Finding Licensed Users


You need to find licensed users.


Filter users to those with a licensed account status.

from posit import connect

client = connect.Client()
users = client.users.find(account_status="licensed")

The data frame contains only active, licensed users.

>>> len(users)

Get data on all users with a licensed account status.


client <- connect()

users <- get_users(client, account_status = "licensed")

The data frame contains only users with licensed, active accounts.

> nrow(users)
[1] 141


The account_status field can take three values.

  • locked: Users with a locked account.
  • licensed: Users who have signed into the server within the last 365 days and whose accounts are not locked.
  • inactive: Users who are not locked and have not been recently active.

The number of licensed users is restricted based on the license purchased, affecting who can access the server and specific content like Shiny applications. If the user limit is reached, new users cannot sign in. Users inactive for over 365 days are not counted against this limit. Additional restrictions may apply to accessing interactive content, depending on the license type.

For more details, visit the Licence Management Documentation.