Connect your Posit Account

To publish content to Posit Connect, you need to authorize RStudio to use your Connect account.

There are two methods to connect your account:

These procedures assume that you haven’t connected your Connect account to RStudio.

Global Options

  • Open RStudio.

  • From the menu bar, click Tools > Global Options….

    Screen capture of the Tools options with Global Options selected

  • Select the Publishing tab, then click Connect….

    Connect button screen capture

  • In the Connect Account window, select Posit Connect.

    Connect section

  • Enter the public URL of the Connect Server, then click Next to launch a browser window.

    Next button screen capture


    The public URL is the URL that you use to connect to Connect in your browser.

  • If you are not already logged into Connect, log in.

  • From the Connect to R page, click Connect. A success message displays at the top of the screen.

    Connect to R page screen capture

  • Navigate back to the RStudio Verifying Account window, then click Connect Account. Your Connect account displays in the Publishing Accounts section.

    Verify Account window

  • Click OK.

    Screen capture of Options window with OK button selected

You’ve successfully connected your account and can now publish directly to Connect.

Publishing Workflow

This method uses the Publishing Workflow, which kicks off when you click the Publishing button in RStudio.

  • Open RStudio.

  • Click the Publish button.

    The Publish button is located in the upper-right corner of the editor

  • In the Publish window, click Connect.

    Connect section

  • From the What do you want to publish? panel, select one of the following:

    • Publish just this document

    • Publish all documents in the directory

    Select the first option, Publish just this document

  • From the Publish to Connect panel, select one of the following:

    • Publish document with source code

    • Publish finished document only

    For this guide, we recommend selecting Publish document with source code.

    Select the first option, Publish just this document

  • In the Connect Publishing Account window, click Next.

    Click Next button

  • Enter the public URL of the Connect Server, then click Next to launch a browser window.

    Next button screen capture


    The public URL is the URL that you use to connect to Connect in your browser.

  • If you are not already logged into Connect, log in.

  • From the Connect to R page, click Connect. A success message displays at the top of the screen.

    Connect to R page screen capture

  • Navigate back to the RStudio Verifying Account window and click Connect Account. Your Posit account displays in the Publishing Accounts section.

    Verify Account window

You have successfully connected your account and can now publish directly to Connect. Congrats!