SAML Single Sign-On Authentication


The SAML protocol is an industry standard for single-sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication, and authorization. Workbench supports SAML 2.0 for authentication. This enables users to log in with their existing Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials and to be automatically authenticated to Workbench whenever they are already logged into their Identity Provider (IdP) account.


To get started with SAML for Workbench, you need:

  • Information about your SAML Identity Provider
  • The URL where users access Workbench
  • Local system accounts

SAML authentication still requires that users have a corresponding local system account. There are a few ways to achieve this:

  • Workbench itself can create these accounts automatically. Refer to Just-in-Time Provisioning.
  • You can use PAM Sessions and sssd to automatically create local system accounts from an LDAP provider.
  • Local system accounts can be created manually. We do not recommend this in production deployments.

Enabling SAML SSO

To enable authentication with SAML you add the auth-saml option to the Workbench configuration file /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf:


Once you enable authentication with SAML that becomes the exclusive means of authentication - you can’t concurrently use both PAM and SAML authentication.

Configuring SAML

The easiest way to setup SAML authentication is to:

  1. Configure Workbench with metadata from your IdP
  2. Configure the IdP to point to the Workbench’s URL
  3. Configure additional settings

The identity providers Okta, OneLogin, Microsoft Entra ID (Azure), and JumpCloud have preconfigured entries in their setup UIs for Workbench to simplify the second step of the configuration.

For other IdPs that require more than basic interoperable SAML, see the Advanced options section to be sure your IdP is supported.

If your IdP does not provide its metadata until Workbench is running, see Configuring IdP metadata first.

See these sections for additional setup if they apply:

Step 1. Configure Workbench with IdP metadata

There are three ways to provide Workbench with the metadata from your IdP:

  • Use an Idp Metadata URL online
  • Use an Idp Metadata file offline
  • Manual configuration of IdP information

For all three approaches, after a successful login the IdP will provide Workbench with an assertion: a securely signed list of attributes about the user.


Your IdP must return at least one attribute (or NameID) matching the user’s valid Linux account username in the assertion. See PAM basics for details on username handling.

By default, Workbench will look for an attribute called Username (case-sensitive). If your IdP uses a different attribute, for example NameID, add the option auth-saml-sp-attribute-username with the appropriate value.


Workbench expects the IdP metadata to contain the service name (EntityID), the Single Sign-On (SSO) URL and the signing certificate.

Option 1. Online - IdP metadata URL

The easiest way to configure Workbench is directly with the IdP metadata URL. This can be done by adding the option auth-saml-metadata-url. This option has the advantage of automatically renewing the metadata when it expires but to use it, you’ll need to allow Workbench to access the IdP URL directly.


Option 2. Offline - IdP metadata file

To avoid direct connectivity between your Workbench server and the IdP use an offline setup. First download the metadata from your IdP and upload it to your server. Then, add the option auth-saml-metadata-path pointing to the file location within your server. This option requires manual intervention if users can no longer login because the metadata or the signing certificate expired.


The metadata URL option has precedence over the metadata file path option. You must remove the URL option first before using the file option.

If your IdP requires information about Workbench in order for you to access its metadata, see the Service Provider Metadata Setup section below for how to obtain this information.

Option 3. Manual identity provider (IdP) setup

If your IdP does not provide metadata or if the metadata does not have all of the information required, use a manual setup. The following required options must be added to your server configuration:

  • auth-saml-idp-entity-id - A URL to an HTTP(S) endpoint on the IdP, in general the location of its metadata. In very exceptional cases this may not be an URL.
  • auth-saml-idp-sso-url - A URL to an HTTP(S) endpoint on the IdP to where your server will send authentication requests.
  • auth-saml-idp-sign-cert-path - The path to a PEM file containing the public trust certificate for verifying the assertions’ signatures.

The metadata URL and file path options have precedence over the individually configured options. You must remove the metadata options first before using individual settings.

Step 2. Configure your identity provider with Workbench

Once Workbench knows about your IdP, use the administration UI of your IdP to add the URL of your Workbench server and other information it requires.

Integrated Providers

Workbench has preconfigured entries in:

In some cases, you only need to provide the URL to your server.

Service provider metadata setup

When your IdP requires a Service Provider (SP) metadata URL, add /saml/metadata onto your Workbench server’s address like this:

If the IdP asks for an IdP metadata file, or requires manual configuration, save the contents of that URL to a file with your browser, curl or wget.

For a manual configuration, look in the text file that is returned for the required values.


The SAML metadata primarily contains information about the service name (EntityID) and the assertion consumer service (ACS) URL.

Configuring IdP metadata first

Some IdPs must be configured with Workbench’s metadata before they will allow Workbench to access their metadata. Workbench itself won’t start when it’s configured to point to an invalid IdP metadata URL. In these situations, you can manually enter the information into the IdP as follows:

  • Workbench Entity ID: This value is the same URL as the metadata endpoint used for Service provider metadata setup. For example,
  • Workbench Assertion Consumer Service URL: Workbench expects SAML assertions at the /saml/acs endpoint. For example,
  • If encryption is used, you will need to provide the encryption certificate used by Workbench, see SAML encryption below. Workbench supports most common forms of encryption used with SAML.
  • If your Identity Provider expects signed requests from Workbench, you will need to provide the signing certificate used by Workbench, see SAML request signing below. Any signing algorithm you choose in your IdP must match Workbench’s configuration.
  • [SAML attributes] as mentioned above.
  • Also, information requested about Unsupported SAML options in Workbench should be left blank.

Advanced options

Depending on your IdP capabilities you may need to add a few more options to your server:

  • auth-saml-idp-post-binding: By default Workbench will redirect to your IdP for authentication requests. With the value 1, this option makes it use an HTTP POST instead. This option can also be used with a metadata file or URL if your IdP supports both redirect and POST.
  • auth-saml-sso-initiation: By default, Workbench will be able to initiate authentication with SAML (SP-initiated) or to accept an ad hoc assertion (IdP-initiated). If you prefer just one of these flows, use this option with either sp or idp values. When set to idp, users will be sent to the configured IdP SSO URL if an SP-initiated flow is attempted.
  • auth-saml-sp-name-id-format: By default Workbench will accept any NameID Format. Add this options with the values persistent, transient, emailaddress, or unspecified to make Workbench request and expect a particular format from the IdP.

auth-saml-sp-name-id-format=transient and auth-saml-sp-attribute-username=NameID will not be accepted as a valid combination. It would lead to undetermined usernames in each attempt.

Here are some examples of valid configurations of the aforementioned advanced options:


SAML encryption

To enable support for encrypted SAML assertions, you will need a key pair in the form of a public certificate file and a private RSA key, both in PEM format.

The following options should be added to your server:

  • auth-saml-sp-encryption-key-path: The path to a PEM file containing the private RSA key for decrypting the assertion.
  • auth-saml-sp-encryption-cert-path: The path to a PEM file containing the public certificate for encrypting the assertion. The contents of this file will be present in your server metadata after configured. You may also be asked to upload this certificate to the IdP instead.

These key pair files are similar to the ones used for SSL/TLS. However, for security reasons you must never use your server’s own SSL/TLS key and certificate for SAML encryption.

This example allows the creation of a simple self-signed public certificate and private key pair that can be used for encryption for the server “localhost” (you should use your server public facing hostname instead):

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout saml.key -out saml.cert -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost"

SAML request signing


In most situations, SAML authentication request signing is not required or even supported. Be sure your IdP requires signing before using this functionality.

To enable support for signed SAML authentication requests, you need to set a signing method in your server configuration with the option auth-saml-sp-request-signing-method. The algorithms sha1, sha256, or sha512 are supported. When in doubt, try sha256 first which offers a good balance between security and compatibility.


By using one of the signing methods listed above the Workbench metadata will contain a "signing" certificate and will have the attribute AuthnRequestsSigned with the true value.

You will also need a key pair in the form of a public certificate file and a private RSA key, both in PEM format. If you are using SAML encryption, the already configured encryption key pair will also be used for request signing.


Workbench only accepts a single key pair. You can use a key pair for both encryption and signing requests or one just for signing. Different key pairs for signing and encryption are not currently supported.

If you are not currently using SAML encryption, the following options should be added to your server:

  • auth-saml-sp-signing-key-path - The path to a PEM file containing the private RSA key for decrypting the assertion.
  • auth-saml-sp-signing-cert-path - The path to a PEM file containing the public certificate for encrypting the assertion. The contents of this file will be present in your server metadata after configured. You may also be asked to upload this certificate to the IdP instead.

These key pair files are similar to the ones used for SSL/TLS. However, for security reasons you must never use your server’s own SSL/TLS key and certificate for SAML encryption.

This example allows the creation of a simple self-signed public certificate and private key pair that can be used for encryption for the server “localhost” (you should use your server public facing hostname instead):

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout saml.key -out saml.cert -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost"

Unsupported SAML options

Workbench supports at least a subset of SAML called Interoperable SAML. Notably, certain functionalities are currently absent:

  • Single Logout
  • Certificate chain validation
  • RelayState URL handling (not part of the SAML standard)

SAML with load balancing

Because Workbench stores SAML authentication context in server memory during the authentication flow, the entire authentication flow must be completed on a single server. If you’re using an external load balancer in front of Workbench, you will experience authentication errors if the HTTP requests associated with the authentication flow are not all routed to the same server.

For this reason, you must enable sticky sessions in your external load balancer when using SAML authentication. This feature is sometimes called “sticky cookies” or “session affinity”. Consult the documentation for your load balancing software for details; for example if you’re using the Amazon Web Services Application Load Balancer (AWS ALB), more information can be found in Sticky Sessions for your Application Load Balancer.

Proxy considerations

If you are running Workbench behind a proxy, you will need to configure your proxy in a way that Workbench can tell the SAML IdP to redirect back to the correct location. There are number of options to choose from as described in Running with a Proxy.

The use of the X-RStudio-Request header in your proxy is recommended and the only method which works behind a path-rewriting proxy. In this case, the proxy must set the X-RStudio-Request header to the exact complete URL as requested by the browser. For example if your proxy was set up to serve Workbench requests at and an incoming request for /home came in, your proxy should set X-RStudio-Request: which would allow RStudio to know about the added path prefix /rstudio.

If your proxy does not add path prefixes, Workbench is also compatible with two options using commonly available HTTP proxy headers:

  • The headers X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Proto, and X-Forwarded-Port.
  • Or the header Forwarded with host, and proto values.

When using path-rewriting proxies, it’s also recommended to use either the header X-RStudio-Root-Path or the option www-root-path to indicate the path defined for Workbench by the proxy. For example, if your URL to Workbench is your proxy should send the header X-RStudio-Root-Path: /rstudio or you should use:


If none of the headers above are set by the proxy, Workbench will redirect back to the address present in the Host header and it will determine the protocol from rserver.conf’s ssl-enabled setting. Use a value of 1 for https and 0 for http.

If you are running behind a proxy, it’s possible that the proxy terminates the SSL connection. That means that the SAML URL should use https but rserver.conf will have ssl-enabled=0. In that case, you can directly configure the SAML base URI by setting auth-sp-saml-base-uri in rserver.conf:


In general, you can use this setting to specify the external base URL to be used in the /saml/metadata for when the www-root-path and ssl-enabled settings, along with the request headers, do not match your proxy server’s configuration.

Outgoing proxies

Some SAML authentication features require Workbench to make a call to an external service over HTTP or HTTPS; for example, to perform provider metadata discovery. If your environment requires an HTTP or HTTPS proxy for outbound requests, you must set the appropriate proxy environment variables for Workbench’s server process so that it uses the proxy when making the request.

One way to do this is to add the variables to the env-vars file as follows:



Additional information about the SAML flow and the received assertion may be written to the logs. Be sure to configure rserver logs to output debug level messages in /etc/rstudio/logging.conf to see these entries.

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