Connect Cloud User Guide
Posit Connect Cloud is an online platform to simplify the deployment of data applications and documents. Anyone can create a free account by authenticating with GitHub.
We’re now in Beta, which provides the following core functionality:
- Supported Python frameworks: Shiny, Streamlit, Bokeh, Dash, Quarto, and Jupyter via requirements.txt.
- Supported R frameworks: Shiny, Quarto, and R Markdown via manifest.json.
- Public GitHub Repositories: All users can deploy content by pointing to code in public GitHub repositories. Successful deployments will generate a publicly viewable url for your content.
- Private GitHub Repositories: Any paying user can deploy from private GitHub repositories
- Private Sharing: Paid users on Enhanced plans can share content privately through Private Link Sharing.
We very much want your feedback as we continue to iterate.
Thank you!