Publishing Quarto Content

You can publish Quarto projects using rsconnect-python using the rsconnect deploy quarto command. Pass the command path to a directory containing a Quarto project:

rsconnect deploy quarto /path/to/quarto/project

You can also use rsconnect write-manifest quarto to generate a manifest file for Quarto content.


  • rsconnect deploy quarto cannot publish content that uses the knitr engine (i.e., executes R code). You can deploy this content with another supported method. If this content already has a manifest, you can deploy it with rsconnect deploy manifest.

  • The argument to rsconnect deploy manifest can be a directory, but that directory must contain a manifest.json file.

Specifying a Quarto executable

By default, rsconnect-python looks for a Quarto executable in a number of well-known locations, including the system PATH. This executable is used to run quarto inspect to gather required metadata for deployment.

If needed, you can specify a specific Quarto executable by passing its full path to the --quarto option:

rsconnect deploy quarto \
    --quarto /path/to/quarto \

Excluding files

Since you must specify a directory to deploy, there may be times when some files under that directory subtree should not be included in the deployment or manifest. Use the --exclude option to specify files or directories to exclude.

rsconnect deploy quarto \
    --exclude quarto-app-venv \
    --exclude TODO.txt \

You can exclude a directory by naming it:

rsconnect deploy quarto \
    --exclude quarto-app-venv \
    --exclude _files/ \

The --exclude option may be repeated, and may include a glob pattern. You should always quote a glob pattern so that it is passed to rsconnect as-is instead of letting the shell expand it.

rsconnect deploy quarto \
    --exclude quarto-app-venv \
    --exclude "*.txt" \

Some directories are excluded by default, to prevent bundling and uploading files that are not needed or might interfere with the deployment process:
