Process Management

Posit Connect launches processes to perform a variety of tasks. This includes:

Python installations are configured by setting Python.Executable. Quarto installations are configured by setting Quarto.Executable. The location of R defaults to whatever is in the path. Customize the R.Executable setting to use a specific R installation. See the Python, R, and Quarto sections for details.


Off-Host Execution

This section about process sandboxing only applies to the local execution mode of Posit Connect.

If you are running Posit Connect with off-host Kubernetes execution, the Posit Connect container does not need to be run as privileged or with the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability. When using off-host Kubernetes execution, isolation between content items is handled using separate containers and Kubernetes VolumeMounts. An overview of this architecture is available in the appendix.

The Posit Connect process runs as the root user. These elevated privileges let Connect bind to protected ports, manage files and processes for your RunAs users, and create “unshare” environments where content processes are run.

Posit Connect uses unprivileged users to run any content process. Content will run using either a system-default user or a content-specific override. See the User Account for Processes section for details. Content processes are also run within an “unshare” environment, which partially isolates those processes.

Posit Connect runs processes within an environment constructed using unshare(2). Within this environment, a mount namespace (CLONE_NEWNS) is constructed, which lets Connect create bind mounts with mount(2) that hide and isolate parts of the file system from the content process. A user namespace (CLONE_NEWUSER) is created to partially isolate the process.


If you are running Posit Connect within a container using its local execution mode, the container must be started with additional privileges. The Docker section discusses privileged containers and the capabilities needed by Posit Connect.


Some systems disable user namespaces by default (e.g. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7). Content process sandboxes will not include a user namespace on these systems. Enable user namespaces for additional process isolation.

You can use sysctl to determine if user.max_user_namespaces is set to zero, indicating that support is disabled.

Sandboxing references

These references link to the Linux documentation about namespaces and the system calls used to create the process sandbox.

File system access and isolation

The following locations are masked during content execution:

  • The Server.DataDir directory containing all variable data used by Posit Connect.

  • The SQLite.Dir directory, which can optionally be placed outside the data directory.

  • Configuration directories, including /etc/rstudio-connect.

  • The Server.TempDir directory contains a connect-workspaces sub-directory with per-process temporary directories.

The following information is exposed during content execution:

  • Data directories containing installed packages and environments. The exact set of directories will vary depending on the type of content.

  • The directory containing the deployed and unpackaged code.

  • The document rendering destination directory (only for executable reports).

  • A directory to receive log files containing process output.

  • A per-process temporary directory specified in the TMPDIR environment variable of the process. This temporary directory is created under Server.TempDir/connect-workspaces.

When Applications.HomeMounting is enabled, the contents of /home are masked by an additional bind mount as follows:

  • The contents of /home are masked by the home directory of the RunAs user.

  • If the RunAs does not have a home directory, an empty directory masks /home.

The path to the home directory is always available through the HOME environment variable. With Applications.HomeMounting, the mounted path to the HOME directory is subject to change. Avoid hard-coding paths to either /home and /home/username.

Interactive applications

Interactive applications like Shiny, Flask, FastAPI, Dash, and Plumber have write access to the directory containing the unpackaged code. This directory is the working directory when launching an application. Data written into this directory is visible to all processes associated with that application, but not to any processes associated with other content. Application directory data remains available until that application is next deployed to Posit Connect. A deployment creates a new application directory containing only the deployed content.


Posit Connect may launch multiple processes to service requests for an application. There is no coordination between these processes. Applications that write to local files could experience problems when different processes attempt to write to a single file.

For example, two different processes writing to the same file may see output incorrectly interleaved or even overwritten.

We do not recommend using the file system for data persistence.

Rendered documents

Executable reports have write access to a directory containing its source code and a separate output directory that receives the rendered result. A new directory containing the deployed source code is created each time the content is executed. This copy of the code ensures that simultaneous rendering processes are isolated from each other and cannot overwrite each other’s output files. The temporary source directory is the working directory when rendering the content. A distinct output directory is used each time the content is rendered. Data created during one rendering is not visible to another.

Posit Connect serves rendered content using the results written into the output directory. This result remains available until the next successful render. Incomplete and unsuccessful document renderings do not affect the availability of a previously rendered result.

Rendered sites

R Markdown multi-document sites have a slightly different rendering pipeline than standalone documents. Posit Connect uses the rmarkdown::render_site function, which does its rendering in-place. The content from the source directory is copied into the rendering destination directory in preparation for rendering. Site rendering has write access to the destination directory. Access to the original source directory is not provided because the source content is duplicated in the destination directory

The rmarkdown::render_site call usually places its output into a subdirectory (typically, _site). The contents of this output subdirectory will be moved to the root of the rendering destination directory, replacing any other content. No post-rendering file movement occurs if rmarkdown::render_site is instructed to render into the current directory instead of a subdirectory. This means that both source and output files will be available for serving.


We recommend against configuring rmarkdown::render_site to write its output into the current directory. Rendering the site into a subdirectory (the default) allows Posit Connect to remove source from the output directory.

Posit Connect serves the rendered results for a multi-document site. This result remains available until the next successful render. Incomplete and unsuccessful site renderings do not affect the availability of a previously rendered result.

Temporary Directory

Each process started by Posit Connect is given its own unique temporary directory. These directories are created under Server.TempDir/connect-workspaces.

The default value for Server.TempDir is obtained by first checking the TMPDIR environment variable for a path and falls back to /tmp otherwise.

You may wish to override Server.TempDir if the default temporary directory has too little space or is mounted with the noexec option.


If you do override Server.TempDir please ensure the location can be reached by, read from, and written to by any user on the system. On most systems, temporary directories typically have permissions of 1777.

You can learn more about the noexec option here.

Environment Variables

Posit Connect sets the environment variables USER, USERNAME, LOGNAME, HOME, TMPDIR for all content processes. Additional environment variables may be set, depending on Connect’s configuration, described in more detail here.

When Posit Connect is in local execution mode, content processes inherit all environment variables from the server. Set the setting Applications.InheritSystemEnvVars to false to disable this behavior and prevent content from inheriting server environment variables. The environment variable PATH is always inherited.

When using off-host execution, content does not inherit environment variables from the server.

Other methods are available to set environment variables for content:

  • A supervisor script runs before all content processes, and can be used to set environment variables. Supervisors cannot be used to set per-content-item variables.
  • Environment variables for individual content items can be set in the Vars pane of the content settings sidebar.

Applications & APIs

Posit Connect manages both batch-oriented and long-lived processes:

  • Batch-oriented processes tend to be narrowly scoped and short-lived.
  • Long-lived processes, like those for applications built with web frameworks such as Shiny, Flask, FastAPI, Dash, Plumber, or Streamlit, may see a process handle many requests for many users over their lifetimes.

Posit Connect launches a process tied to a live application when the first request arrives for that application. That process will continue to service requests until it becomes idle and is eventually terminated. If there is sufficient traffic against that application, Posit Connect may launch additional processes to service those requests.

There are a number of configuration parameters that control the conditions under which processes for applications are launched and eventually reaped. The default values are appropriate for most applications, but occasionally need customization in specialized environments.

The Runtime/Scheduler configuration appendix explains each of these configuration parameters in detail, and how each parameter works in relation to the others. We recommend that adjustment to these runtime properties be done gradually.


Each Application and API can override the default values. For more information, refer to the Runtime section the User Guide.

User Account for Processes

Off-Host Execution

When using off-host execution on Kubernetes, the Applications.RunAs user may not exist within the content container. Posit Connect does nothing to provision the user for you, however, the container will be started with the uid/gid of the Applications.RunAs user from the Posit Connect server container.

Posit Connect executes your content with an unprivileged Unix account. The Applications.RunAs setting tells Posit Connect which account to use. The rstudio-connect account is created during installation and used as the default value for Applications.RunAs.

The root account never executes deployed user code.

Administrators can configure some pieces of content to be executed by a different Unix account than the Applications.RunAs default. This setting is found in the Runtime tab when editing content settings. Non-administrators are prohibited from changing the RunAs setting.

Each Unix account used as a custom RunAs must be a member of the Unix group Applications.SharedRunAsUnixGroup. This group membership requirement always applies, even when Applications.RunAs does not use the default rstudio-connect user.

The rstudio-connect user has a primary group also named rstudio-connect.


Let’s customize the Unix RunAs user and SharedRunAsUnixGroup to allow alternate Unix accounts for specific pieces of content.

We want to use the ds-system Unix account as our default RunAs user and the data-scientists Unix group as our shared group.

The following configuration tells Posit Connect to use ds-system:

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
RunAs = "ds-system"
SharedRunAsUnixGroup = "data-scientists"

Other Unix accounts that belong to the data-scientists group can be used as RunAs overrides. For example, the Unix account hadley must be a member of the data-scientists group before it can be used to run your application.

Package installation always happens as the Applications.RunAs user. An application or report may override its RunAs setting; this alters how the deployed code is executed and does not impact package installation. See the Sandboxing section for more information about process sandboxing.

The RunAs Unix account does not need to be associated with a Posit Connect user account. Most installations use a small number of shared Unix accounts. Some configurations (e.g. PAM authentication) pair Posit Connect user accounts with Unix accounts, but this is not required.

Current user execution

Enhanced Advanced

Off-Host Execution

The Applications.RunAsCurrentUser setting is not available when using off-host execution.

Posit Connect can use a local Unix account associated with the currently logged-in user when executing applications. This works for Shiny apps, Shiny documents, and Python Dash, Gradio, Streamlit, and Bokeh apps. This feature requires that user authentication use PAM.


See Authentication Integration with PAM for information about using PAM for user authentication.

The Applications.RunAsCurrentUser property specifies that content can be configured to execute as the currently logged-in user.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
RunAsCurrentUser = true

Content execution settings are not altered when Applications.RunAsCurrentUser is enabled. The Applications.RunAsCurrentUser setting permits current-user execution but by itself does not change how processes are launched. Each application or interactive document must explicitly request current-user execution.

When Applications.RunAsCurrentUser is enabled, administrators can customize individual content items to run as the Unix account associated with the logged-in user. The Runtime content setting tab gives content the option of executing using “The Unix account of the current user”.

Content configured to run as the current-user will execute as the specified fallback RunAs user when accessed anonymously.

Content without this current-user customization will continue to run as the specified RunAs user.


See the User Account for Processes section for more information about RunAs customization.

All Unix accounts used to execute content must be members of the Unix group defined by Applications.SharedRunAsUnixGroup. Applications are not permitted to launch if the Unix account associated with the logged-in user does not have the proper group membership.


The Applications.RunAs setting uses the rstudio-connect user by default. This user has a primary group also named rstudio-connect. Any Unix account that may be used to execute content must be a member of the rstudio-connect group.

PAM sessions

Off-Host Execution

PAM sessions are not forwarded to the content container when using off-host execution.

When using PAM for authentication, Posit Connect can leverage Linux PAM to establish the environment and resources available when content runs.

PAM sessions are enabled with the PAM.UseSession setting.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
UseSession = true

The default PAM service name used for PAM sessions is su. This gives Posit Connect the ability to launch processes as the specified user without requiring a password.

You can customize the PAM service name used for PAM sessions by customizing the PAM.SessionService setting.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
SessionService = posit-connect-session

The PAM.SessionService must contain the PAM directive that enables authentication with root privileges. Otherwise, processes will not run and will return error code 70.

# Allows root to su without passwords (required)
auth sufficient

PAM Credential Caching (Kerberos)


Posit Connect’s PAM cache is encrypted and is not stored on disk. The credentials must expire after a certain period of time.

Posit Connect can be configured to securely cache a user’s PAM credentials when they log in to Posit Connect. This enables Posit Connect to let users run processes as their current UNIX account when the PAM profile requires a user’s credentials, such as when using Kerberos.

The following config settings are required for credential caching to be enabled:

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
RunAsCurrentUser = true

; Enable PAM sessions
UseSession = true
; Forward the current user's password into the PAM session
ForwardPassword = true
; Cache passwords for 12 hours after login
PasswordLifetime = 12h
; PAM service that accepts credentials ("su" is the default)
AuthenticatedSessionService = YOUR_PAM_SERVICE_HERE

Replace 12h with the amount of time you would like credentials to be cached. Credential lifetime is counted from the moment the user logs into Posit Connect. It is not tied to the user’s web session, except that logging in again will restart the timer for that user’s credentials.

The PAM.AuthenticatedSessionService setting is similar to PAM.SessionService, except that it should accept user credentials and validate them. For example, a PAM service that uses the host’s Kerberos configuration to expose functionality could be:

auth        required
account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore]
password    sufficient use_authtok
session     requisite

Some distributions (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8) do not support the use of It is recommended to use instead, and configure SSSD to provide Kerberos authentication.

Path Rewriting

The sandboxing used by Posit Connect involves bind mounts which map physical locations on disk onto different directory structures at runtime. Paths used by your code use these sandboxed locations. If you need to find the physical file on disk, you will need to undo the path transformation.

This section gives some examples of path rewriting and offer some ways of finding the file you need.

Let’s start with an app.R file that describes a Shiny application. This file will be in the apps/XX/YY/ directory underneath the Server.DataDir location. The XX and YY path components correspond to the application ID and bundle (or deployment) ID for this version of your application. This directory is available at runtime as /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/.

The directory structure of /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/ is just a number of empty directories. The “unshare” environment created during sandboxing allows Posit Connect to associate different application directories with these mount directories.

Here are some common path transformations that may be helpful. All of the physical paths are beneath the Server.DataDir hierarchy that defaults to /var/lib/rstudio-connect. All of the sandbox paths are beneath the mount directory /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/. This location is not customizable.

Physical path Sandbox Path
DataDir/apps/XX/YY/ MountDir/app/ (non-renders)
DataDir/reports/v2/XX/YY/temp.render.TT MountDir/app/ (renders)
DataDir/reports/v2/XX/VV/RR MountDir/report/
DataDir/R MountDir/R
DataDir/packrat MountDir/packrat
DataDir/python-environments MountDir/python-environments

Here are some actual path transformations using the default Server.DataDir location:

# A source Shiny application
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/app.R

# A source Flask API
=> /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/

# A source Plumber API
=> /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/plumber.R

# A source R Markdown document
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/index.Rmd

# An HTML document rendered from that R Markdown document
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/report/index.html

# A statically deployed document
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/app/index.html

# The Shiny package inside the packrat cache
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/packrat/3.2.5/v2/library/shiny/

# A virtual environment inside the environment cache
    => /opt/rstudio-connect/mnt/python-environments/pip/3.8.12/1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg

Program Supervisors

Off-Host Execution

When using off-host execution on Kubernetes, application supervisor scripts must be present on the image that is used to execute the content. The Supervisor configuration should be specified in the runtimes.yaml configuration which defines the set of available content images. For details, see the Execution Environments appendix.

You may need to modify the environment or resources available to processes before the processes are launched. This can be accomplished using a program supervisor using the Applications.Supervisor configuration setting.

The supervisor command is provided the full target command-line, usually Python or R, which MUST be invoked by the supervisor. The process exit code from the target command MUST be returned as the exit code of the supervisor. The file descriptors for standard input, output, and error MUST NOT be intercepted by the supervisor.

The supervisor command or script must be executable by any users that may perform package installation or run content (see next paragraph.) It must not be located in a directory that will be masked as described in the Sandboxing section. (If you are unsure where to put your supervisor script, /usr/local/bin/ is a safe location.) If the command is not executable, is in a disallowed directory, or does not execute its target command-line properly, Posit Connect will log an error and fail to start.

A supervisor is executed as the appropriate RunAs user. Package installation always uses the Applications.RunAs user. Other processes will use the content-specific RunAs account, falling back to Applications.RunAs if no override was configured. See the User Account for Processes section for details.

Supervisors run within the sandbox established for any process. See the Sandboxing section for more information about process sandboxes.

Posit Connect configures the TMPDIR and HOME environment variables for launched processes. Posit Connect also manages package installation and references. Avoid altering any of this behavior in program supervisors.


Supervisor scripts must echo all informational messages to standard error to prevent Posit Connect from processing them.


The RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable identifies a directory containing pandoc. The rmarkdown package and rmarkdown::find_pandoc() function use this environment variable to discover Pandoc binaries.

You can customize the RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable in a supervisor script or by setting a content-specific environment variable. A global RSTUDIO_PANDOC setting may cause problems in some environments, as not all rmarkdown package versions are compatible with all pandoc versions.

If unset, the RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable is automatically configured for R processes according to the following rules:

The Applications.Pandoc1Dir, Applications.Pandoc2Dir, and Applications.Pandoc211Dir settings offer more granular control than the RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable.

Example: nice

This configuration uses the nice command to lower the priority of content execution processes. See for details about nice. Because process supervisors are run as a RunAs user and not as root or another super-user, you may not be permitted to assign a negative (higher priority) privilege.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
Supervisor = "/usr/bin/nice -n 2"

The Applications.Supervisor setting must contain the absolute path to the target application or script.

Example: Environment Variables

This configuration uses a custom script to prepare a custom execution environment before finally running the target command.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
Supervisor = "/usr/local/bin/"

Here is an example supervisor that echos its arguments, sets an environment variable, then invokes whatever arguments have been passed.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# /usr/local/bin/

# echo informational messages to standard error to
# prevent Connect from processing them.
echo arguments: "$@" >&2
echo >&2

export COMPANY_DATA_HOME="/data/resides/here"

# Execute the target process after the environment is established.
# All customization must happen before this "exec".
exec "$@"

The argument list of the supervisor is the full command-line of the target command. The supervisor MUST invoke this target command using exec or an equivalent technique.

Example: Red Hat and the GCC Toolset

When using RedHat based OSes, a common issue is the GCC version available is not as modern as required for R package compilation.

To install newer development libraries, you can install and enable GCC Toolsets, prepared by RedHat as an Application Stream. For more information, see the RedHat documentation for RHEL 8 and RHEL 9

First, install the GCC Toolset—we will use version 13 as an example:

sudo yum install gcc-toolset-13

This configuration uses a custom script to prepare a custom execution environment before finally running the target command.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
Supervisor = "/usr/local/bin/"

Then, in the supervisor script, we want the new compilers made available every time:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# /usr/local/bin/

# echo informational messages to standard error to
# prevent Connect from processing them.
echo arguments: "$@" >&2
echo >&2

source /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-13/enable

# Execute the target process after the environment is established.
# All customization must happen before this "exec".
exec "$@"

As always, make sure the Supervisor is made executable:

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/

Example: Script chaining

The supervisor is a program (script) that eventually invokes the target content command. This example combines our two previous examples: it sets some environment variables and alters process priority.

; /etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
Supervisor = "/usr/local/bin/"

This example supervisor configures its environment then uses nice to launch the target command.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# /usr/local/bin/

export COMPANY_DATA_HOME="/data/resides/here"

# Execute the target process after the environment is established.
# All customization must happen before this "exec".
exec /usr/bin/nice -n 2 "$@"

This example uses nice to demonstrate how your supervisor might use some other tool to run the target process. This approach can be helpful if you have existing tools and scripts that you want to combine into your single supervisor.

If you use chaining, each command in the chain MUST invoke the next command using exec or an equivalent technique.

Supervisor Development


Your organization may use shell initialization scripts to establish a particular environment. This environment might not be completely compatible with how Posit Connect attempts to launch Python and R. We recommend building supervisor scripts gradually and carefully. Changes to the environment can alter how your content executes or even prevent Python and R from running correctly.

A configured supervisor is used to run all content in its Posit Connect environment.

  • The supervisor must be readable and executable to other users (e.g. chmod 0755).
  • The supervisor must not output to standard output; use standard error.
  • The supervisor must exec its target command.
  • Within shell script supervisors, remember to export environment variables that need to be visible to sub-processes.

Testing supervisors

You can usually test supervisors by running them manually. For example, we can use our supervisor to run Python and R and display its version:

/usr/local/bin/ \
    /opt/python/3.8.12/bin/python --version
/usr/local/bin/ \
    /opt/R/3.6.3/bin/R --version

We can also test arbitrary commands.

/usr/local/bin/ \
    /usr/bin/env echo "Hello World!"

We could also examine the environment that we expect to be established by the supervisor under different runtimes.

/usr/local/bin/ \
    /opt/python/3.8.12/bin/python -c 'import os; print(os.getenv("COMPANY_DATA_HOME"))'
/usr/local/bin/ \
    /opt/R/3.6.3/bin/R -s -e 'Sys.getenv("COMPANY_DATA_HOME")'

Using the config Package

The config package makes it easy to manage environment specific configuration values in R code. For example, you might want to use one value for a variable locally, and another value when deployed on Posit Connect. The package vignette contains more information.

The config package identifies its target configuration by using the R_CONFIG_ACTIVE environment variable.

Connect sets the R_CONFIG_ACTIVE environment variable when running content that uses R. The value for R_CONFIG_ACTIVE is taken from the R.ConfigActive configuration setting, with a default value of rsconnect.


The R_CONFIG_ACTIVE environment variable is set when running content, not when installing packages.

Individual content items may customize the R_CONFIG_ACTIVE environment variable; installations can prevent this customization by adding R_CONFIG_ACTIVE to the set of prohibited environment variables defined by Applications.ProhibitedEnvironment.

Specifying Protocols

Posit Connect provides a wide variety of techniques to keep Shiny application data in the web browser synchronized. The preferred technique, and the one most widely used, is the use of WebSockets. If WebSockets are not supported, either by some intermediate network between the server and your client or by your client’s web browser, then a fallback protocol will be used.


Python applications on Posit Connect that make use of WebSockets require WebSocket support from the network and any intermediate proxies.

In order of preference, the connection methods supported by Shiny applications are:

  • WebSocket
  • XHR Streaming
  • iframe Eventsource
  • iframe HTML File
  • XHR Polling
  • iframe XHR Polling
  • JSONP Polling

Use the Applications.DisabledProtocol setting to disable specific protocols.

Client Protocol Selection - Shiny Applications

To change the available protocols from the client, open a Shiny application and press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A (or, from a Mac: control+option+shift+A). This will open a window that will allow you to select or deselect any of the above protocols. After you confirm the changes, these settings will be saved in your browser for future visits to this server. These settings will take effect upon loading an application hosted on this domain, and will last until you explicitly change them again; they will only have an effect on the browser in which this action was performed.