Audited Events

This page enumerates Posit Connect’s auditable events.

There are many types of auditable events in Connect. For example, a user creating a group will generate the following event log:

time="2022-10-18T20:07:39.813Z" level=info msg="Added group Publishers" action=add_group actor_description="admin n (admin)" actor_guid=8c1c6df6-16bf-4901-b52c-50de0b1da233 actor_id=1 actor_role=administrator entry_id=73 group_guid=1b2c1790-c95f-4df3-9363-6563475070d0 group_id=2 group_name=Publishers type=audit

Notice that the data associated with the event is provided as key=value pairs. Every audit event will always include the following fields: time (UTC), level=info, type=audit, action, actor_id, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_role. The audit event message will be recorded as msg.

Some audit events will track additional fields. In the example above, group creation also records group_guid, group_id, and group_name.

Audit Actors

Audited actions can be triggered by a user or by an automated system process. Each audited event specifies the type of actor which triggered the event.

Event records triggered by a user will have actor_id, actor_guid, actor_role and actor_description:

actor_id=4 actor_guid=8c1c6df6-16bf-4901-b52c-50de0b1da233 actor_role=publisher actor_description="Frank Castell (fcastell)"

Events triggered by the system will have the fixed fields actor_id=0 and actor_role=system. They will not have an actor_guid:

actor_id=0 actor_role=system actor_description="Scheduled email checker"

The actor_description provides more details about the system process which triggered the event.

Field Data Types

Data fields included in audit entries are of type string, regardless of the configured format (TEXT or JSON), except for *_id fields which are of type int. Example *_id fields include entry_id, content_id, user_id, and group_id.


The time in every log entry is logged in UTC. E.g: time=2022-01-01T20:00:00.000Z

User Events


Create a user.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Change an existing user.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, new_email, new_first_name, new_last_name, new_user_role, new_username, previous_email, previous_first_name, previous_last_name, previous_user_role, previous_username, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Delete a user. This action can only be performed via the usermanager administration command.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Set or remove a lock for an existing user.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Set password for user.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


A user has started a dashboard session.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


A login attempt was unsuccessful.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


A user needed to reauthenticate for a privileged action after a WebSudo timeout.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Activate a token. Tokens are used by the rsconnect R package to authenticate a user.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Create an API key.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Change an existing API key. This action can only be performed via the usermanager administration tool.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, new_user_id, new_user_role, previous_user_id, previous_user_role, time, type


Remove API key.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Created OAuth integration.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Removed OAuth integration.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Updated OAuth integration.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Created OAuth association.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Removed OAuth association.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Removed OAuth session.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


OAuth integration login.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


OAuth integration logout.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


OAuth integration callback.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role

Group Events


Create group.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type


Change an existing group.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, new_name, new_owner_id, previous_name, previous_owner_id, time, type


Delete a group.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type


Add a user to a group.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Remove a user from a group.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role

Content Events


Add new content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Delete content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Change content settings.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, new_access_type, new_connection_timeout, new_description, new_idle_timeout, new_init_timeout, new_load_factor, new_max_conns_per_process, new_max_processes, new_min_processes, new_name, new_read_timeout, new_title, previous_access_type, previous_connection_timeout, previous_description, previous_idle_timeout, previous_init_timeout, previous_load_factor, previous_max_conns_per_process, previous_max_processes, previous_min_processes, previous_name, previous_read_timeout, previous_title, time, type


Create content variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Change variant settings.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, new_owner_id, previous_owner_id, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Promote variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, new_rendering_id, previous_rendering_id, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Duplicate variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Remove variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Create manual overrides for variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Promoted manual overrides for variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Request to email variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Request to render variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Deploy content to the server. Content may need to be published after deployment.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Upload a bundle for a content item.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Remove a bundle.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Download a bundle.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Add vanity URL.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_guid, content_id, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, vanity_id, vanity_prefix


Update vanity URL.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_guid, content_id, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, vanity_id, vanity_prefix


Remove vanity URL.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_guid, content_id, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, vanity_id, vanity_prefix


Subscribe user to content variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Unsubscribe user from content variant.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Removed rendering for a given content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Update environment variables.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Content ownership transfer.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Disable emailing scheduled reports to everyone on the server.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Built bundle for content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Add a preview image to a content item.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Delete a preview image from a content item.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Register order to kill a job.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, job_host, job_id, job_key, job_pid, level, msg, time, type

Content Permission Events


Give a user view or edit access to content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Remove a user from view or edit access list.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type, user_guid, user_id, user_role


Give a group view or edit access to content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type


Remove a group from view or edit access list.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, group_guid, group_id, group_name, level, msg, time, type


Change from a specific list of viewers to “just me”.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Permission request to access content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_access_request_id, content_access_request_role, content_access_request_status, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type

Git Events


Assign Git repository as source for content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, git_branch, git_path, git_url, level, msg, time, type


Fetch Git repository.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, git_branch, git_path, git_url, level, msg, time, type


Update Git repository.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, git_branch, git_path, git_url, level, msg, new_branch, new_content_path, new_enabled, new_repository_url, previous_branch, previous_content_path, previous_enabled, previous_repository_url, time, type


Remove Git repository.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type


Created bundle fom Git location.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, bundle_id, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, time, type

Scheduled Content Events


Update content’s schedule.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, new_next_run, new_schedule, new_start_time, new_time_zone, previous_next_run, previous_schedule, previous_start_time, previous_time_zone, schedule_id, schedule_next_run, schedule_timezone, schedule_type, time, type


Schedule content run.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, schedule_id, schedule_next_run, schedule_timezone, schedule_type, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name


Remove content’s schedule.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, schedule_id, schedule_next_run, schedule_timezone, schedule_type, time, type, variant_id, variant_key, variant_name

Tag/Category Events


Create a tag/category.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Create tag as a child of some parent tag/category.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Delete a tag/category.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Update a tag/category.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, new_name, new_parent_id, new_version, previous_name, previous_parent_id, previous_version, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Associate a tag with some parent tag/category.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Associate a tag with content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Disassociate a tag with content.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, content_guid, content_id, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type


Delete a child tag.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, tag_id, tag_name, tag_version, time, type

Python Environment Events


Remove unused python environment.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type

Execution Environment Events


Add new execution environment.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, environment_guid, environment_id, level, msg, time, type


Remove execution environment.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, environment_guid, environment_id, level, msg, time, type


Update execution environment.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, environment_guid, environment_id, level, msg, new_cluster_name, new_description, new_environment_type, new_matching, new_name, new_supervisor, new_title, previous_cluster_name, previous_description, previous_environment_type, previous_matching, previous_name, previous_supervisor, previous_title, time, type

Runtime Cache Deletion Events


Deleted runtime cache.

Event logging fields: action, actor_description, actor_guid, actor_id, actor_role, entry_id, level, msg, time, type