
Workbench | Advanced

[posit_workbench v2024.09.1] - 2024-11-17

In this release, we’ve upgraded Workbench from 2024.04.2 to 2024.09.1. Key highlights include support for multiple Snowflake roles, the ability to resize the Workbench image, and the removal of the requirement for administrators to provision users in a workbench_users table.


  • Ability for users to change authenticated Snowflake roles for sessions
  • When creating backups, snapshots are now shared with the WORKBENCH_ADMIN application role, allowing backups to be saved outside of the application. This is useful for preserving data when uninstalling the application (#287)
  • Stored procedure for running SQL as the application via app.debug(...) (#295)
  • Network checks on startup for required and optional endpoints (#373)
  • Stored procedure app.resize_compute(instance STRING, wait BOOLEAN) for resizing compute pool (#268)


  • Updated to Workbench 2024.09.1 release
  • Default configuration now opens egress to and by default, which can be removed if needed (#299)
  • Included minimal endpoints for egress: <organization>-<account> and (#263)
  • Structured JSON logs are now used by default (#290)
  • Set Posit Package Manager as the default package mirror for R, Python, and Bioconductor (#387)


  • Updated default Python environment to include all necessary Snowflake packages (#249)
  • Fixed bug that prevented JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook IDEs from displaying kernels properly (#249)
  • Security enhancements to improve application security and further isolate user permissions from Snowflake application permissions (#261)
  • Fixed issue with how Snowflake roles were quoted, which had prevented Workbench-managed credentials for Snowflake from working

[posit_workbench v2024.9] - 2024-06-28


  • Strip the domain from usernames user@domain -> user #198
  • Clean whitespace from license file on application startup #195

[posit_workbench v2024.8] - 2024-06-18


  • Major refactor to enable Workbench application to be a public application on marketplace using grants, references, and move toward pure SQL setup script #182


  • Removed need for secondary install script #182
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