
Workbench | Advanced

Workbench Native App

Architecture diagrams follow the C4 Model. The nomenclature for the leves of abstraction in the C4 model does not necessarily match up with how the terms are commonly used by developers, especially “Container” and “Component”.



Linked Elements

In the diagrams below, many elements link to relevant documentation.
The mouse cursor will change when you move it over an element with a link.

Context Diagram

This diagram details how a Users will access the Workbench application.

Container Diagrams

This diagram details how an Administrator installs the Workbench Native App and the resources that the User has access to.

This diagram shows the main elements involved in administering, configuring, and debugging the Workbench Native App.

Component Diagrams

This diagram shows, at an abstract level, all resources which are referenced and granted from the account. Additionally, we see all resources that are created within the Native App. Snowflake has put significant effort into preventing the Native App from knowing anything about the Account it is running within. The only access that the Native App has about the account are the License secret, OAuth integration, and External Access Integration (egress).

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