Integrating with Kubernetes

Workbench | Advanced

These steps describe how to set up Workbench installed outside a Kubernetes cluster to launch sessions/jobs into a Kubernetes cluster.


When possible, we recommend following our Kubernetes Installation instructions to run both Workbench and the associated sessions and jobs entirely in a Kubernetes cluster. If it is not possible to use Helm, this section describes how to integrate with Kubernetes manually.


This integration is intended to be performed on top of a base installation of Workbench.

  • Installation of Workbench
  • NFS server that is configured with Workbench for home directory project storage
  • Kubernetes cluster:
    • Kubernetes API endpoint
    • Kubernetes cluster CA certificate
    • Access to kubectl to create namespaces, service accounts, and roles/role bindings
  • Access to an image registry (if working within an offline environment)

Pre-Flight Configuration Checks

Verifying active Kubernetes worker nodes

  • On a machine with kubectl configured, ensure that you have one or more worker nodes that are ready to accept pods as part of the Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:

    $ kubectl get nodes
    ip-172-31-12-54.ec2.internal Ready <none> 90d v1.11.5
    ip-172-31-15-141.ec2.internal Ready <none> 90d v1.11.5
    ip-172-31-18-59.ec2.internal Ready <none> 90d v1.11.5
    ip-172-31-20-112.ec2.internal Ready <none> 90d v1.11.5

Verifying functionality with a test deployment

  • On a machine with kubectl configured, ensure that you are able to deploy a sample application to your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:

    $ kubectl create deployment hello-node
  • Confirm that the pod is running by using the following command:

    $ kubectl get pods
    hello-node-6d6cd9679f-mllr7 1/1 Running 0 1m
  • Now, you can clean up the test deployment by running the following command:

    $ kubectl delete deployment hello-node
    deployment.extensions "hello-node" deleted

Step 1. Configure Workbench with Launcher

  • Add the following lines to the Workbench configuration file:

    File: /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
    # Launcher Config
  • It is recommended that you do the following:

    • In the launcher-sessions-callback-address setting, you should replace <SERVER-ADDRESS> with the DNS name or IP address of Workbench.
    • You should also change the protocol and port if you are using HTTPS or a different port.

    The <SERVER-ADDRESS> needs to be reachable from the pods in Kubernetes.

Step 2. Configure Launcher settings and plugins

  • Add the following lines to the Launcher configuration file:

    File: /etc/rstudio/launcher.conf

Step 3. Configure profile for Launcher Kubernetes plugin

  • Add the following lines to the Launcher profiles configuration file:


If you want to further customize user and group profile, reference the User and groups profiles section. To configure resource profiles, reference the Resource profiles section.

For more information on using custom docker images for Posit Workbench sessions, see the Using Docker Images section of this guide.

Step 4. Provision and configure NFS server

Shared home directory storage via NFS is required for configurations of Workbench and Launcher. Workbench stores project data for each user in their respective home directory.

  • Perform the following steps in your environment:
    • Provision an NFS server that exports the /home directory. We recommend configuring an NFS server on a machine that runs separately from Workbench and Launcher.
    • On the machine with Workbench and Launcher, mount the NFS share at /home.

    Similar to any NFS configuration, all machines (e.g., the machine with the NFS server and the machine with Workbench and Launcher) should have the same users with matching user IDs and group IDs to avoid permission or ownership issues across NFS client machines.

Step 5. Configure NFS mounts for Launcher

  • Add the following lines to the Launcher mounts configuration file, which is the NFS server and mount path that will be used by the containers to mount the home directory for each user:

    File: /etc/rstudio/launcher-mounts
    # Required home directory mount for RSW, Launcher, and Kubernetes
    MountType: NFS
    Host: <NFS-IP-ADDRESS>
    Path: /home/{USER}
    MountPath: /home/{USER}
    ReadOnly: false
    Cluster: Kubernetes
  • Replace <NFS-IP-ADDRESS> with the IP address of your NFS server.

  • The Path and MountPath contain the special variable {USER} to indicate that the user’s name will be substituted when the container starts, so there is no need to change that variable in this configuration file.

  • The Path is the source directory of the mount, i.e., the home directory path within NFS server. Please replace it with the correct path if it is something different than /home/.

  • The MountPath is the path within the container that the home directory will be mounted to. It must match how the home directory is mounted on the RSW server. Please replace it with the correct path if it is something different than /home/.


Shared home directory storage via NFS is required for configurations of Workbench and Launcher. Therefore, the configuration section shown above is required in the /etc/rstudio/launcher-mounts configuration file for Workbench and Launcher to function with Kubernetes.

Additional NFS mounts can be added to this same configuration file to make other read-only or read-write file storage mounts available within remote session containers.

Step 6. Create Kubernetes resources for Launcher sessions and Workbench jobs

  • Run the following command to create the rstudio namespace:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Namespace
            name: rstudio
  • Run the following command to create the required service account, role, and role bindings (replace --namespace rstudio with the namespace name created in the step prior if different):

    $ kubectl apply -f --namespace rstudio

In most configurations, the Role and RoleBinding privileges created in the step above are sufficient to integrate Workbench with a Kubernetes cluster. If you run into problems where clients cannot connect to their Launcher jobs, you may need the external IP address of the node(s) in your cluster. This requires the ClusterRole to be given to the Launcher service account. See the Kubernetes cluster requirements section for more details, including how to set up the needed ClusterRole.

  • As of Kubernetes 1.24, tokens are no longer automatically generated for service accounts. When using Kubernetes 1.24+, run the following command to manually create a token:

    $ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: rstudio-launcher-rbac-token
        namespace: rstudio

    If the namespace created in the first step is not rstudio then change the namespace in the YAML above.

Refer to the Launcher section for more information about how Launcher creates the session user within the container.

Step 7. Configure Launcher with Kubernetes

  • Obtain the Kubernetes token for the service account in the rstudio namespace (if using a different namespace then change in the examples below) by running the following command:

    $ kubectl get secret rstudio-launcher-rbac-token --namespace=rstudio -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d && echo
  • Add the following lines to the Launcher Kubernetes configuration file, where:

    • <KUBERNETES-API-ENDPOINT> is the URL for the Kubernetes API,

    • <KUBERNETES-CLUSTER-TOKEN> is the Kubernetes service account token from the above kubectl get secret terminal command, and

    • <BASE-64-ENCODED-CA-CERTIFICATE> is the Base64 encoded CA certificate for the Kubernetes API). Change kubernetes-namespace=rstudio to match the namespace you created in the earlier steps if different than rstudio.

      File: /etc/rstudio/launcher.kubernetes.conf

You can typically locate these values from your Kubernetes cluster console or dashboard.

Step 8. Restart Workbench and Launcher Services

  • Run the following to restart services:

    $ sudo rstudio-server restart
    $ sudo rstudio-launcher restart

Step 9. Test Workbench with Launcher and Kubernetes

  • Run the following command to test the installation and configuration of Workbench with Launcher and Kubernetes:

    $ sudo rstudio-server stop
    $ sudo rstudio-server verify-installation --verify-user=<USER>
    $ sudo rstudio-server start

Replace <USER> with a valid username of a user that is setup to run Workbench in your installation. You only need to run this test once for one valid user to verify that Workbench and Launcher can successfully communicate with Kubernetes and start sessions/Workbench jobs.

For more information on using the Launcher verification tool, refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Additional information

Use Custom Docker Images

You can extend or build your own custom Docker images to use with Workbench and Kubernetes with different versions of R, R packages, or system packages.

For more information on using custom Docker images, refer to the support article on Using Docker images with Workbench, Launcher, and Kubernetes.

Perform Additional Configuration

For more information on configuring Workbench and Launcher, including configuring additional shared file storage mounts, environment variables, and ports, refer to the following reference documentation:

Troubleshooting Workbench and Kubernetes

Refer to the documentation page on Troubleshooting Launcher and Kubernetes in Workbench for additional information on troubleshooting Workbench with Launcher and Kubernetes.

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