
Workbench | Advanced

Interacting with your app

After activating your application an WORKBENCH_ADMIN can engage with it in several ways.

Administer Workbench interactive user-interface

After installation, your Native App will be located under Data Products > Apps within the Snowflake Snowsight UI.

Click on your App and located in the top-left corner of the screen, the Administer Workbench link opens a interactive interface that you can use to administer, backup, and debug your application.

Native App Snowsight UI

Native App Snowsight UI

Interactive interface

Interactive interface

Snowsight user interface Access section

  • Manage Access: Grants access to the application for specific Snowflake roles.
  • Warehouse: Displays the warehouse your application uses, separate from the compute resources for your container.

Native App Snowsight UI

Native App Snowsight UI

Snowsight user interface application section

  • About the app: Provides additional documentation and links.
  • Privileges: Displays the privileges granted to the application.
  • Events and logs: Currently disabled.
  • Connections: Displays configured connections and credentials. OAuth integration and licensing is managed here.
  • Compute: Shows the compute pool configured for the application.
  • Cost management: Create budgets to monitor app costs (ACCOUNTADMIN required)

Native App Snowsight UI

Native App Snowsight UI

Write your own Native App SQL

Users with the WORKBENCH_ADMIN or ACCOUNTADMIN role can engage with it programmatically using SQL in a Snowsight worksheet.

USE application posit_workbench;
USE schema app;

CALL workbench_state();
CALL workbench_logs();

For more information on ways to engage with your application using SQL, see the troubleshooting section.


Executing arbitrary SQL can be destructive and may make your Workbench Native App unusable. We do not recommend executing any statements that alter, replace, or drop resources.

Only execute SHOW, SELECT, and DESCRIBE commands.

Automated releases

Snowflake enables Native Applications to be automatically upgraded as detailed in the Snowflake Native App Automated upgrades documentation. Posit regularly updates and pushes the Posit Workbench Native App to customers, to ensure all accounts use the latest stable Workbench release.

Updates include:

  • New Posit Workbench releases.
  • Additional system, Python, and R packages in the base environment.
  • Improvements to the Native App experience.

Release notes are included with every release. We understand the trust that customers are giving us and are open to feedback on this process. Snowflake enforces a security scan on releases.

Updating your Posit license

Updating your Posit License through the Snowsight UI requires ACCOUNTADMIN permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Native App Snowsight Connections page

Native App Connections page

Native App Connections page
  1. Click the trashcan icon for Posit Workbench License and then Revoke.

Native App Remove license

Native App Remove license
  1. Add the new license by following the steps under Activate the native app in the Installation documentation. The Workbench Native App will restart within 2-3 minutes.

Backup Workbench

You can back up and restore the Workbench Native App using the Administer Workbench UI and stored procedures.

In general, backups of Workbench are rarely required. All administrative operations which need backup and restore are encapsulated within the stored procedures themselves.

To create a backup:

  1. Open Administer Workbench and select the backup tab in the sidebar.

Create Backup

Create Backup
  1. Create a name for your backup and click Create Backup. The backup enters the INITIALIZED state. The first block volume backup takes three to four minutes; subsequent backups are faster.


  1. Wait for the snapshot to enter the CREATED state.

CREATED backup

CREATED backup

Restore Workbench from Backup

To restore the Workbench Native App, ensure that you have already created a backup.

  1. Select the backup you want to use.

  2. Click Restore from Backup. The restoration process takes about five minutes.

Restore from backup

Restore from backup

Resize Compute Pool

Posit Workbench supports resizing the compute pool that Workbench runs on. The Native App is currently limited to single-node deployments due to pending Snowflake feature requests. Snowflake has a wide variety of instance sizes ranging from 1 CPU, 6 GB to 124 CPU, 984 GB. For more information, see the Snowflake Create Compute Pool documentation.

  1. Select the compute pool you want to use.

  2. Click Resize Compute Pool. The resizing process takes about 2-3 minutes and will create a new endpoint for your Native App.

  3. Updating OAuth for the new endpoint is required.

Resize Compute Pool

Resize Compute Pool

Change the egress policy

To ensure full Native App functionality, key endpoints must be accessible, such as those for Snowflake OAuth and OCSP. For more information, see the security egress traffic documentation.

Editing the default egress policy requires the ACCOUNTADMIN role. You can modify the default egress policy for Workbench by:

  • Using the Snowsight UI (Recommended) or
  • Writing your own SQL

To edit network rules via Snowsight UI:

  1. Visit Admin -> Security -> Network Rules.

Network Rule

Network Rule
  1. Edit the given network rule named POSIT_WORKBENCH_APP_DATA.DATA.ALLOW_ALL_RULE and remember to include the required endpoints detailed in the security egress documentation.

Network Rule Edit

Network Rule Edit

To edit network rules via SQL:

  1. Modify the existing network rule POSIT_WORKBENCH_APP_DATA.DATA.ALLOW_ALL_RULE.

--- include custom <host>:<port>
--- host names are allowed
--- this example policy allows all ips on port 80 and 443
  1. Modify the egress rules only after a successful installation, and only change one rule at a time, allowing two to three minutes for each rule to take effect.

  2. Consult the Workbench logs if you encounter issues with egress. The most common signs of issues with your egress policy are request timeouts and 403 errors when connecting to or using Workbench.


For more information see the:

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