome | Posit Workbench Home |
loadWorkspace | Load workspace |
logFocusedElement | Log focused element |
macPreferences | Preferences… |
markdownHelp | Markdown quick reference |
modifyKeyboardShortcuts | Modify keyboard shortcuts |
moveFiles | Move selected files or folders |
moveLinesDown | Move Lines Down |
moveLinesUp | Move Lines Up |
moveTabLeft | Move Tab Left |
moveTabRight | Move Tab Right |
moveTabToFirst | Move Tab to First |
moveTabToLast | Move Tab to Last |
newCDoc | Create a new C file |
newConnection | Create a new connection |
newCppDoc | Create a new C++ file |
newCssDoc | Create a new CSS file |
newD3Doc | Create a new D3 Script |
newFolder | Create a new folder |
newHeaderDoc | Create a new header file |
newHtmlDoc | Create a new HTML file |
newJavaScriptDoc | Create a new JavaScript file |
newMarkdownDoc | Create a new Markdown document |
newProject | Create a project |
newPythonDoc | Create a new Python script |
newQuartoDoc | Create a new Quarto document |
newQuartoPres | Create a new Quarto presentation |
newRDocumentationDoc | Create a new Rd documentation file |
newRHTMLDoc | Create a new R HTML document |
newRMarkdownDoc | Create a new R Markdown document |
newRNotebook | Create a new R Markdown notebook |
newRPlumberDoc | Create a new Plumber API |
newRPresentationDoc | Create a new R presentation |
newRShinyApp | Create a new Shiny web application |
newSession | Open a new R session |
newShellDoc | Create a new shell script |
newSourceColumn | Add Source Column |
newSourceDoc | Create a new R script |
newSqlDoc | Create a new SQL script |
newStanDoc | Create a new Stan program |
newSweaveDoc | Create a new R Sweave document |
newTerminal | Create a new terminal |
newTextDoc | Create a new text file |
nextPlot | Next plot |
nextTab | Next Tab |
nextTerminal | Show next terminal |
notebookClearAllOutput | Remove all code chunk output in the current file |
notebookClearOutput | Clear the output of the current notebook chunk |
notebookCollapseAllOutput | Collapse all code chunk output in the current file |
notebookExpandAllOutput | Expand all code chunk output in the current file |
notebookToggleExpansion | Expand or collapse the output of the current notebook chunk |
openDataImportCheatSheet | Import data with readr |
openDataTransformationCheatSheet | Data transformation with dplyr |
openDataVisualizationCheatSheet | Data visualization with ggplot2 |
openDataWranglingCheatSheet | Data manipulation with dplyr and tidyr |
openDeveloperConsole | Open Developer Console |
openHtmlExternal | View the page with the system web browser |
openNewTerminalAtEditorLocation | Open New Terminal at File Location |
openNewTerminalAtFilePaneLocation | Open New Terminal Here |
openPackageDevelopmentCheatSheet | Package development with devtools |
openProfile | Opens a profile from a file |
openProfileInBrowser | Opens current profile in a web browser |
openProject | Open a project |
openProjectInNewWindow | Open project in a new R session |
openPurrrCheatSheet | List manipulation with purrr |
openRMarkdownCheatSheet | R Markdown cheat sheet |
openRMarkdownReferenceGuide | R Markdown reference guide |
openRoxygenQuickReference | Roxygen quick reference |
openRStudioIDECheatSheet | RStudio IDE cheat sheet |
openSharedProject | Open a project shared with you |
openShinyCheatSheet | Build web applications with Shiny |
openSourceDoc | Open an existing file |
openSourceDocNewColumn | Open an existing file in a new column |
openSparklyrCheatSheet | Interfacing Apache Spark with sparklyr |
packratBootstrap | Use packrat with this project |
packratBundle | Bundle a Packrat Project |
packratCheckStatus | Check the status of the Packrat library |
packratClean | Remove unused packages from your packrat library |
packratHelp | Help on using packrat with R projects |
packratOptions | Configure packrat options for this project |
paneLayout | Pane Layout… |
pasteDummy | Paste |
pasteWithIndentDummy | Paste with Indent |
plumberRunInBrowser | Run the Plumber API in the system’s default Web browser |
plumberRunInPane | Run the Plumber API in an RStudio pane |
plumberRunInViewer | Run the Plumber API in an RStudio viewer window |
popoutDoc | Show in new window |
presentation2Edit | Edit this slide of the presentation |
presentation2Home | Go to the first slide |
presentation2Next | Go to the next slide |
presentation2Present | Present in an external web browser |
presentation2PresentFromBeginning | Present from the first slide in an external web browser |
presentation2Prev | Go to the previous slide |
presentation2Print | Open a browser to print the presentation |
presentationEdit | Edit this slide of the presentation |
presentationFullscreen | Show presentation in full screen mode |
presentationHome | Go to the first slide |
presentationNext | Go to the next slide |
presentationPrev | Go to the previous slide |
presentationSaveAsStandalone | Save the presentation as a standalone web page |
presentationViewInBrowser | View the presentation in an external web browser |
previewHTML | Show a preview of the current document as HTML |
previewJS | Preview the active JavaScript document |
previewSql | Preview the active SQL document |
previousPlot | Previous plot |
previousTab | Previous Tab |
previousTerminal | Show previous terminal |
printCppCompletions | Print C++ Completions |
printHelp | Print topic |
printSourceDoc | Print the current file |
profileCode | Profile the current line or selection |
profileHelp | Guide to profiling features |
projectOptions | Edit options for the current project |
publishHTML | Publish the current document |
quartoRenderDocument | Render the current document |
quickAddNext | Find and add next occurrence |
quitSession | Quit the current R session |
raiseException | Raise Exception |
raiseException2 | Raise Exception JS |
rcppHelp | Help on using Rcpp |
redoDummy | Redo |
reflowComment | Reflow selected comment lines so they wrap evenly |
reformatCode | Reformat the current line/selection |
reformatDocument | Reformat the current document |
refreshConnection | Refresh data |
refreshEnvironment | Refresh the list of objects in the environment |
refreshFiles | Refresh file listing |
refreshFindInFiles | Refresh Find in Files results |
refreshHelp | Refresh topic |
refreshHtmlPreview | Refresh the preview |
refreshPackages | Refresh Package listing |
refreshPlot | Refresh current plot |
refreshPresentation | Refresh the presentation |
refreshPresentation2 | Refresh the presentation preview |
refreshWorkspace | Refresh Workspace |
reindent | Reindent the current line/selection |
reloadPlumberAPI | Reload the Plumber API |
reloadShinyApp | Reload the Shiny application |
reloadUi | Reload UI |
removeConnection | Remove connection from the connection history |
removeLine | Remove Line |
removePlot | Remove the current plot |
renameFile | Rename selected file or folder |
renameInScope | Rename symbol in current scope |
renameSourceDoc | Rename current document |
renameTerminal | Change terminal session name |
renvHelp | Learn how to use renv |
renvRestore | Restore your project library from renv.lock |
renvSnapshot | Snapshot the state of your project library |
reopenSourceDocWithEncoding | Reopen the current file with a different encoding |
replaceAndFind | Replace and find next occurrence |
restartR | Restart R |
restartRClearOutput | Restart R session and clear chunk output |
restartRRunAllChunks | Restart R session and run all chunks |
returnDocToMain | Return to main window |
roxygenizePackage | Build package documentation |
rsconnectConfigure | Configure the application |
rsconnectDeploy | Publish the application or document |
rsconnectManageAccounts | Connect or disconnect accounts |
rstudioCommunityForum | RStudio Community Forum |
rstudioLicense | RStudio License |
rstudioSupport | Posit Support |
runDocumentFromServerDotR | Run the interactive document |
runSelectionAsBackgroundJob | Run the selected code as a background job |
runSelectionAsWorkbenchJob | Run the selected code as a Workbench job |
saveAllSourceDocs | Save all open documents |
saveHistory | Save history into a file |
saveHtmlPreviewAs | Save the page to another location |
saveHtmlPreviewAsLocalFile | Download the page to a local file |
savePlotAsImage | Save the current plot as an image file |
savePlotAsPdf | Save the current plot as a PDF file |
saveProfileAs | Saves current profile into a file |
saveSourceDoc | Save current document |
saveSourceDocAs | Save current file to a specific path |
saveSourceDocWithEncoding | Save the current file with a different encoding |
saveWorkspace | Save workspace as |
selectAllDummy | Select All |
sendFilenameToTerminal | Send Filename to Terminal |
sendTerminalToEditor | Copy current terminal’s buffer to a new editor buffer |
sendToTerminal | Send the current line or selection to terminal |
serveQuartoSite | Run development server for Quarto site |
setTerminalToCurrentDirectory | Go to Current Directory |
setWorkingDir | Select and change to a new working directory |
setWorkingDirToActiveDoc | Change working directory to path of active document |
setWorkingDirToFilesPane | Change working directory to location of Files pane |
setWorkingDirToProjectDir | Change working directory to project root directory |
shareProject | Share this project with others |
shinyCompareTest | Compare test results for Shiny application |
shinyRecordTest | Record test for Shiny application |
shinyRunAllTests | Run tests for Shiny application |
shinyRunInBrowser | Run the Shiny application in the system’s default Web browser |
shinyRunInPane | Run the Shiny application in an RStudio pane |
shinyRunInViewer | Run the Shiny application in an RStudio viewer window |
showA11yDiagnostics | Show Accessibility Diagnostics |
showAboutDialog | About RStudio |
showAccessibilityHelp | Accessibility Help… |
showAccessibilityOptions | Accessibility Options… |
showBuildMenu | Show Build Menu |
showCodeMenu | Show Code Menu |
showCommandPalette | Show Command Palette |
showDebugMenu | Show Debug Menu |
showDiagnosticsActiveDocument | Show diagnostics for the active document |
showDiagnosticsProject | Show diagnostics for all source files in the current project |
showDomElements | Show DOM Elements |
showEditMenu | Show Edit Menu |
showFileMenu | Show File Menu |
showGpuDiagnostics | Show GPU Diagnostics |
showHelpMenu | Show Help Menu |
showHtmlPreviewLog | Show the compilation log for this document |
showLicenseDialog | Manage License… |
showLogFiles | Show Log Files |
showManipulator | Show the manipulator for this plot |
showMemoryUsageReport | Memory Usage Report… |
showOptions | Global Options… |
showPdfExternal | Show in an external PDF viewer window |
showPlotsMenu | Show Plots Menu |
showProfileMenu | Show Profile Menu |
showRequestLog | Show internal request log |
showSessionMenu | Show Session Menu |
showShortcutCommand | Show Keyboard Shortcut Commands |
showTerminalInfo | Show info on current terminal |
showTerminalOptions | Terminal Options… |
showToolbar | Show Toolbar |
showToolsMenu | Show Tools Menu |
showViewMenu | Show View Menu |
showWarningBar | Show warning bar |
shrinkSelection | Shrink selection |
signOut | Sign out from RStudio |
sortWorkbenchJobsRecorded | Sort Workbench jobs by time submitted |
sortWorkbenchJobsState | Sort Workbench jobs by current state |
sourceActiveDocument | Source the contents of the active document |
sourceActiveDocumentWithEcho | Source the contents of the active document (with echo) |
sourceAsJob | Run the current R script as a background job |
sourceAsWorkbenchJob | Run the current R script on a cluster |
sourceFile | Source the contents of an R file |
sourceNavigateBack | Go back to the previous source location |
sourceNavigateForward | Go forward to the next source location |
sparkHelp | Help on using Spark with RStudio |
sparkLog | View the log for the Spark connection |
sparkUI | View the browser UI for the Spark connection |
speakEditorLocation | Speak Text Editor Location |
splitIntoLines | Create a new cursor on each line in current selection |
startJob | Run a background local job |
startProfiler | Start profiling R code |
startWorkbenchJob | Run a job on a cluster |
stopBuild | Stop the current build |
stopProfiler | Stop profiling R code |
suspendSession | Suspend R Session |
switchToChunkBash | Switch chunk to Bash |
switchToChunkPython | Switch chunk to Python |
switchToChunkR | Switch chunk to R |
switchToChunkRCPP | Switch chunk to Rcpp |
switchToChunkSQL | Switch chunk to SQL |
switchToChunkStan | Switch chunk to Stan |
switchToTab | Switch to Tab… |
synctexSearch | Sync PDF view to editor location (Ctrl+Click) |
terminateR | Forcibly terminate R session |
testPackage | Run tests for package |
testShinytestFile | Run test using the shinytest package |
testTestthatFile | Run tests using the testthat package |
toggleDocumentOutline | Show document outline |
toggleEditorTokenInfo | Toggle Editor Token Information |
toggleFullScreen | Toggle Full Screen |
toggleRainbowFencedDivs | Rainbow Fenced Divs |
toggleRainbowParens | Rainbow Parentheses |
toggleRmdVisualMode | Switch markdown editing mode |
toggleScreenReaderSupport | Screen Reader Support |
toggleShowMemoryUsage | Show Current Memory Usage |
toggleSoftWrapMode | Soft Wrap Long Lines |
toggleTabKeyMovesFocus | Tab Key Always Moves Focus |
toggleToolbar | Toggle Toolbar |
touchCDoc | Create a blank C file in current directory |
touchCppDoc | Create a blank C++ file in current directory |
touchCssDoc | Create a blank CSS file in current directory |
touchD3Doc | Create a blank D3 script in current directory |
touchHeaderDoc | Create a blank header file in current directory |
touchHtmlDoc | Create a blank HTML file in current directory |
touchJavaScriptDoc | Create a blank JavaScript file in current directory |
touchMarkdownDoc | Create a blank Markdown document in current directory |
touchPythonDoc | Create a blank Python script in current directory |
touchQuartoDoc | Create a blank Quarto document in current directory |
touchRHTMLDoc | Create a blank R HTML document in current directory |
touchRMarkdownDoc | Create a blank R Markdown document in current directory |
touchShellDoc | Create a blank shell script in current directory |
touchSourceDoc | Create a blank R script in current directory |
touchSqlDoc | Create a new SQL script in current directory |
touchStanDoc | Create a blank Stan program in current directory |
touchSweaveDoc | Create a blank R Sweave document in current directory |
touchTextDoc | Create a blank text file in current directory |
tutorialBack | Go back |
tutorialForward | Go forward |
tutorialHome | Return to home |
tutorialPopout | Show in new window |
tutorialRefresh | Refresh tutorial |
tutorialStop | Stop tutorial |
tutorialZoom | View a larger version in a new window |
undoDummy | Undo |
unfold | Expand |
unfoldAll | Expand All |
updateCredentials | Update Credentials |
updatePackages | Check for package updates |
uploadFile | Upload files to server |
usingRMarkdownHelp | Guide to using R Markdown |
vcsAddFiles | Add the selected files or folders |
vcsBlameOnGitHub | Blame view for this file on Github |
vcsCleanup | Recursively clean up the working copy (removing locks, etc) |
vcsCommit | Commit pending changes |
vcsDiff | Diff selected file(s) |
vcsFileDiff | Show differences for the file |
vcsFileLog | Show log of changes to the file |
vcsFileRevert | Revert changes to the file |
vcsIgnore | Ignore the selected files or folders |
vcsOpen | Open selected file(s) |
vcsPull | Pull Branches |
vcsPullRebase | Pull with Rebase |
vcsPush | Push Branch |
vcsRefresh | Refresh listing |
vcsRemoveFiles | Delete the selected files or folders |
vcsResolve | Resolve conflicts in the selected files or folders |
vcsRevert | Revert selected changes |
vcsShowHistory | View history of previous commits |
vcsViewOnGitHub | View this file on Github |
versionControlHelp | Help on using version control with RStudio |
versionControlOptions | Configure version control options |
versionControlProjectSetup | Setup version control for the current project |
versionControlShowRsaKey | Show RSA public key |
viewAllPrefs | View All Prefs |
viewerBack | Go back |
viewerClear | Remove current viewer item |
viewerClearAll | Clear all viewer items |
viewerCopyToClipboard | Copy to the system clipboard |
viewerEditSource | Edit source file |
viewerForward | Go forward |
viewerPopout | Show in new window |
viewerRefresh | Refresh viewer |
viewerSaveAllAndRefresh | Save source files and refresh viewer |
viewerSaveAsImage | Save as an image file |
viewerSaveAsWebPage | Save as a standalone web page |
viewerStop | Stop application |
viewerZoom | View a larger version in a new window |
wordCount | Count words in selection or document |
zoomActualSize | Actual Size |
zoomIn | Zoom In |
zoomOut | Zoom Out |
zoomPlot | View a larger version of the plot in a new window |
RStudio IDE Commands
The following table enumerates all of the commands currently supported by RStudio. These command IDs can be used in RStudio API calls such as rstudioapi::executeCommand